Edward Hopper. Light and Dark. Gerry Souter
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Romantic entanglements left behind, Hopper returned from Europe energised and ready to see his paintings on gallery walls. Regardless of personal problems brought on by his reserve and quiet nature and his dismissal of what he deemed to be distractions, his work had never let him down. He had spent seven years perfecting his technique, his eye for composition and hand for execution. The explosion of light and colour he had discovered in France had jarred him away from the sombre palette of Robert Henri, who had vaulted to success following his own tour abroad. Now, it was Hopper’s turn to cash in.
Needing to become independent and remain permanently in the city, he faced the economic challenge of finding an apartment-studio and ready cash. Unfortunately only two months after Hopper stepped ashore in New York, on 16 October 1907, F. Augustus Heinze’s scheme to corner the market in United Copper stock was exposed. The exposure revealed a network of interlocking directorates that included banks, brokerage houses and trust companies. This sudden revelation of bankers and stockbrokers in collusion came on the heels of the stock market plunge early that spring. This double hit fuelled a need among bank depositors to withdraw their money until matters were sorted out. That need resulted in runs on banks across the country. Since no bank keeps 100 per cent of depositors’ cash on hand, the rush to empty bank accounts became the Bank Panic of 1907.
With the economy suddenly clapped in irons, disposable and investment income dried up. Even the wealthy snapped their purses shut, casting a jaundiced eye on investments that didn’t translate into a proven return. The art world saw sales droop, commissions cancelled and shows of “promising artists, ‘…put on hold ‘…until further notice.”
Hopper had no choice but to fall back on his skills as a commercial illustrator to earn money and maintain some semblance of independence from his family. This turn of events no doubt brought knowing smiles from the Smith-Hopper matriarchy in Nyack. He immediately sought out his pals from the art school to find wall space for his new work during this temporary set-back. In the meantime, his portfolio landed him illustration piece-work with the Sherman and Bryan Agency knocking out straw hat ads in stylish Art Nouveau designs that were the current rage. A frieze of chatting men in half-tone silhouettes behind the rendering of a straw boater was hardly innovative but they helped Hopper build some savings toward his real goal – a rapid return to Paris.
While Hopper slaved over his commercial drawing board, his mentor, Robert Henri, continued to create a buzz in the New York art world. With collectors and investors shying away from unknown American artists in favour of bankable Europeans – especially with the panic gripping America’s finances – Henri felt that homegrown talent needed showcases and the stilted world of academic art needed shaking up.
Using his students as a base and trading on his own modest celebrity, on 3 February 1908 Henri opened a show of independent artists at the MacBeth Gallery at 450 Fifth Avenue. Besides his own work, he featured John Sloan, Ernest Lawson, George Luks, Everett Shinn, William Glackens, Arthur Davies and Maurice Prendergast.
Reviews for “The Eight” were lukewarm and in the Evening Mail the artists were relegated to “…a future that is never going to happen at all.” This show did have impact beyond its original intent however. It was the first non-juried exhibition without prizes that was organised and selected by a group of artists. This type of exhibition became the model for one of the most famous exhibits in the history of Modern Art, the Armory Show of 1913.[8]
18. Valley of the Seine, 1909. Oil on canvas, 66 × 96.2 cm. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Josephine N. Hopper Bequest.
19. Thomas Cole, View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm – The Oxbow, 1836. Oil on canvas, 130.8 × 193 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, gift of Mrs. Russell Sage.
While Henri’s show at the MacBeth Gallery confounded critics, another show had been in the works since 1906 titled Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Contemporary American Artists. Installed on the top floor of a building at 43–45 West 42nd Street, the show opened on 9 March to run until 31 March 1908. Created by New York School of Art students Glenn Coleman, Arnold Friedman and Julius Glotz, it featured fifteen artists; one of them was Edward Hopper.
Though the show purported to present the latest in striving for a “National Art,” Hopper and three other artists showed French paintings. He offered The Louvre and Seine, The Park at St Cloud and Le Pont des Arts. Guy du Bois, Hopper’s friend from school, hung Gaité Montparnasse. Du Bois also became the mouthpiece for the group, using his media contacts to write articles and trumpet the group’s success. He became a particular champion for Hopper over the years in a maturing friendship.
These young American painters, with Luks, Sloan, Glackens and Shinn at the core, had at last found wall space and were at least being noticed – if only to be ridiculed. They continued to follow Henri’s lead, seeking out gritty urban subject matter in New York and rendering it in the dark palette of colours favoured by Goya, Manet, Velázquez and Frans Hals. Together, the young rebels were dubbed The Ash Can School of American painting. While urban realism was nothing new – Chase had been an urban Realist – the group’s subject matter portrayed the bottom half of the city’s population, the alleys, elevated trains, crowded streets, tenements and steamy waterfronts.
The subject matter and nature of Hopper’s style abstracted him from the grim and gritty “Ash Can” painters. If critics mentioned him at all, his work was considered with a sniff “…European”. He did, however, shift his interest to more “national” scenes, creating Tramp Steamer (actually a British ship seen crossing the English Channel), The El Station, Railroad Train and Tugboat with Black Smokestack. His palette remained light and he subsequently fell out of favour with Henri. While Hopper disagreed with Henri, he was still drawn to his former teacher’s example of going abroad over the summers. To that end, Hopper avoided late nights drinking with the boys and any living expenses beyond the basics. He cultivated a generally frugal lifestyle that would continue long after his reputation was made.
In March 1909 Hopper bolted from New York, arrived in Plymouth, England on the 17th, and headed directly for Paris via Cherbourg. Wasting no time, he presented himself at Mme Jammes’ Baptist Mission at 48 rue de Lille. What he found was Mme Jammes near death at the hospital and his rooms in doubt. He was forced to pay money for an hotel room until his lodgings could be sorted out. On 28 April the elderly landlady who had mothered Edward during his first visit and wrote glowing letters to Elizabeth in Nyack about her wonderful “mama’s boy”, died of consumption. MrsJammes’ sons now controlled the fate of Hopper’s lodging. He ingratiated himself by showing up at her interment in the cemetery at Courbevoie, and the sons, in turn, let him keep his room. Edward mentioned her death in his letter home, but only as an obstacle to his convenience.
He wasted no time and set to work in familiar settings along the Seine and in the nearby French countryside. During this visit, his palette deepened and his brush strokes lost their choppy impressionist quality. Le Pont Royal and Le Pavillon de Flore are more substantial as structures, as is the Ile Saint-Louis, all three buildings located on the placid Seine. The Louvre looms in shadow beneath an approaching thunderstorm, reflecting the poor weather that seemed to dog this Paris trip. Whenever the sun showed, Hopper exploited its dimension-giving brightness on walls as in Le Quai des Grands Augustins, where the distant buildings leap into relief.
His technique became so secure that he used oils with a surety of stroke that found even greater expression with his later watercolours. The buildings, boats and bridges are sketched solidly into place with a minimum of fuss and disdain for details. The oils are the antithesis of his precise, linear
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