1000 Buddhas of Genius. Victoria Charles
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69. Standing Buddha, date unknown, Sule Pagoda, Yangon, Burma, gold.
70. Standing Buddha with attendants, date unknown, Kyaikbawlaw Pagoda, Kyaikto, Burma, gold.
71. The Attack of Mara, date unknown, Tep Pranam, Siem Reap, Cambodia, stone.
Five months after the crisis under the Bodhi tree and three months after Gautama’s arrival at the Migadaya wood, he called together all his disciples, who at that time numbered sixty persons, and sent them in different directions to preach and teach, leaving Yasa only to remain at Benares near his parents.
The Burmese account states that on this occasion Buddha gave the following speech: “Beloved Rahans (‘monks’), I am free from the five great passions which, like an immense net, encompass men and [gods]; you too, owing to the instructions you have received from me, enjoy the same glorious privilege. There is now incumbent on us a great duty, that of labouring effectually on behalf of men and [gods], and procuring to them the invaluable blessing of the deliverance. To the end of securing more effectually the success of such an undertaking, let us part with each other and proceed in various and opposite directions, so that no two of us should follow up the same way. Go ye now, and preach the most excellent Law, expounding every point thereof, and unfolding it with care and attention in all its bearings and particulars. Explain the beginning, the middle, and the end of the law to all men without exception: let everything respecting it be made publicly known and brought to broad daylight. Show, now, the way leading to the practise of pure and meritorious works. You will meet, doubtless, with a great number of mortals not as yet hopelessly given up to their passions, and who will avail themselves of your preaching for reconquering their hitherto forfeited liberty, and freeing themselves from the thrall of passions. For my part, I will direct my course to the village of Sena, situated in the vicinity of the solitude of Uruwela.”
Throughout his career, Gautama was in the habit of travelling about during most of the fine part of the year, teaching and preaching to the people; but during the four rainy months, from June to October, he remained in one place devoting himself more particularly to the instruction of his declared followers.
72. Phra Bot (Buddhist temple banner) showing Sakyamuni Buddha with his two chief disciples, the monks Sariputra and Maudgalyayana, date unknown, location unknown, painting on cloth, 98 × 270 cm.
From the Pali Canon:
His teachings, always practical, include lessons in basic good manners:
“And how is a monk one with a sense of social gatherings? There is the case where a monk knows his social gathering: ‘This is a social gathering of noble warriors; this, a social gathering of priests; this, a social gathering of householders; this, a social gathering of contemplatives; here one should approach them in this way, stand in this way, act in this way, sit in this way, speak in this way, stay silent in this way.’ If he didn’t know his social gathering, he wouldn’t be said to be one with a sense of social gatherings. So it’s because he does know his social gathering that he is said to be one with a sense of social gatherings. This is one with a sense of Dharma, a sense of meaning, a sense of himself, a sense of moderation, a sense of time, and a sense of social gatherings.”
[AN VII.64]
…lessons in how to treat one’s parents:
Support for one’s parents,
assistance to one’s wife and children,
consistency in one’s work:
This is the highest protection.
[Sn II.4]
73. The Buddha Preaching His First Sermon, date unknown, Wat Palelai Temple, Singapore, carved, painted and gilded teakwood, 2.48 × 1.17 m.
Mother and father,
compassionate to their family,
are called
first teachers,
those worthy of gifts
from their children.
So the wise should pay them
with food and drink
clothing and bedding
anointing and bathing
and washing their feet.
Performing these services to their parents, the wise
are praised right here
and after death
rejoice in heaven.
[Iti 106]
…lessons on the value of generosity:
“And what is the treasure of generosity? There is the case of a disciple of the noble ones, his awareness cleansed of the stain of stinginess, living at home, freely generous, openhanded, delighting in being magnanimous, responsive to requests, delighting in the distribution of alms. This is called the treasure of generosity.”
[AN VII.6]
74. Seated Buddha, date unknown, Wihan Nam Tam, Wat Phrathat Lampang Luang, Lampang Luang, Thailand, gilt bronze.
75. Seated Buddha, date unknown, Wat Na Praman, Ayutthaya, Thailand.
…on the value of virtue:
“And what is the treasure of virtue? There is the case where a disciple of the noble ones abstains from taking life, abstains from stealing, abstains from illicit sexual conduct, abstains from lying, abstains from taking intoxicants that cause heedlessness. This, monks, is called the treasure of virtue.”
[AN VII.6]
…on the fruits of virtuous conduct:
With mind rightly directed,
speaking right speech,
doing right deeds with the body:
a person here