Love Like This. Sophie Love

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Love Like This - Sophie Love The Romance Chronicles

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I may,” Lisa said. “My Florida piece is almost done. I can finish it up on the plane.”

      “Absolutely not,” Elliot replied. “No one can be on two assignments at once. Who’s free?”

      There was a collective deflating as several of the writers around the table realized that they were already out of the running.

      “I’m free,” Duncan said. “I was supposed to be flying to Madrid today but work comes first. Stacy won’t mind if I defer the holiday.”

      Keira only just managed to stop herself from rolling her eyes on hearing Duncan’s rehearsed line. She wondered how chill Stacy really was about her holiday being cancelled.

      Elliot scrutinized Duncan across the table. “You’re that Buxton guy, aren’t you? The one who wrote the Frankfurt piece?”

      “Yes,” Duncan replied, grinning proudly.

      “I hated that piece,” Elliot said.

      Keira could feel it bubbling up in her, the excitement. This was her moment. Her time to shine.

      Ignoring the nerves she felt, she raised her hand with forced confidence. “I’m available for the piece.”

      Everyone’s heads turned to look at her. She fought the urge to hunker down in her seat.

      “Who are you?” Elliot asked.

      Keira gulped. “Keira Swanson. I’m Joshua’s junior writer. He tasked me to do some preliminary research for this piece.”

      “He did, did he?” Elliot asked, sounding unimpressed to learn that Joshua was dishing his duties out to his junior staff. He stroked his chin in contemplation. “You’ve not been abroad on an assignment before?”

      Keira shook her head. “Not yet,” she replied. “But I’m excited to.” She hoped the warble in her voice couldn’t be heard.

      She could feel her colleagues around her bristling with irritation. They probably thought this was all very unfair, that Keira didn’t deserve this assignment. They were probably kicking themselves for volunteering for less glamorous pieces in the weeks prior because now they were stuck with them. The only person showing any hint of support was Nina, who smiled in her knowing way. Internally, Keira felt herself smile as well. This was her moment. She’d been biding her time at Viatorum, mopping up after Joshua, rewriting his pieces on his behalf, working all hours with little reward. Now it was her turn in the spotlight.

      Elliot drummed his fingers on the tabletop. “I’m not sure,” he said. “You haven’t proven yourself yet. And this is a big task.”

      Nina boldly piped up from the other end of the room. She’d done her time, earned trust and respect. Years of editing at high-end magazines had hardened her. “I don’t think you have any other options.”

      Elliot paused as though letting the words sink in. Then his frown began to relax and with a reluctant sort of acceptance he said, “Fine. Swanson, you have the piece. But only because we’re desperate.”

      It wasn’t the best way in the world to receive such good news, but Keira didn’t care. She’d gotten the piece. That was all that mattered. She had to fight the urge to punch the air.

      “It’s a four-week trip,” Elliot explained. “To the Lisdoonvarna Festival, in Ireland.”

      Keira nodded; she already knew all of this. “The Festival of Love,” she said wryly.

      Elliot smirked. “So you’re a cynic?”

      Suddenly nervous, Keira worried whether she’d said the wrong thing, had let her disdain slip out by accident. But then she noticed Elliot’s expression was actually one of approval.

      “That’s exactly the sort of angle I’m looking for,” he said.

      Everyone around the table looked like they’d sucked lemons. Lisa outright glared her jealousy at Keira.

      “The truth,” Elliot added, his eyes sparkling with sudden excitement. “I want you to debunk the silliness of the romance of Ireland. Debunk the myth that one can be matched with their life partner just through some sentimental festival. I need you to be brave and show how it’s all nonsense, how love doesn’t work like that in the real world. I want it warts and all.”

      Keira nodded. She was a cynical New Yorker, and the angle of the assignment sat very well with her. She couldn’t help but feel like the perfect opportunity had landed in her lap at the perfect time. This was her chance to shine, to show off her voice and talent, to prove she deserved her place at Viatorum.

      “Meeting dismissed,” Elliot said. As Keira stood, he added, “Not you, Miss Swanson. We need to go through the finer details with my assistant. Please, let’s head to my office.”

      As the others filed out of the conference room, Nina caught Keira’s eye and flashed her a thumbs-up. Then Keira walked across the length of the office, side by side with Elliot, her heels clacking and drawing jealous stares from everyone around her.


      The second the door shut to Elliot’s office, Keira knew the real work was about to begin. Elliot’s assistant, Heather, was already seated. She frowned with confusion when she realized Keira had been picked for the assignment, but she didn’t say anything.

      You’re just another person to prove wrong, Keira thought.

      She took her seat and so did Elliot. Heather handed a binder to her.

      “Your plane tickets,” she explained. “And details of your accommodations.”

      “I hope you’re an early riser because you’ll be leaving first thing in the morning,” Elliot added.

      Keira smiled, though her mind reeled through all of the planned events she had in her calendar, all the things she would have to cancel and miss out on. A cold sweat descended over her as she realized that she’d be missing Zachary’s sister Ruth’s wedding, which was the very next day. He was going to be so pissed!

      “That’s no problem,” she said, looking down at the tickets in her binder that were for a 6 a.m. flight. “No problem at all.”

      “We’ve booked you into a quaint little B and B in Lisdoonvarna,” Elliot explained. “No frills. We want you to experience everything.”

      “Great,” she replied.

      “Don’t screw this up, okay?” Elliot said. “I’m taking a huge risk on you. If you mess this assignment up your days here are over. Got it? There’s a hundred other writers waiting for your spot.”

      Keira nodded, trying not to show the anxiety on her face, trying to make herself look bold and confident and totally together, while inside, she felt as if a thousand butterflies had taken flight.


      Later that evening, when Keira arrived back home to the apartment she shared with her boyfriend, she found herself still shaking with excitement and disbelief. Her hand trembled as she tried to get her key in the lock of their apartment door.

      Finally, she opened the door and walked inside. The smell of cooked food lingered in the air, mixed with the smell of cleaning fluids.

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