Mr Punch's Pocket Ibsen – A Collection of Some of the Master's Best Known Dramas. Anstey F.

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Mr Punch's Pocket Ibsen – A Collection of Some of the Master's Best Known Dramas - Anstey F.

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you mind, as my husband's new Cashier, just doing up the trimming for me?

Mrs. Linden

      Not at all – is it not part of my regular duties? [Sewing.] Don't you think, Nora, that you see a little too much of Dr. Rank?


      Oh, I couldn't see too much of Dr. Rank! He is so amusing – always talking about his complaints, and heredity, and all sorts of indescribably funny things. Go away now, dear; I hear Torvald.

[Mrs. Linden goes. Enter Torvald from the Manager's room. Nora runs trippingly to him.Nora

      [Coaxing.] Oh, Torvald, if only you won't dismiss Krogstad, you can't think how your little lark would jump about and twitter.


      The inducement would be stronger but for the fact that, as it is, the little lark is generally engaged in that particular occupation. And I really must get rid of Krogstad. If I didn't, people would say I was under the thumb of my little squirrel here, and then Krogstad and I knew each other in early youth; and when two people knew each other in early youth – [a short pause] – h'm! Besides, he will address me as, "I say, Torvald" – which causes me most painful emotion! He is tactless, dishonest, familiar, and morally ruined – altogether not at all the kind of person to be a Cashier in a Bank like mine.


      But he writes in scurrilous papers – he is on the staff of the Norwegian Punch. If you dismiss him, he may write nasty things about you, as wicked people did about poor dear papa!

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