Пандемия: Всемирная история смертельных вирусов. Соня Шах

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Пандемия: Всемирная история смертельных вирусов - Соня Шах

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      А. Камю «Чума». Пер. Н. М. Жарковой.


      «Штамм "Андромеда"» – научно-фантастический роман американского писателя Майкла Крайтона, изданный в 1969 году. – Прим. пер.


      Здесь и далее в книге под патогенами подразумеваются патогены-микроорганизмы, поскольку именно о них идет рассказ. Вообще же, в широком смысле, патогеном может называться любой фактор внешней среды, вызывающий в организме болезненные изменения. – Прим. пер.



      Rita Colwell, "Global Climate and Infectious Disease: The Cholera Paradigm," Science 274, no. 5295 (1996): 2025–31.


      M. Burnet, Natural History of Infectious Disease (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962), cited in Gerald B. Pier, "On the Greatly Exaggerated Reports of the Death of Infectious Diseases," Clin Infectious Diseases 47, no. 8 (2008): 1113–14.


      Madeline Drexler, Secret Agents: The Menace of Emerging Infections (Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press, 2002), 6.


      Kristin Harper and George Armelagos, "The Changing Disease-Scape in the Third Epidemiological Transition," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 7, no. 2 (2010): 675–97.


      Peter Washer, Emerging Infectious Diseases and Society (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 47.


      Kate E. Jones et al., "Global Trends in Emerging Infectious Diseases," Nature 451, no. 7181 (2008): 990–93.


      Stephen Morse, plenary address, International Society for Disease Surveillance, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 7–8, 2011.


      Burnet, Natural History of Infectious Disease.


      Jones, "Global Trends in Emerging Infectious Diseases."


      Paul W. Ewald and Gregory M. Cochran, "Chlamydia pneumoniae and Cardiovascular Disease: An Evolutionary Perspective on Infectious Causation and Antibiotic Treatment," The Journal of Infectious Diseases 181, supp. 3 (2000): S394– S401.


      Brad Spellberg, "Antimicrobial Resistance: Policy Recommendations to Save Lives," International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, GA, March 13, 2012.


      Drexler, Secret Agents, 7.


      Wändi Bruine de Bruin et al., "Expert Judgments of Pandemic Influenza Risks," Global Public Health 1, no. 2 (2006): 179–94.


      Fatimah S. Dawood et al., "Estimated Global Mortality Associated with the First 12 Months of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A H1N1 Virus Circulation: A Modelling Study," The Lancet Infectious Diseases 12, no. 9 (2012): 687–95.


      Ronald Barrett et al., "Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases: The Third Epidemiologic Transition," Annual Review of Anthropology 27 (1998): 247–71.


      World Health Organization, "Ebola Response Roadmap – Situation Report," May 6, 2015; "UN Says Nearly $1.26 Billion Needed to Fight Ebola Outbreak," The Straits Times, Sept. 16, 2014; Daniel Schwartz, "Worst-ever Ebola O utbreak Getting Even Worse: By the Numbers," CBCnews, CBC/Radio-Canada, Sept. 16, 2014; Denise Grady, "U. S. Scientists See Long Fight Against Ebola," The New York Times, Sept. 12, 2014.


      CDC, "U. S. Multi-State Measles Outbreak 2014–2015," Feb. 12, 2015; CDC, "Notes from the Field: Measles Outbreak – Indiana, June – July 2011," MMWR, Sept. 2, 2011.


      Maryn McKenna, Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA (New York: Free Press, 2010), 34; Andrew Pollack, "Looking for a Superbug Killer," The New York Times, Nov. 6, 2010.


      N. Cimolai, "MRSA and the Environment: Implications for Comprehensive Control Measures,"

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