The Works of John Dryden, now first collected in eighteen volumes. Volume 16. John Dryden
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To return to Father Xavier; – he put to sea at Cochin, and sailed towards Cambaya. In the ship there was a Portuguese gentleman, much a libertine, and one of those declared atheists who make a boast of their impiety. This was motive enough for the holy man to make acquaintance with him. He kept him company, and was even so complaisant as to entertain him with pleasant conversation. The Portuguese was much delighted with his good humour, and took pleasure in hearing him discourse on many curious subjects. But if Xavier offered to let fall a word concerning the salvation of his soul, he laughed at it, and would hear no more. If the father mildly reproved him for his profane and scandalous way of living, he flew out into a fury against the holy practice of the church, and swore he would never more come to confession.
These ill inclinations did not at all discourage Xavier from his undertaking. He treated this hardened sinner after the manner that physicians use a patient raving in his sickness, with all manner of compassion and soft behaviour. In the meantime, they came to an anchor before the port of Cananor, and, going ashore together, they took a walk into a wood of palm-trees which was near their place of landing. After they had made a turn or two, the saint stripped himself to the waist, and taking a discipline, pointed at the ends with wire, struck so hard and so often on his naked body, that, in a very little time, his back and shoulders were all bloody. "It is for your sake," said he to the gentleman who accompanied him, "that I do what you see, and all this is nothing to what I would willingly suffer for you. But," added he, "you have cost Christ Jesus a much dearer price. Will neither his passion, his death, nor all his blood, suffice to soften the hardness of your heart?" After this, addressing himself to our blessed Saviour, "O Lord," said he, "be pleased to look on thy own adorable blood, and not on that of so vile a sinner as myself." The gentleman, amazed and confounded, both at once, at such an excess of charity, cast himself at the feet of Xavier, beseeching him to forbear, and promising to confess himself and totally to change his former life. In effect, before they departed out of the wood, he made a general confession to the father, with sincere contrition for his sins, and afterwards lived with the exemplary behaviour and practice of a good Christian.
Being returned to the port, they went again on shipboard, and continued their voyage to Cambaya. When they were arrived at that place, Xavier went to wait on the viceroy, and easily persuaded him to what he desired, in reference to Jafanatapan; for, besides that Sosa reposed an entire confidence in Father Xavier, and was himself zealous for the faith, the expedition, which was proposed to him, was the most glorious that the Portuguese could undertake, since the consequence of it was to punish a tyrant, to dispossess an usurper, and to restore a lawful king.
The viceroy, therefore, wrote letters, and dispatched couriers, to the captains of Comorin and of the Fishery, commanding them to assemble all the forces they could make at Negapatan, and make a sudden irruption into the tyrant's country, without giving him time to provide for his defence. He gave them also in charge to take the tyrant alive, if possibly they could, and put him into the hands of Father Francis, who desired his conversion, not his death, and hoped the blood of the martyrs of Manar might obtain the forgiveness of his crimes.
Xavier, encouraged by these hopes, returned towards Cochin, where he proposed to himself to follow his ministerial vocation, while the preparations of war were making. Coming back by Cananor, he lodged in the house of a Christian, who himself was religious, but his son debauched, and subject to all sorts of vices. The good man, sensibly afflicted at the ill conduct of his graceless son, wept day and night; and Xavier began at first to comfort him, saying, those vices were ordinary in youth, and riper age would reclaim him from them. Having done speaking, he stood mute awhile, and recollected himself; then, suddenly lifting up his eyes to heaven, "Know," said he, "that you are the most happy father in the world. This libertine son, who has given you so many disquiets, shall one day change his manners, he shall be a religious of the order of St Francis, and at last shall die a martyr." The event verified the prediction. The young man afterwards took the habit of St Francis, and went to preach the faith in the kingdom of Cande,4 where he received martyrdom from the barbarians.
Father Xavier, being come back to Cochin, was very kindly received by the secretary of state, Cosmo Annez, his intimate friend, who was there on some important business. Being one day together, and talking familiarly, Xavier asked Annez, if the year had been good for the Portugal merchants? Annez answered him, that it could not have been better: that not long since, seven vessels had been sent off, which were now in their passage to Europe, and richly laden. He added, that himself had sent the king of Portugal a rare diamond, which had cost six thousand ducats at Goa, and Avould be worth more than thirty thousand at Lisbon. Xavier had a farther curiosity to enquire, which of the ships had carried the diamond; and Annez told him, it was the ship called the Atoghia, and that he had entrusted the jewel to John Norogna, who was captain of the ship.
Xavier then entered into a profound meditation; and after he had kept silence for some time, all on the sudden thus replied; "I could have wished that a diamond of so great value had not been entrusted to that ship." "And for what reason?" answered Annez; "is it not because the Atoghia has once formerly sprung a leak? but, father, she is now so well refitted, that she may be taken for a new vessel." The saint explained himself no farther; and Annez, upon a second consideration, began to conjecture, both from the father's words, and afterwards from, his silence, that there was some danger in the matter, whereupon he desired him to recommend that ship to the protection of almighty God; "for in conclusion," said he, "the Atoghia cannot be lost without a very considerable damage to me. I have had no order," said he, "to buy that diamond; so that in case it should miscarry, the loss will be wholly mine."
Sitting one day together at the table, and Xavier observing Annez to be in great concernment, "give thanks to God," said he, "your diamond is safe, and at this very time in the hands of the queen of Portugal." Annez believed Xavier on his word; and understood afterwards, by letters from Norogna, that the ship opened in the midst of her voyage, and let in so much water, that being upon the point of sinking, the mariners had resolved to have forsaken her, and thrown themselves into the sea, but after having cut down the main mast, they changed their thoughts without any apparent reason; that the leak stopped of itself, and the ship pursuing her course, with only two sails, arrived safely in the port of Lisbon.
The man of God remained about three months in Cochin, and towards the end of May set sail for Negapatan, where the Portuguese fleet was now in a readiness. Passing by the Isle of De las Vaccas, which is near the flats of Ceylon, towards the north, he raised to life a Saracen's child, which is all that is known of that miracle. He was desirous in his passage to see the isle of Manar, where so many Christians had been massacred for the faith; and going ashore, he often kissed the ground, which had been sprinkled with the blood of martyrs at Pasim. While he rejoiced at the happy destiny of the dead, he had cause to be afflicted for the misfortune of the living: a contagious disease laid waste the island, and there died an hundred every day.
When the Manarois had notice, that the great father, so famous in the Indies, was at Pasim, they assembled together, above three thousand of them, for the most part Gentiles, and being come to the village, besought him humbly to deliver them
Cande is a kingdom in the island of Ceylon.