Dombey and Son. Чарльз Диккенс
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Paul now slipped away from the cushioned corner of a sofa, which had been his post of observation, and went downstairs into the tea-room to be ready for Florence, whom he had not seen for nearly a fortnight, as he had remained at Doctor Blimber’s on the previous Saturday and Sunday, lest he should take cold. Presently she came: looking so beautiful in her simple ball dress, with her fresh flowers in her hand, that when she knelt down on the ground to take Paul round the neck and kiss him (for there was no one there, but his friend and another young woman waiting to serve out the tea), he could hardly make up his mind to let her go again, or to take away her bright and loving eyes from his face.
‘But what is the matter, Floy?’ asked Paul, almost sure that he saw a tear there.
‘Nothing, darling; nothing,’ returned Florence.
Paul touched her cheek gently with his finger – and it was a tear! ‘Why, Floy!’ said he.
‘We’ll go home together, and I’ll nurse you, love,’ said Florence.
‘Nurse me!’ echoed Paul.
Paul couldn’t understand what that had to do with it, nor why the two young women looked on so seriously, nor why Florence turned away her face for a moment, and then turned it back, lighted up again with smiles.
‘Floy,’ said Paul, holding a ringlet of her dark hair in his hand. ‘Tell me, dear, Do you think I have grown old-fashioned?’
His sister laughed, and fondled him, and told him ‘No.’
‘Because I know they say so,’ returned Paul, ‘and I want to know what they mean, Floy.’
But a loud double knock coming at the door, and Florence hurrying to the table, there was no more said between them. Paul wondered again when he saw his friend whisper to Florence, as if she were comforting her; but a new arrival put that out of his head speedily.
It was Sir Barnet Skettles, Lady Skettles, and Master Skettles. Master Skettles was to be a new boy after the vacation, and Fame had been busy, in Mr Feeder’s room, with his father, who was in the House of Commons, and of whom Mr Feeder had said that when he did catch the Speaker’s eye (which he had been expected to do for three or four years), it was anticipated that he would rather touch up the Radicals.
‘And what room is this now, for instance?’ said Lady Skettles to Paul’s friend, ‘Melia.
‘Doctor Blimber’s study, Ma’am,’ was the reply.
Lady Skettles took a panoramic survey of it through her glass, and said to Sir Barnet Skettles, with a nod of approval, ‘Very good.’ Sir Barnet assented, but Master Skettles looked suspicious and doubtful.
‘And this little creature, now,’ said Lady Skettles, turning to Paul. ‘Is he one of the – ’
‘Young gentlemen, Ma’am; yes, Ma’am,’ said Paul’s friend.
‘And what is your name, my pale child?’ said Lady Skettles.
‘Dombey,’ answered Paul.
Sir Barnet Skettles immediately interposed, and said that he had had the honour of meeting Paul’s father at a public dinner, and that he hoped he was very well. Then Paul heard him say to Lady Skettles, ‘City – very rich – most respectable – Doctor mentioned it.’ And then he said to Paul, ‘Will you tell your good Papa that Sir Barnet Skettles rejoiced to hear that he was very well, and sent him his best compliments?’
‘Yes, Sir,’ answered Paul.
‘That is my brave boy,’ said Sir Barnet Skettles. ‘Barnet,’ to Master Skettles, who was revenging himself for the studies to come, on the plum-cake, ‘this is a young gentleman you ought to know. This is a young gentleman you may know, Barnet,’ said Sir Barnet Skettles, with an emphasis on the permission.
‘What eyes! What hair! What a lovely face!’ exclaimed Lady Skettles softly, as she looked at Florence through her glass.
‘My sister,’ said Paul, presenting her.
The satisfaction of the Skettleses was now complete. And as Lady Skettles had conceived, at first sight, a liking for Paul, they all went upstairs together: Sir Barnet Skettles taking care of Florence, and young Barnet following.
Young Barnet did not remain long in the background after they had reached the drawing-room, for Dr Blimber had him out in no time, dancing with Florence. He did not appear to Paul to be particularly happy, or particularly anything but sulky, or to care much what he was about; but as Paul heard Lady Skettles say to Mrs Blimber, while she beat time with her fan, that her dear boy was evidently smitten to death by that angel of a child, Miss Dombey, it would seem that Skettles Junior was in a state of bliss, without showing it.
Little Paul thought it a singular coincidence that nobody had occupied his place among the pillows; and that when he came into the room again, they should all make way for him to go back to it, remembering it was his. Nobody stood before him either, when they observed that he liked to see Florence dancing, but they left the space in front quite clear, so that he might follow her with his eyes. They were so kind, too, even the strangers, of whom there were soon a great many, that they came and spoke to him every now and then, and asked him how he was, and if his head ached, and whether he was tired. He was very much obliged to them for all their kindness and attention, and reclining propped up in his corner, with Mrs Blimber and Lady Skettles on the same sofa, and Florence coming and sitting by his side as soon as every dance was ended, he looked on very happily indeed.
Florence would have sat by him all night, and would not have danced at all of her own accord, but Paul made her, by telling her how much it pleased him. And he told her the truth, too; for his small heart swelled, and his face glowed, when he saw how much they all admired her, and how she was the beautiful little rosebud of the room.
From his nest among the pillows, Paul could see and hear almost everything that passed as if the whole were being done for his amusement. Among other little incidents that he observed, he observed Mr Baps the dancing-master get into conversation with Sir Barnet Skettles, and very soon ask him, as he had asked Mr Toots, what you were to do with your raw materials, when they came into your ports in return for your drain of gold – which was such a mystery to Paul that he was quite desirous to know what ought to be done with them. Sir Barnet Skettles had much to say upon the question, and said it; but it did not appear to solve the question, for Mr Baps retorted, Yes, but supposing Russia stepped in with her tallows; which struck Sir Barnet almost dumb, for he could only shake his head after that, and say, Why then you must fall back upon your cottons, he supposed.
Sir Barnet Skettles looked after Mr Baps when he went to cheer up Mrs Baps (who, being quite deserted, was pretending to look over the music-book of the gentleman who played the harp), as if he thought him a remarkable kind of man; and shortly afterwards he said so in those words to Doctor Blimber, and inquired if he might take the liberty of asking who he was, and whether he had ever been in the Board of Trade. Doctor Blimber answered no, he believed not; and that in fact he was a Professor of – ’
‘Of something connected with statistics, I’ll swear?’ observed Sir Barnet Skettles.
‘Why no, Sir Barnet,’ replied Doctor Blimber, rubbing his chin. ‘No, not exactly.’
‘Figures of some sort, I would venture a bet,’ said Sir Barnet Skettles.
‘Why yes,’ said Doctor Blimber, yes, but not of that sort. Mr Baps