The Middle-Class Gentleman. Жан-Батист Мольер

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The Middle-Class Gentleman - Жан-Батист Мольер

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MASTER: Physics explains the principles of natural things and the properties of the material world; it discourses on the nature of the elements, of metals, minerals, of stones, of plants and animals, and teaches the causes of all the meteors, the rainbow, the will o' the wisps, the comets, lightning, thunder, thunderbolts, rain, snow, hail, winds, and whirlwinds.

      MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: There's too much commotion in it, too much confusion.

      PHILOSOPHY MASTER: Then what do you want me to teach you?

      MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: Teach me how to spell.

      PHILOSOPHY MASTER: Very gladly.

      MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: Afterwards, you may teach me the almanack, to know when there is a moon and when not.

      PHILOSOPHY MASTER: So be it. Following your thought and treating this matter as a philosopher, it is necessary to begin according to the order of things, by an exact knowledge of the nature of letters and the different ways of pronouncing them all. And thereupon I must tell you letters are divided into vowels, called vowels because they express the voice; and into consonants because they sound with the vowels and only mark the diverse articulations of the voice. There are five vowels or voices: A, E, I, O, U.

      MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: I understand all that.

      PHILOSOPHY MASTER: The vowel A is formed by opening the mouth widely: A. Its vowels are to be given the sounds used in vocalizing: Ah-aye-ee-o-ou.


      PHILOSOPHY MASTER: The vowel E is formed by approaching the lower jaw to the upper: A, E.

      MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: A, E; A, E. By my faith, yes. Ah! How fine!

      PHILOSOPHY MASTER: And the vowel I, by bringing the jaws still nearer each other and stretching the two corners of the mouth towards the ears: A, E, I.

      MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: A, E, I. I. I. I. That's true. Long live science!

      PHILOSOPHY MASTER: The vowel O is formed by opening the jaws and drawing together the two corners of the lips, upper and lower: O.

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