The Sword of Honor; or, The Foundation of the French Republic. Эжен Сю

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The Sword of Honor; or, The Foundation of the French Republic - Эжен Сю

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at least, my dear John, our friendship will still be left to us. It will remain our refuge in our common sorrow."

      "But to what purpose?"

      Perceiving out of the corner of his eye the nonplussed countenance of John Lebrenn, who stood pale and speechless, advocate Desmarais heaved another lamentable sigh, pulled out his handkerchief and again buried his face in his hands.

      "What the devil is my brother-in-law getting at?" exclaimed Hubert to himself, cautiously introducing his head again through the half-open door, and observing the young artisan. The latter, dejected, his head bowed, his gaze fixed, was in a sort of daze, and searched in vain in his troubled brain for the true significance of Desmarais's lamentations. Finally, desirous at any price to escape from the labyrinth of anxiety that tortured his soul and filled his heart with anguish, he said falteringly to the lawyer:

      "Monsieur, it is impossible for me to picture the apprehension with which I am tortured. I adjure you, in the name of the friendship you have up to this moment shown me, to explain yourself clearly. What is this cause for our common sorrow? You have just appealed to my courage; I have courage. But, I pray you, let me at least know the blow with which I, with which we, are threatened!"

      "You are right, my dear John. Excuse my weakness. Let us face the truth like men of heart, howsoever hard it may be." Desmarais took the hands of the young artisan in his own and contemplated him with an expression of fatherly tenderness. "You would have rendered certain the happiness of my only child, of that I am sure. But this marriage is impossible!"

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      See "The Pocket Bible," the sixteenth of this series.


      See "The Iron Arrow Head," the tenth of this series.


      This speech, which clearly shows the social tendencies of the most radical party in 1789, is here reproduced almost literally from Luchet, Essays on the Illuminati, chap. V, p. 23.


      See, for details of these scenes, and the questions and discourse of the initiators, Luchet's Essays on the Illuminati, chap. V. p. 23, and following; also Robinson, Proofs of a Conspiracy against All the Religions and all the Governments of Europe, vol. I, p. 114 an


See "The Pocket Bible," the sixteenth of this series.


See "The Iron Arrow Head," the tenth of this series.


This speech, which clearly shows the social tendencies of the most radical party in 1789, is here reproduced almost literally from Luchet, Essays on the Illuminati, chap. V, p. 23.


See, for details of these scenes, and the questions and discourse of the initiators, Luchet's Essays on the Illuminati, chap. V. p. 23, and following; also Robinson, Proofs of a Conspiracy against All the Religions and all the Governments of Europe, vol. I, p. 114 and following.


See the preceding work in this series, "The Blacksmith's Hammer."


The old palace of the Bourbons, now abandoned to cheap lodgings and hucksters' booths.


All the persons and facts cited in this story as of historic importance, are authentic.


For an exactly parallel line of conduct, see that of Abbot Le Roy, at the time of the invasion of Reveillon's paper factory in the St. Antoine suburb, as given in the admirable History of the Revolution by Louis Blanc. We are glad to render here this public testimony of our sympathy and old friendship for an illustrious campaign in exile.

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