The Pocket Bible; or, Christian the Printer: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century. Эжен Сю
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"'My daughter,' I would answer, 'seeing that, between man and wife, everything is, or ought to be, in common, you have not sinned by drawing from the common purse.31 You may continue to do so. I absolve you.'"
"I am a woman. I love ornaments. I accuse myself."
"'My daughter,' I would answer, 'if you ornament yourself without impure intentions, and only in order to satisfy your natural taste for ornamentation, you do not sin.'"32
"I accuse myself of having seduced the wife of my best friend."
"'My son,' I would answer, 'let us distinguish: If you treacherously seduced the woman just because she was the wife of your best friend, then you have sinned. But if you seduced her, as you might have done any other woman, you have not outraged friendship.33 It is a natural thing to desire the possession of a handsome woman. You have not sinned. There is no occasion for absolution.'"
"Well done!" exclaimed Loyola. "But I notice you grant absolution for all that human morality and the Fathers of the Church condemn."
"Master, you said: 'Absolved penitents will never complain.'"
"What is the object of the complaisance of your doctrines in all circumstances?"
"At this season an incurable corruption reigns among mankind. Rigor would estrange them from us. Our tolerance for their vices is calculated to deliver the penitents to us, body and soul. By leaving to us the direction of their souls, this corrupt generation will later relinquish to us the absolute education of their children. We will then raise those generations as may be suitable, by taking them in charge from the cradle to the grave; by molding them; by petrifying them in such manner that, their appetites being satisfied, and their minds for all time delivered from the temptation of those three infernal rebels – Reason, Dignity and Freedom – those generations will bless their sweet servitude, and will be to us, master, what we are to you – servile slaves, body and soul, mere corpses!"
"Among the obstacles that our work will, or may encounter, you mentioned the papacy."
"Yes, master, because the elections of the sacred college may call to the pontifical throne Popes that are weak, stupid or vicious."
"What is the remedy at such a juncture?"
"To organize, outside of the papacy, of the college of cardinals, of the episcopacy, of the regular clergy and of the religious Orders, a society to whose members it shall be strictly forbidden ever to be elected Pope, or to accept any Catholic office, however high or however low the office may be. Thus this society will ever preserve its independence of action for or against the Church, free to oppose or uphold its Chief."
"What shall be the organization of that redoubtable society?"
"A General, elected by its own members, shall have sovereign direction over it."
"What pledge are its members to take towards him?"
"Dumb, blind and servile obedience."
"What are they to be in his hands?"
"That which we are in yours, O, master! Instruments as docile as the cane in the hand of the man who leans upon it."
"What will be the theater of the society's work?"
"The whole world."
"Into what parts will it divide the universe?"
"Into provinces – the province of France, the province of Spain, the province of Germany, the province of England, the province of India, the province of Asia, and others. Each will be under the government of a 'provincial,' appointed by the General of the society."
"The society being organized, what name is it to assume?"
"The name of the Society of Jesus."
"In what manner is the Society of Jesus to become a counterpoise to the papacy, and, if need be, dominate the papacy itself, should the latter swerve from the route it should pursue in order to insure the absolute government of the nations of the world to the Catholic Church?"
"Independent of the established Church, from whom it neither expects nor demands aught – neither the purple, nor the cross, nor benefices – the Society of Jesus, thanks to its accommodating and tolerant doctrines, will speedily conquer the empire of the human conscience. It will be the confessor of Kings and lackeys, of the mendicant monk and the cardinal, of the courtesan and the princess, the female bourgeois and her cook, of the concubine and the empress. The concert of this immense clientage, acting as one man under the breath of the Society of Jesus, and inspired by its General, will insure to him such a power that, at a given moment, he will be able to dictate his orders to the papacy, threatening to unchain against it all the consciences and arms over which he disposes. The General will be more powerful than the Pope himself."
"Besides its action upon the conscience, will the Society of Jesus dispose over any other and secondary levers?"
"Yes, master, and very effective ones. Whosoever, whether lay or clerical, poor or rich, woman or man, great or small, will blindly surrender his soul to the direction of the Society of Jesus, will always and everywhere, and against whomsoever, be sustained, protected, favored, defended and held scathless by the Society and its adherents. The penitent of a Jesuit will see the horizon of his most ardent hopes open before him; the path to honors and wealth will be smoothed before his feet; a tutelary mantle will cover his defects, his errors and his crimes; his enemies will be the Society's enemies; it will pursue them, track them, overtake them and smite them, whoever and wherever they may be, and with all available means. Thus the penitent of a Jesuit may aspire to anything. To incur his resentment will be a dread ordeal."
"Accordingly, you have faith in the accomplishment of our work?"
"An absolute faith."
"From whom do you derive that faith?"
"From you, master; from you, Ignatius Loyola, whose breath inspires us; from you, our master, him through whom we live."
"The work is immense – to dominate the world! And yet there are only seven of us."
"Master, when you command, we are legion."
"Seven – only seven, my sons – without other power than our faith in our work."
"Master, faith removes mountains. Command."
"Oh, my brave disciples!" exclaimed Ignatius Loyola rising and supporting himself with his staff. "What joy it is to me to have thus imbued you with my substance, and nourished you with the marrow of my doctrine! Be up! Be up! The moment for action has come. That is the reason I have caused you to gather this evening here at Montmartre, where I have so often come to meditate in this hollow, this second to that cavern of Manres, where, in Spain, after long years of concentration, I at last perceived the full depth, the immensity of my work. Yes, in order to weld you together in this work, I have broken, bent and absorbed your personalities. I have turned you into instruments of my will as docile as the cane in the hand of the man who leans upon it. Yes, I have captured your souls. Yes, you are now only corpses in my hands. Oh, my dear corpses! my canes! my serfs! my slaves! glorify your servitude. It delivers to you the empire
Escobar, chapter on thieving, treatise 1, example 9, no. 13. – Cited by Pascal,
"Ob naturalem fastus inclinationem" – Escobar, treatise 1, example 8, no. 5. – Cited by Pascal,
Father Bauny,