Английские сказки для мальчиков / English Fairy Tales for Boys. Отсутствует

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away, so now this Lamp is mine. It will make us rich.”

      When they ate all the food, Aladdin sold one of the golden plates. Then the Jinn gave him another set of plates. Thus they lived happily for many years.

      And he learned that the “fruits” which he gathered in the Treasury were not of glass or crystal. These things were precious stones. And he knew that he was very rich.

      One day Aladdin heard an order from the Sultan, “Let all the people close their stores and shops and stay home! The daughter of the Sultan will go to and from the bath.”

      When Aladdin heard this order, he said, “All the people talk of her beauty. I want to see her face!” But this was very difficult because she always went veiled.[40]

      So Aladdin began to think about how to see the face of the daughter of the Sultan. It seemed best to him[41] to stand behind the door of the bath so as to see her face when she came in. He went to the bath before her and stood behind the door. When the daughter of the Sultan appeared, she lifted her veil, and Aladdin saw her face. It was like a sun or a pearl of great price. He fell in love with her at first sight.[42]

      He returned to his mother. His mother spoke to him, but he did not reply and did not eat. So she asked, “O my son, what happened to you? Are you sick?”

      Then Aladdin turned to his mother and said to her, “O my mother, I am well and not sick at all. But I saw the daughter of the Sultan. I fell in love with her. I want to marry her!”

      When his mother heard his words, she feared, “O my son! You are mad. She is the Sultan’s daughter.”

      Aladdin answered, “No, I’m not mad. I will win the lovely princess! I cannot live without her. I will marry her.”

      His mother said to him, “But who will tell Sultan about it? You can not tell him yourself. You must find a right person.[43]

      Aladdin answered, “I have you! Please ask the Sultan about his daughter.”

      His mother said, “Cast away[44] this thought and think whose son you are. You are the child of a poor tailor. And I am very poor, too. So how can you ask about marriage to a daughter of the Sultan?”

      But at last she agreed to go.

      His mother took a napkin and laid in it the magic fruits from the magical garden. They shone like the most beautiful jewels. She entered the palace hall. But the Sultan did not notice her.

      She went every day and stood in the same place.

      On the sixth day the Sultan said to his vizir, “Every day I see a woman. She carries something in a napkin. Who is she? Call her next time, I will see what she wants.”

      Next day the Sultan said to her, “Good woman,[45] tell me what you want.”

      She told him about her son’s love for the princess.

      The Sultan asked her kindly what she had in the napkin. She unfolded the jewels and presented them to him.

      The Sultan was very amazed. The vizir wanted the princess for his own son. So he begged the Sultan to withhold the woman for three months. During that time his son could make a richer present.

      The Sultan told Aladdin’s mother, “I will think about it. But you must not appear before me again for three months. After that your son can marry my daughter.”

      Aladdin waited patiently for nearly two months. But one day he heard the news: the son of the grand-vizir was going to marry the Sultan’s daughter.

      Aladdin rubbed the Lamp. The Jinn appeared and asked, “What is your will?”

      Aladdin replied, “The Sultan broke his promise[46] to me. The vizir’s son is going to marry the princess. My command is: tonight you must bring here the bride and bridegroom.”

      “Master, I obey,” said the Jinn.

      Aladdin went to his room, where the Jinn transported the bed with the vizir’s son and the princess.

      “Take this newly-married man,[47]” said Aladdin, “put him outside[48] in the cold and return in the morning.”

      “Fear nothing,” Aladdin said to the princess. “You are my wife. Your father promised you to me. No harm will come to you.[49]

      The princess was very afraid. She passed the most miserable night of her life. Aladdin lay down beside her and slept very well.

      In the morning the Jinn returned the bridegroom. He laid him in his place and transported the bed back to the palace.

      The Sultan came to say his daughter good-morning. The unhappy vizir’s son jumped up and hid himself. The princess could not say a word.

      The Sultan asked, “What happened?”

      The princess told how during the night the bed travelled to a strange house. The Sultan did not believe her. He considered it an idle dream.[50]

      The following night exactly the same thing happened.[51] The vizir’s son was very afraid and said, “Your Majesty, I don’t want to marry anymore. Please let me go.”

      The Sultan was very surprised but cancelled the wedding.

      When the three months were over,[52] Aladdin sent his mother to remind the Sultan of his promise.

      The Sultan did not want to see Aladdin. So he asked the vizir’s advice. The vizir said to him, “Just demand more jewels!”

      The Sultan then turned to Aladdin’s mother and said, “Good woman, I remember my promises. But your son must first send me forty basins of jewels carried by forty slaves. Tell him that I wait for his answer.”

      The mother of Aladdin went home. She thought that all was lost.[53]

      “Please calm,” her son said, “I will do that for the princess – and even more!”

      He called the Jinn. In a few moments[54] the eighty slaves arrived. Each was carrying two basins of wonderful jewels.

      Aladdin sent them to the palace. The slaves entered the palace and stood before the Sultan.

      The Sultan was very glad and said, “Good woman, tell your son that I wait for him with open arms.[55]


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she always went veiled – она всегда была под вуалью


It seemed best to him – Ему показалось, что будет лучше всего


fell in love with her at first sight – влюбился в неё с первого взгляда


find a right person – найти подходящего человека


cast away – отбрось, выбрось


Good woman зд. Добрая женщина


broke his promise – нарушил своё обещание


newly-married man – молодожён


put him outside – выстави его на улицу


No harm will come to you – С тобой не случится ничего плохого


considered it an idle dream – счёл это глупым сном


exactly the same thing happened – произошло то же самое


were over – закончились, прошли


all was lost – всё пропало


In a few moments – Через несколько мгновений


with open arms – с раскрытыми объятиями