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style="font-size:15px;">      I did look, and could scarcely believe my eyes.

      His skin (the bug’s, I mean), was actually cracking right down the back, just as though the air and sunshine had dried it too much.

      Poor fellow, he seemed in great trouble about it. Then, to make matters worse, a part of his coat broke off at the top and slipped down over his eyes, so that he could not see. After a moment, however, it dropped further, quite under the place where his chin would have been, had he had a chin.

      “Oh! he is getting a new face. A prettier one, too, I am glad to say.”

      It seemed as if John was always first to notice things, for it was just as he said; as the old face slipped away a new one came in its place.

      I guess that by this time that old bug was as much astonished as we were. He was wriggling about in a very strange fashion, and at last quite wriggled himself out of his old shell. Then we saw two pairs of wings, which must have been folded away in little cases by his side, begin to open like fans. Next, he stretched his legs, and it was easy to see that they were longer and more beautiful than those he had had before.

      Then, before we could admire his slender, graceful body, or fully realize the wonderful change that had occurred in him, he darted away before our astonished eyes, not a black bug, but a beautiful Dragon-fly.

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