Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 404, June, 1849. Various

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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 404, June, 1849 - Various

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I was not mistaken at least as to the servant on the seat behind. Looking back at a butcher's boy, who had just escaped being run over, and was revenging himself by all the imprecations the Diræ of London slang could suggest, the face of Mr Peacock was exposed in full to my gaze.

      My first impulse, on recovering my surprise, was to spring after the carriage; in the haste of that impulse, I cried "Stop!" But the carriage was out of sight in a moment, and my word was lost in air. After pausing for a moment, full of presentiments of some evil – I knew not what – I then altered my course, and stopped not till I found myself, panting and out of breath, in St James's Square – at the door of Trevanion's house – in the hall. The porter had a newspaper in his hand as he admitted me.

      "Where is Lady Ellinor? I must see her instantly."

      "No worse news of master, I hope, sir?"

      "Worse news of what? – of whom? – of Mr Trevanion?"

      "Did you not know he was suddenly taken ill, sir; that a servant came express to say so last night. Lady Ellinor went off at ten o'clock to join him."

      "At ten o'clock last night?"

      "Yes, sir; the servant's account alarmed her ladyship so much."

      "The new servant, who had been recommended by Mr Gower?"

      "Yes, sir – Henry," answered the porter staring at me. "Please, sir, here is an account of master's attack in the paper. I suppose Henry took it to the office before he came here, which was very wrong in him; but I am afraid he's a very foolish fellow."

      "Never mind that, Miss Trevanion – I saw her just now —she did not go with her mother; Where was she going, then?"

      "Why, sir – but pray step into the parlour."

      "No, no – speak."

      "Why, sir, before Lady Ellinor set out, she was afraid that there might be something in the papers to alarm Miss Trevanion, and so she sent Henry down to Lady Castleton's, to beg her ladyship to make as light of it as she could; but it seems that Henry blabbed the worst to Mrs Mole, – "

      "Who is Mrs Mole?"

      "Miss Trevanion's maid, sir – a new maid; and Mrs Mole blabbed to my young lady, and so she took fright, and insisted on coming to town. And Lady Castleton, who is ill herself in bed, could not keep her, I suppose – especially as Henry said, though he ought to have known better, 'that she would be in time to arrive before my lady set off.' Poor Miss Trevanion was so disappointed when she found her mamma gone. And then she would order fresh horses, and would go on, though Mrs Bates (the housekeeper, you know, sir) was very angry with Mrs Mole, who encouraged Miss; and – "

      "Good heavens! Why did not Mrs Bates go with her?"

      "Why, sir, you know how old Mrs Bates is, and my young lady is always so kind that she would not hear of it, as she is going to travel night and day; and Mrs Mole said she had gone all over the world with her last lady, and that – "

      "I see it all. Where is Mr Gower?"

      "Mr Gower, sir!"

      "Yes! Can't you answer?"

      "Why, with Mr Trevanion, I believe, sir."

      "In the north – what is the address?"

      "Lord N – , C – Hall, near W – "

      I heard no more.

      The conviction of some villanous snare struck me as with the swiftness and force of lightning. Why, if Trevanion were really ill, had the false servant concealed it from me? Why suffered me to waste his time, instead of hastening to Lady Ellinor? How, if Mr Trevanion's sudden illness had brought the man to London – how had he known so long beforehand (as he himself told me, and his appointment with the waiting woman proved) the day he should arrive? Why now, if there were no design of which Miss Trevanion was the object – why so frustrate the provident foresight of her mother, and take advantage of the natural yearning of affection, the quick impulse of youth, to hurry off a girl whose very station forbade her to take such a journey without suitable protection – against what must be the wish, and what clearly were the instructions, of Lady Ellinor? Alone, – worse than alone! Fanny Trevanion was then in the hands of two servants, who were the instruments and confidants of an adventurer like Vivian; and that conference between those servants – those broken references to the morrow, coupled with the name Vivian had assumed – needed the unerring instincts of love more cause for terror – terror the darker, because the exact shape it should assume was obscure and indistinct?

      I sprang from the house.

      I hastened into the Haymarket, summoned a cabriolet, drove home as fast as I could (for I had no money about me for the journey I meditated;) sent the servant of the lodging to engage a chaise-and-four, rushed into the room, where Roland fortunately still was, and exclaimed – "Uncle, come with me! – take money, plenty of money! – Some villany I know, though I cannot explain it, has been practised on the Trevanions. We may defeat it yet. I will tell you all by the way – come, come!"

      "Certainly. But villany! – and to people of such a station – pooh – collect yourself. Who is the villain?"

      "Oh, the man I have loved as a friend – the man whom I myself helped to make known to Trevanion. – Vivian – Vivian!"

      "Vivian! – ah, the youth I have heard you speak of. But how? – villany to whom – to Trevanion?"

      "You torture me with your questions. Listen – this Vivian (I know him) – he has introduced into the house, as a servant, an agent capable of any trick and fraud; that servant has aided him to win over her maid – Fanny's – Miss Trevanion's. Miss Trevanion is an heiress, Vivian an adventurer. My head swims round, I cannot explain now. Ha! I will write a line to Lord Castleton – tell him my fears and suspicions – he will follow us, I know, or do what is best."

      I drew ink and paper towards me, and wrote hastily. My uncle came round and looked over my shoulder.

      Suddenly he exclaimed, seizing my arm, "Gower, Gower. What name is this? You said 'Vivian.'"

      "Vivian or Gower – the same person."

      My uncle hurried out of the room. It was natural that he should leave me to make our joint and brief preparations for departure.

      I finished my letter, sealed it, and when, five minutes afterwards, the chaise came to the door, I gave it to the ostler who accompanied the horses, with injunctions to deliver it forthwith to Lord Castleton himself.

      My uncle now descended, and walked from the threshold with a firm stride. "Comfort yourself," he said, as he entered the chaise, into which I had already thrown myself. "We may be mistaken yet."

      "Mistaken! You do not know this young man. He has every quality that could entangle a girl like Fanny, and not, I fear, one sentiment of honour that would stand in the way of his ambition. I judge him now as by a revelation – too late – oh Heavens, if it be too late!"

      A groan broke from Roland's lips. I heard in it a proof of his sympathy with my emotion, and grasped his hand; it was as cold as the hand of the dead.


      Professor Shaw, in the preface to his translation of Lajetchnikoff's striking and

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Histoire des Conspirations et des Executions Politiques, comprenant l'Histoire des Sociétés Secrètes depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours. Par A. Blanc. 4 Vols. Volume the Third: Russia.