Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two. Дж. К. Роулинг

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two - Дж. К. Роулинг Harry Potter

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style="font-size:15px;">      He lifts her nose off.


      Where’s my nose?



      His hand is empty. It’s a lame trick. Everyone enjoys its lameness.


      You are silly.


      Everyone’s staring at us again.


      Because of me! I’m extremely famous. My nose experiments are legendary!


      They’re certainly something.


      Parked all right then?


      I did. Hermione didn’t believe I could pass a Muggle driving test, did you? She thought I’d have to Confund the examiner.


      I thought nothing of the kind, I have complete faith in you.


      And I have complete faith he did Confund the examiner.





      ALBUS pulls on HARRY’s robes. HARRY looks down.

      Do you think – what if I am – what if I’m put in Slytherin…


      And what would be wrong with that?


      Slytherin is the house of the snake, of Dark Magic… it’s not a house of brave wizards.


      Albus Severus, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew.


      But just say…


      If it matters to you, you, the Sorting Hat will take your feelings into account.




      It did for me.

      This is something he’s never said before, it resonates around his head a moment.

      Hogwarts will be the making of you, Albus. I promise you, there is nothing to be frightened of there.

      JAMES (sharply)

      Apart from the Thestrals. Watch out for the Thestrals.


      I thought they were invisible!


      Listen to your professors, don’t listen to James, and remember to enjoy yourself. Now, if you don’t want this train to leave without you, you should leap on…


      I’m going to chase the train out.


      Lily, come straight back.


      Rose. Remember to send Neville our love.


      Mum, I can’t send a professor love!

      ROSE exits for the train. And then ALBUS turns and hugs GINNY and HARRY one last time before following after her.


      Okay, then. Bye.

      He climbs on board. HERMIONE, GINNY, RON and HARRY stand watching the train – as whistles blow up and down the platform.


      They’re going to be okay, right?


      Hogwarts is a big place.


      Big. Wonderful. Full of food. I’d give anything to be going back.


      Strange, Al being worried he’ll be sorted into Slytherin.


      That’s nothing, Rose is worried whether she’ll break the Quidditch scoring record in her first or second year. And how early she can take her O.W.Ls.


      I have no idea where she gets her ambition from.


      And how would you feel, Harry, if Al – if he is?


      You know, Gin, we always thought there was a chance you could be sorted into Slytherin.




      Honestly, Fred and George ran a book.


      Can we go? People are looking, you know.



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