Bulletin of Spiritual Government. A practical guide to building a better world. Lim Word

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Bulletin of Spiritual Government. A practical guide to building a better world - Lim Word

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and laboratories, in the world of which any master “from the street” is free to plunge.

      – You might think, you know, in the field of what science-intensive technologies Russia can stand out, it’s just ridiculous! In the field of microelectronics, we are hopelessly behind. But, without us, scientists can not! The state should support us, like lovely pets!

      – I could invite you to pay attention to my experiences with mutually similar forms, the basis for creating new communication devices. But, back to earth. Master the release – not in Malaysia, Indonesia or China, but in the Moscow region or Novosibirsk, the simplest mobile phones. Understand how “iron” works. Make mobile for the Army. Exactly, your own, without other people’s computer “bookmarks”. Let the large, but reliable, strong, like AK-47! Large buttons – to dial the number in a stressful siteration, when even your name can not remember!

      – The communication device is included in a set of new protective equipment!

      – Again, on someone else’s base? A bunch of screens, a muddy interface, mandatory attachment to body armor? Weight five kilograms? People have become accustomed to the mobile for a long time! Even in the context of the battle, soldiers and officers are drawn to the familiar “cellular”, so to speak, on the machine.

      I’ll tell you that many, quite respectable people love old mobile phones, in principle, without bloat, “androids” and other things. Stupid – to call! You can also add the possibility of transferring the mobile to the mode of an autonomous radio station – say, up to three kilometers.

      We let the phone into the civil networks.

      Advanced version – the phone has a powerful flashlight, camera, and, pay attention, the bar for “Selfie”, stand-mount. Have you ever suffered with a smartphone, building it somewhere on a tree branch, or a window sill? He falls down, and does not want to photograph you? Now any oblong object can become a stick for selfie, at least this ruler, or branch; attach the cellular – and take pictures!

      Next, connecting two phones with a cord, you get a camera and a TV. Why is it in the Army? The first mobile phone is reinforced on the barrel of the machine gun, the second one – inspect the neighborhood. You can revive and “blues”, activation of the pair – a simple triple touch of active zones of phones, without all these strange passwords. Is it useful? Important? I think that there will be application in civilian areas, most importantly, everything is simple!

      So, we Broadcast that in the country a society of scientists, capable of promptly conducting their ideas into production, developed. It is also necessary that they overcome the pride that arises today, as soon as the experimenter achieves at least the slightest success. Throughout the country, hundreds of mono-cities, now almost deserted – but with a developed infrastructure. Simply, you need a cry, a law, a movement: inventors, come, do whatever you want. Empty workshops and laboratories are at your disposal. Here, electricity, water, a bathroom. Pay only for utilities. Want to invent a new car? You are welcome! Next – a field, a whole area where traffic police and Avtodor are banned, try! Aircraft? Dare! Interested in cold fusion? Try it! There are many experimenters like you – talk!

      There was an idea, on a wave of success, to open experimental production? You are welcome. You can sell your products – no complicated for understanding things, entanglement in the web of the FIU and other social organizations, the simplest sales tax, in fact. Come to the world markets, show your honored brethren on state support, how to create Science and History. People in Central Russia know little about independent business management, trade, taxes, you need to explain gradually, try, like in a kindergarten!

      Here we are reconstructing military equipment. TB-3, Il-2, Po-2, airplanes, tanks, of all countries and times. We create cars of a personal brand, in small series, and under the order. Experiment with the creation of new models of military products. Just like the Wright brothers. There is no such thing here – did something sensible, organized the production necessary for many people, and the owner of the room is announced, with some documents proving that all this is his. For the entrance to him, indicate to the guard; “This is not allowed!” The new law: if there is no movement in the shops, let’s say, a year, they are declared free from the previous owners. The same applies to land plots. How many villages are in desolation, and it is worthwhile to set up agrarian production, “spiders” crawl out of the ambush with notes that it is their property. You should kiss people who build houses, cultivate land, buy equipment, and not try to cash in on them! There is nothing to keep the means of production “in reserve”! For this, of course, you need will. We Broadcast that it was not manifested in the uncontrolled destruction of private property (buildings, stalls, bankrupt enterprises), but in positive things!

      Spiritual Government on entrepreneurship, registration of the status of the Entrepreneur, wrecking of the law 212-FZ, non-tax declarations, social justice and the sign of the ruble

      – I am a beginner entrepreneur. There is no work in our city. My dream is to become independent and rich. So many difficulties, and there is no one to consult with. Friends only cheer “We believe in you. We can not help, but when it starts to work out – call!”. You can get confused in EGRIP, USRLE. You can because it’s easier. Then you need to go to Rosstat. At registration, after all it is possible to enter at once data of the businessman in a statistical base. Details are revealed in the course of the matter. It is unclear whether it is necessary to register with the Pension Fund, medical insurance, the information is inconsistent. Still, here, the local tax inspection…

      A personal account in a bank… In this financial institution, you have to fill out something, “pierce”, pass to “sign”, and there – no. Banking is still some kind of… electronic key. Even in one bank conditions change, you fall into prostration, while you try to comprehend everything that the consultant said.

      The seal is almost simple, although I was “joked for a long time,” before I found a workshop, and this is a sign that good forces are trying to take you away from an unnecessary business.

      Well, here, the account is opened. As though, all.

      I became an individual entrepreneur, although nothing but papers with stamps in the asset was not. From the bank they called in six months, they demanded to pay for something, or, for some money, to close the account. I did not come. In theory, the IP should also be covered, in the reverse order, otherwise they will start firing penalties, but this has already been ignored. Forces have run low. The thought that if it comes to the registration of a pension comes up, they will say to me: “You have a fine here, for twenty-five years, you did not close your business” But, maybe it will resolve by itself? No wonder I’m standing with you on the Tribune?!

      – So far this is so. There is no entrepreneurial activity, the movement of money – you will still find a fine. The return course is almost more complicated than the design of the entrepreneur. You must go to the Pension Fund – even if you have not previously registered with it, and where, nevertheless, arrears have arisen. Every year the rules change. The federal law (Federal Law) No. 212 explicitly states that “… la la la… there is no provision for exemption from contributions to the FIU, the Social Insurance Fund, the CHI Fund in the event that there was no business activity…” Sometimes a flat fee is clearly 36 thousand, in other case – SMIC (5554 rubles multiplied by 26% of the PFR rate, and another twelve months). With the help of the Tribune we are able to find people responsible for this or that social crime. The compilers of this law are such sinners. A person has to pay huge sums only for having received a piece of paper… Including retired people who decided to try their

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