Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXII No. 4, April 1848. Various

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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXII No. 4, April 1848 - Various

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trembling age, ye youths and maidens sing;

      Ring ye sweet chimes, from every belfry ring;

      Pour the grand anthem till it soars and swells

      And heaven seems full of great celestial bells!

      Behold the Morn from orient chambers glide,

      With shining footsteps, like a radiant bride;

      The gladdened brooks proclaim her on the hills

      And every grove with choral welcome thrills.

      Rise ye sweet maidens, strew her path with flowers,

      With sacred lilies from your virgin bowers;

      Go youths and meet her with your olive boughs,

      Go age and greet her with your holiest vows; —

      See where she comes, her hands upon her breast

      The sainted Sabbath comes, smiling the world to rest.

      CITY LIFE.


      Forgive me, Lord, that I so long have dwelt

      In noisome cities, whence Thy sacred works

      Are ever banished from my sight; where lurks

      Each baleful passion man has ever felt.

      Here human skill is shown in shutting out

      All sight and thought of things that God hath made;

      Lest He should share the constant homage paid

      To Mammon, in the hearts of men devout.

      O, it was fit that he 2 upon whose head

      Weighed his own brother's blood, and God's dread curse,

      Should build a city, when he trembling fled

      Far from his Maker's face. And which was worse,

      The murder – or departing far from Thee?

      Great God! impute not either sin to me!



      (Concluded from page 147.)

      CHAPTER V.

      In which there is a Storm, a Wreck, and a Mutiny

      When I came on deck the next morning, I found that the mate's prediction had proved true. A norther, as it is called in the Gulf, was blowing great guns, and the ship, heading westward, was rolling in the trough of the tremendous sea almost yard-arm under, with only close-reefed top-sails and storm foretopmast-staysail set. We wallowed along in this manner all day, for we were lying our course, and the skipper was in a hurry to bring our protracted voyage to an end. We made much more leeway than we reckoned, however, for just at sunset the high mountains of Cuba were to be seen faintly looming up on the southern horizon.

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      From a work now in press, and shortly to be published, entitled "The Military Heroes of the United States. By C. J. Peterson. 2 vols. 8vo. 500 pp."


      Cain. – Genesis iv. 17.



From a work now in press, and shortly to be published, entitled "The Military Heroes of the United States. By C. J. Peterson. 2 vols. 8vo. 500 pp."


Cain. – Genesis iv. 17.

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Cain. – Genesis iv. 17.