Memories of the future. An eyewitness notes. ДАРЬЯ Дмитриевна РОСНИНА
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“I see you have changed your hairstyle. You look great. The previous one was also good, but now you are the pitch of perfection. I’m feasting my eyes on you, Oma.”
Oma’s cyber body allowed her to quickly change the style and color of her hair. At the moment, her thick golden hair had a lovely bob style. His experience in dealing with Oma told Raju that at that moment he was supposed to make a compliment. Therefore, he, using all possible gallant expressions he knew, praised her appearance and emphasized his pleasure at admiring her beauty.
“Thank you, Commander. Now I feel more comfortable doing my duty on this orbit with increased radiation level,” Oma replied jokingly, evidently pleased at the Commander’s remark.
“What else did you want to know about the scientists?” she inquired, and now conciliatory notes were head in her voice.
“Oma, is it true that they are able to produce any biological bodies? And do they themselves wear cyber ones?”
“Not necessarily,” Oma shrugged her shoulders. “The majority of them chose to wear cyber bodies as they give less trouble. They have a whole city there: gardens, parks, ponds. By the way, they have preserved complete information on the Planet’s animal life. If yоu want, I can give you a cyber raccoon as a gift?” she smiled and gave him a playful look.
“Oh, no!” Raju raised his arm in protest, “I' m out with an isomorph!”
As Raju uttered these words somewhere from the ceiling of the cabin a ringing child’s voice said: “Isomorphs relieve people from various small troubles. We are pure beings because we feed on light. According to one hypothesis, isomorphs are the pinnacle of evolution. Pure consciousness, if you will.”
A jelly-like shapeless body with big eloquent blue eyes and small dark button instead of a nose detached itself from the ceiling and assumed the form of a drop, drifted towards Oma’s face.
The clot was the size of a soccer ball and looked quite flexible, its color varied from pastel-blue to pink. Although the being’s shape was ceaselessly changing, basically, it looked like something droplike and oval. Inside the semi-transparent body made of nano-silicone one could see flexible brain processor of the size of a tennis ball, which occasionally radiated flickering light.
The creature had a quite funny and friendly appearance. Also it moved in a funny way, taking on a shape of a jellyfish cupola, and with impulsive motions pushing air out of itself. Occasionally, it grew tiny legs on its sides and rather deftly pushed itself off from the
cabin walls. In that way it was flying all around and, from time to time, secured itself like a big blot, on the wall, making a funny flapping sound.
At the moment, that flaring ball was hanging in front of Oma’s face, its round eyes were winking.
“An isomorph is a pilot’s best cyber friend,” he uttered, “much better than a raccoon!”
After those words, he again stared Oma in the eye. Then he decided that he had kept silent long enough and carried on with his speech. “An isomorph’s primary responsibility is to inform the crew on radiation level, control the sheeting integrity, carry small objects and provide assistance during fights, guarding the rear side of the pilot’s seat back. In addition, an isoform is ready to cover an illuminator with his body and to protect the crew against sunlight. Are you aware that radiation level here is above the allowable limits?”
“Flop, it’s admissible. I have always wondered how you would feel on the Planet under gravity. Would you be able to move around, or would be sticking on one’s shoulder all the time?” asked Oma with a smile.
“Well, if we allow for gravity, it’s going to be like this,” at these words he quickly turned into a jellyfish cupola, swiftly jumped up and got attached to the control panel. His body turned violet, and out of his sides grew six tiny shot legs that looked like those of a squirrel. He did a short run along the panel and then, pleased with himself, he asked: “Isn’t it great? I’ve just invented this form by myself.”
“Flop, you’ve got to make small ears as well. And a tail for balance. Then you’ll be able to jump despite gravity,” she carefully examined her small friend.
The isoform instantly let of a tail and ears and became even funnier.
“As for the tail, it’s quite clear, but what are the ears for?”
“Just to cheer up those looking at you,” Oma gave him a broad smile.
“I see…Does it mean that if I take this form on, I’ll perk up everyone’s mood? Are all people the same?”
“No,” Oma shaked her head, “people are different, that’s the point. And that’s probably because each person is all unique.” she stole a glance at Raju.
During that conversation, Oma gently picked up the isomorph in her arms.
“Flop, do you ever feel bored? The same thing happens every day, isn’t it? After all, you have no access to the Cyborg Dreams. You mind should require to process new knowledge and interact with the world.”
“Of course, even isomorphs are aware that everyone’s mind needs development, but personally, I no longer feel bored since I’ve found a way out. After a long search along the lanes and alleys of the spacecraft, I found a way to develop my perception! If you hook into the crystals of commander’s collection and choose the directory “ancient anime” you will get infinite potential for learning the world! You may not be familiar with such masterpieces of anime as Howl's Moving Castle, Tales from Earthsea, Ghost in the Shell? And what wonderful prophesy one can find there! By all means, now they sound like revelations of the Wise. I will read that out to you. Flop gave his audience a meaningful look and recited a poem, evidently trying to make an impression:
Среди борьбы и разрушенья ,
Жрецы отвергнутых Богов,
Твердите Ваши откровенья,
И верьте Силе Ваших слов.
Тот свет, что Истиной вы звали,
Веками, превозмочь никто не смог.
И вопль врагов глухой, неясный,
Да не переступит ваш порог!
Without waiting for the audience’s reaction, he looked around and said in a perplexed tone “I just don’t remember the author of these lines. It’s either our esteemed commander, or Hermes Trismegistus himself.”
Looking somewhat blankly at the isomorph, Raju mumbled “Flop, you must have found it in the file “Private”, while delving through my personal archives. Is there any corner in this spacecraft you haven’t poked your nose into? But whatever. If you