Starting an Etsy Business For Dummies. Gatski Kate

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Starting an Etsy Business For Dummies - Gatski Kate

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3-2. When you select one of these, Etsy displays listings for related items (see Figure 3-3). Whether you’re after a bit of jewelry or some vintage awesomeness, Etsy’s categories can help you find the item that’s just right.


       FIGURE 3-2: Drill down to the items you want to see.


       FIGURE 3-3: Etsy displays listings in the chosen category, subcategory, or sub-subcategory.

But Wait! There’s More! Exploring More Ways to Shop from Etsy’s Home Page

      Remember in When Harry Met Sally… how Sally had her own unique way of ordering at a restaurant? “I just want it the way I want it,” she explained. The same is true with shopping on Etsy. Not everyone wants to do it in the same way! Fortunately, Etsy offers several ways to enhance your shopping experience, right from its home page.

       Viewing personalized picks

      Etsy’s home page features a few special areas with listings just for you.

      remember Some of these areas may not appear, depending on whether you’ve viewed or favorited any listings or shops. If not, you may simply see an additional Categories section, which, like the links along the top of the page, offer easy access to various Etsy categories. The same goes if you’re not signed in.

      ❯❯ Recently Viewed: This section of the Etsy home page offers you quick access to the items you’ve viewed most recently. Simply click an item to open its listing. Or view additional items by clicking the See More link. (You’ll see a similar link on several parts of the Etsy home page.)

❯❯ Recently Favorited: Anything you’ve favorited lately appears in this part of the home page. Figure 3-4 shows the Recently Viewed and Recently Favorited parts of the Etsy home page.

      ❯❯ Our Picks for [You]: Based on listings you’ve favorited, Etsy generates a personalized list of items that just may pique your interest.


      New from Your Favorite Shops: Etsy doesn’t limit you to favoriting listings. You can also favorite shops. When you do, fresh items from those shops appear on Etsy’s home page. As always, simply click an item to open its listing.

tip You can also keep up with your favorite shops by perusing the Updates from Shops You Like feed. It’s kind of like an Instagram feed. Shop owners use it to share news, reveal works in progress, highlight new items, and show different ways to use their products (among other things). Figure 3-5 shows the New from Your Favorite Shop and Updates from Shops You Like sections of the Etsy home page.

      ❯❯ From People You Follow: Etsy enables you to follow other site members, kind of like how you can follow people on, say, Twitter. For example, you could follow the owner of a shop you love or a friend you’ve made on the site. When someone you follow favorites an item on Etsy, that item appears in the From People You Follow area of the home page. (You can find out more about following people on Etsy in Chapter 22.)


       FIGURE 3-4: Revisit recently viewed and recently favorited listings here.


       FIGURE 3-5: Keep up with shops you like.

       Perusing more suggestions from Etsy

      In addition to offering you personal picks, the Etsy home page includes sections with additional suggestions. You’ll see the same suggestions regardless of who you are, whether you’re signed in or not.

      ❯❯ Shops Worth Exploring: This section features a handful of shops that, in Etsy’s estimation, deserve a look.

      ❯❯ Browse Our Latest Collections: Here, you find links to collections compiled by Etsy’s editors – or, as Etsy says, “daily discoveries from the most discerning and best-dressed people who work here.” If the ones shown don’t catch your interest, click the See More link.

❯❯ Shop for Gifts: Not sure what to buy your dog for Valentine’s Day? Check out the Shop for Gifts section. Here, you find links to yet more collections from Etsy’s editors. Clicking See More reveals the One-of-a-Kind Gift Ideas page, which features several key gift-giving categories. Figure 3-6 shows the Browse Our Latest Collections and Shop for Gifts sections on the Etsy home page.


       FIGURE 3-6: See listings hand-picked by Etsy’s editors in the Browse Our Latest Collections and Shop for Gifts sections.

The Velvet Blog: Reading Etsy Blog Posts

To view new blog posts at a glance, scroll down to the Fresh from the Blog section of Etsy’s home page (see Figure 3-7). There, you find headlines from newly posted content on the Etsy Blog, ranging from craft how-tos to tips for sellers and beyond. If you see a headline that looks interesting, click it to read the post. Or click the Read the Blog link to land on the main page for the Etsy Blog, where you can access additional posts. (We discuss the Etsy Blog in more detail in Chapter 21).



       FIGURE 3-7: Keep up with the Etsy Blog.

Campaign Promises: Tracking Etsy Campaigns

      From time to time, Etsy’s home page features links to information about various campaign initiatives, like the one shown in Figure 3-8. This campaign, #DifferenceMakesUs, “celebrates the many ways that Etsy allows every one of us to express our originality.” The campaign features a series of videos designed for dissemination on social media “to highlight how Etsy fits into the daily lives of people around the world.” By the time you read this book, you may see a different campaign in action (or none at all).

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