MCSA Windows Server 2012 R2 Complete Study Guide. Panek William

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MCSA Windows Server 2012 R2 Complete Study Guide - Panek William

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namespace. Each node, or domain, in that space has a unique name. At the top of the tree is the root. This may not sound quite right, which is why the DNS hierarchical model is described as being an inverted tree, with the root at the top. The root is represented by the null set "". When written, the root node is represented by a single dot (.).

Each node in the DNS can branch out to any number of nodes below it. For example, below the root node are a number of other nodes, commonly referred to as top-level domains (TLDs). These are the familiar .com, net, org, gov, edu, and other such names. Table 2.1 lists some of these TLDs.

TABLE 2.1 Common top-level DNS domains

Each of these nodes then branches out into another set of domains, and they combine to form what we refer to as domain names, such as A domain name identifies the domain’s position in the logical DNS hierarchy in relation to its parent domain by separating each branch of the tree with a dot. Figure 2.2 shows a few of the top-level domains, where the Microsoft domain fits, and a host called Tigger within the domain. If someone wanted to contact that host, they would use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN),


FIGURE 2.2 The DNS hierarchy

      An FQDN includes the trailing dot (.) to indicate the root node, but it’s commonly left off in practice.

      As previously stated, one of the strengths of DNS is the ability to delegate control over portions of the DNS namespace to multiple organizations. For example, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) assigns the control over TLDs to one or more organizations. In turn, those organizations delegate portions of the DNS namespace to other organizations. For example, when you register a domain name, let’s call it, you control the DNS for the portion of the DNS namespace within The registrar controlling the .com TLD has delegated control over the node in the DNS tree. No other node can be named example directly below the .com within the DNS database.

      Within the portion of the domain namespace that you control (, you could create host and other records (more on these later). You could also further subdivide and delegate control over those divisions to other organizations or departments. These divisions are called subdomains. For example, you might create subdomains named for the cities in which the company has branch offices and then delegate control over those subdomains to the branch offices. The subdomains might be named,,, and so on.

      Each domain (or delegated subdomain) is associated with DNS name servers. In other words, for every node in the DNS, one or more servers can give an authoritative answer to queries about that domain. At the root of the domain namespace are the root servers. More on these later.

      image Domain names and hostnames must contain only characters a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, and – (hyphen). Other common and useful characters, such as the & (ampersand), / (slash),. (period), and _ (underscore), are not allowed. This is in conflict with NetBIOS’s naming restrictions. However, you’ll find that Windows Server 2012 R2 is smart enough to take a NetBIOS name, like Server_1, and turn it into a legal DNS name, like

      DNS servers work together to resolve hierarchical names. If a server already has information about a name, it simply fulfills the query for the client. Otherwise, it queries other DNS servers for the appropriate information. The system works well because it distributes the authority over separate parts of the DNS structure to specific servers. A DNS zone is a portion of the DNS namespace over which a specific DNS server has authority (DNS zone types are discussed in detail later in this chapter).

      image There is an important distinction to make between DNS zones and Active Directory (AD) domains. Although both use hierarchical names and require name resolution, DNS zones do not map directly to AD domains.

      Within a given DNS zone, resource records (RRs) contain the hosts and other database information that make up the data for the zone. For example, an RR might contain the host entry for, pointing it to the IP address

      Understanding Servers, Clients, and Resolvers

      You will need to know a few terms and concepts in order to manage a DNS server. Understanding these terms will make it easier to understand how the Windows Server 2012 R2 DNS server works.

      DNS Server Any computer providing domain name services is a DNS name server. No matter where the server resides in the DNS namespace, it’s still a DNS name server. For example, 13 root name servers at the top of the DNS tree are responsible for delegating the TLDs. The root servers provide referrals to name servers for the TLDs, which in turn provide referrals to an authoritative name server for a given domain.

      image The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) was originally the only software available for running the root servers on the Internet. However, a few years ago the organizations responsible for the root servers undertook an effort to diversify the software running on these important machines. Today, root servers run multiple types of name server software. BIND is still primarily on Unix-based machines, and it is also the most popular for Internet providers. No root servers run Windows DNS.

      Any DNS server implementation supporting Service Location Resource Records (see RFC 2782) and Dynamic Updates (RFC 2136) is sufficient to provide the name service for any operating system running Windows 2003 software and newer.

      DNS Client A DNS client is any machine that issues queries to a DNS server. The client hostname may or may not be registered in a DNS database. Clients issue DNS requests through processes called resolvers. You’ll sometimes see the terms client and resolver used synonymously.

      Resolver Resolvers are software processes, sometimes implemented in software libraries that handle the actual process of finding the answers to queries for DNS data. The resolver is also built into many larger pieces of software so that external libraries don’t have to be called to make and process DNS queries. Resolvers can be what you’d consider client computers or other DNS servers attempting to resolve an answer on behalf of a client (for example, Internet Explorer).

      Query A query is a request for information sent to a DNS server. Three types of queries can be made to a DNS server: recursive, inverse, and iterative. I’ll discuss the differences between these query types in the section “DNS Queries,” a bit later in the chapter.

      Understanding the DNS Process

      To help you understand the DNS process, I will start by covering the differences between Dynamic DNS and Non-Dynamic DNS. During this discussion, you will learn how Dynamic DNS populates the DNS database. You’ll also see how to implement security for Dynamic DNS. I will then talk about the workings of different types of DNS queries. Finally, I will discuss caching and time to live (TTL). You’ll learn how to determine the best setting for your organization.

      Dynamic DNS and Non-Dynamic DNS

      To understand Dynamic DNS and Non-Dynamic DNS, you must go back in time. (Here is where the TV screen always used to get wavy.) Many years ago when many of us worked on Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0, almost all Microsoft networks used Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)

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