The Hard Hat. Gordon Jon

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The Hard Hat - Gordon Jon

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of a young man with so much to offer. There was the selflessness, the work ethic, the kindness, the gentlemanliness, and a total lack of arrogance or sense of entitlement. He seemed to be exactly the kind of person we could all respect – someone Eamon McEneaney, my father and I, and anyone else would have considered themselves privileged to have known. Of course, not having met George, there is still much I didn't know about him. This book remedies that. Clearly, he was someone worth knowing.

– Jeremy Schaap


      From the moment I first heard about George Boiardi and the Hard Hat I was intrigued and captivated. I wanted to know more about him and his life. I visited his coaches, attended several “21 Dinners” held in his honor, met his family, talked to his teammates, and personally observed how he inspired all who knew him. I never intended to write a book about him but the more I learned, the more I felt compelled to share the kind of teammate he was and the impact he had on others.

      Yet, as I began to write this book several times over the years, I stopped. As someone who writes fables, not true stories, I knew it would be uncomfortable and challenging to interview his family, friends, coaches, and teammates and write a story filled with actual events, laughable moments, painful emotions, and an unforgettable tragedy. But I couldn't walk away from it. I knew that everything in my life had brought me to this moment where I was meant to write about and share George's lessons and legacy with others. So I stepped out of my comfort zone and did my best to tell a true story about how to be a great teammate.

      Please know that this is just a small part of the whole story of George's life. He was so much more than just a teammate. He was a son, friend, brother, nephew, and student, and only his family and friends could tell the whole story.

      My goal in writing this book was to share the characteristics that made George a great teammate and inspire others to be better people and teammates as well. As I interviewed many of George's friends and teammates, I also realized that this was more than just a book about him; it was also about them. In the face of the worst tragedy of their lives, they found a way to come together, heal, and play selflessly and purposefully as a team. What the 2004 Cornell Lacrosse team accomplished is truly a testament to their incredible character, resilience, heart, determination, and love for George and each other. Without these young men there wouldn't be a story to tell, and I'm thankful they shared their experiences and memories with me.

      All of the details and stories in the book are, to the best of my knowledge, factual and true. In Part 2 of the book it says “Narrated by Coach Jeff Tambroni”; however, I want to be transparent and let the reader know that this section is actually a compilation of numerous recollections, facts, and stories from Jeff, George's family, and teammates. After I conducted all the interviews and began to write the book, I realized that having one narrator would make George's story flow better and create a better experience for the reader. Jeff really did tell me about George in a meeting as I described in the book; however, I had to rely on his teammates and family to learn more details and tell a complete story. In addition to learning about George and his teammates at the 21 Dinners and Hall of Fame Dinner, I conducted a number of interviews via phone and email as well.

      During the writing process I shared the manuscript with Jeff Tambroni and George's family and teammates several times to make sure all the facts were accurate. The book really was a team effort and I hope it inspires and impacts you and your team.

      PART ONE


      CHAPTER 1


      When you see something for the first time, you never forget it. As I write this, I can still picture the 2007 semi-final game of the NCAA Men's Lacrosse Championships between Cornell and Duke. Duke was leading 10–3 in the third quarter and all seemed lost for Cornell. But with unparalleled determination, Cornell staged a furious comeback and tied Duke with 17 seconds left in the game. Duke would eventually win by scoring a goal with three seconds left, showing their own fortitude, but it was the comeback and effort by Cornell that left me in awe.

      I played lacrosse at Cornell in the early nineties and had also watched thousands of games in numerous sports, but I had never seen a team play with such spirit, passion, grit, resilience, and relentless determination as Cornell did in the second half of that game. Since I work with many professional and college sports teams as well as teams in the corporate, educational, and non-profit world, I had to find out what inspired this team to play the way they did. As a student and teacher of human motivation, I knew it had to be more than a desire to win. They were driven by something much bigger and I was very curious to discover what it was.

      So, I went on a quest back to the place where I spent my college years, a place that shaped and molded me in so many ways. On the plane to upstate New York, I realized that I could connect the work I did now with many of the growth opportunities I experienced as a student-athlete. Playing a sport in college changed my life forever and taught me to work hard; overcome adversity, rejection, self-doubts, and fears; and keep striving toward my dreams. I left as a student, became a teacher, and landed at the Ithaca airport ready to be a student again. As I arrived on the campus I hadn't seen in over 10 years, I felt a familiar chill in the October air and I was prepared to learn new lessons on leadership and teamwork.

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