Blender For Dummies. Jason van Gumster
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✔ OpenGL: If Blender is working sluggishly or if the interface looks really odd (noise, strange tears, repeating patterns), these settings are the first place to look to see whether you can get Blender working nicely. In particular, you may want to try enabling vertex buffer objects (VBOs). With VBOs enabled, Blender's interface should be snappier on more modern video cards. However, on older hardware, VBOs may cause Blender's screen to behave strangely.
✔ Window Draw Method: This drop-down menu is another fine place to look if Blender is displaying bizarrely on you. The default setting of Automatic should give you the best performance on your computer. However, if you're on an older machine, try seeing whether the Overlap or Full methods work better.
✔ Solid OpenGL Lights: With these settings, you can adjust the standard lighting used in your 3D View. Some Blender users set these colors to drastically different settings so that they can have a good sense of each side of their model and more easily see some of the contours. You have the ability to enable up to three lights. On each one, you can adjust the direction of the light by adjusting the X, Y, and Z direction values. You can adjust either of the two colors for the light (main color and highlight or specularity color, respectively) by left-clicking them and using the color picker that pops up.
✔ Color Picker Type: Speaking of color pickers, Blender gives you the option of a variety of ways to choose colors while working. The default is a circular hue, saturation, value (HSV) color picker. It's generally faster to use for choosing colors when painting. However, everyone has different tastes in what color pickers they prefer to use, and some color pickers are better than others for specific purposes. For that reason, a drop-down menu contains a selection of different color pickers that you can use in Blender. Play with the color pickers on the Solid OpenGL Lights and see which one suits you the best.
A primary inspiration for the deep structural changes introduced in Blender's code for the 2.5 series was to refactor Blender's event system. An event system is required for a complex program to interact with you and me, the users. Each time you press a button or move your mouse, it registers with the program as an event. The program then handles the event by performing an action of some sort. As an example, moving your mouse registers as an event, which then triggers your computer to perform the action of updating the location of the mouse cursor on your monitor.
Blender provides you the ability to customize the event system to suit your needs, mapping events to a wide variety of possible Blender operations. Don't like using a particular hotkey in Blender's default configuration? You're free to change it. And that's just the start!
If you refer to Figure 2-5, you should notice that the entire right side of the editor is devoted to modifying how events are handled within Blender. This list of events is particularly daunting to look at, and you can easily get lost among all of those expanding and collapsing categories of events. Fortunately, you can modify how events are handled in a much easier way, and you don't even have use the User Preferences editor if you don't want to. Instead, you can use the following steps:
1. Find the operation you want to bind in Blender's menu system.
Say that you want to change the hotkey for opening a new project from Ctrl+N (the current hotkey) to Ctrl+X, the hotkey used in previous versions of Blender. You can find this operation by going to the Info editor's header and choosing File⇒New. Go to that menu item, but don't click it yet. Just hover your mouse cursor over it and proceed to the next step.
2. Right-click the menu item for the operation you want to add or change hotkeys and choose Change Shortcut from the menu that appears.
In this example, go to File⇒New, right-click it, and choose Change Shortcut. Blender prompts you for a new hotkey.
3. When prompted, use the new hotkey that you want to assign to the operation.
In this case, you press Ctrl+X.
Congratulations! Your new hotkey is assigned!
Figure 2-10 shows this process in action.
Figure 2-10: Customizing a hotkey sequence directly from Blender's menus.
Of course, for ultimate control, the Input section of User Preferences is really the way to go. As daunting as this section may appear, it's actually pretty easy to use. The most effective way to make use of the event editor is to use the search feature, a text field with a magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the Input section:
1. In the search filter field, type all or part of the operation you want to customize and press Enter.
The listing below updates with Blender's best guesses for the operation you're looking for. Alternatively, you can just drill down through the categories until you find the event you want.
2. Modify the event you want to change.
Changing an actual event is much like the process used to add hotkeys to menu items. It works like so:
1. Use the Type of Event Mapping drop-down menu displayed to the right or the operation name to stipulate whether the event is coming from a keyboard, mouse, text input, or some other source. For example, if you're adjusting a hotkey, make sure that you've set it to Keyboard.
2. Left-click the Type of Event field that comes after the Type of Event Mapping menu. It will either be blank or already have an event in it. Upon doing so, Blender prompts you for your new custom event (hotkey, mouse click, and so on).
3. Set the event with the action you want assigned to it. For example, if you're changing a hotkey, simply enter the key combination you want to use. If you decide that you don't want to change the event, just click anywhere outside of the Event Type field.