Move. Azzarello Patty

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Move - Azzarello Patty

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in the Middle, without the right measures that define your strategy in a concrete way, you can't know if you are making progress. And if you can't see that you are making progress, you will most likely not keep going. Everyone will stay very busy with what they are already doing, and your transformation will stall. The leaders and the team need to get fiercely aligned on the specific, clearly defined, resourced, and sponsored outcomes that need to happen throughout the Middle to bring about the long-term success of your strategy.

      O Is for Organization

      One of the tough things about a business transformation is that when you initially sign up to do something different, in that moment you still have the same people. Usually the new thing is bigger, more sophisticated, or more challenging in some way. One of the ways I see organizations get stuck is that they try to do the new stuff with the old people. Not everyone will be capable of what the new way requires. Not everyone will be able to step up.

      Your job as a leader is not to make the best of the team you have, but to build the team you need.

      Everyone in the organization needs to personally invest in understanding what is required and how they can take personal ownership to help lead the change from their roles.

      V Is for Valor

      This part of the model is about having the grit, persistence, and guts to stick with the change when everyone is losing confidence, questioning you, and presenting emergencies that seem more important in the moment.

      As a leader, you need to demonstrate your commitment to the transformation with every decision that you make every single day.

      I see too many leaders undermine their strategic initiatives and sacrifice their long-term success by overreacting to short-term pressures. This is another reason why the hard part is in the Middle. Your team will naturally be skeptical, because let's face it, so many strategic initiatives have been abandoned before. Your team will be inclined to wait it out. They may even think that it's a safer bet to wait it out than to start working on new stuff, and risk falling behind when everyone else has switched back to the old stuff. So as a leader, you need to be brave and focused and keep reinforcing decisions to move forward when everyone is tempted to go back or to abandon new work to keep reacting to short-term pressures.

      E Is for Everyone

      Remember, you can lead a transformation from the top, but you can't implement a transformation from the top.

      Success requires everyone – not just management. Everyone. This is critical. To engage everyone requires that you fundamentally change how you think about communicating. Real engagement happens when communication is not just top-down from you, but is a conversation that involves everyone. You know you have communicated successfully when you are not the only one talking about it! People need to see that their peers have embraced the new strategy before they will feel safe to also get on board. They need to see and feel evidence of transformation throughout the whole Middle, so they will be personally motivated to keep going.

      Why Should You Read MOVE?

      MOVE is a successful leader's execution handbook, but because a key part of the MOVE model is to involve everyone, it is also an important guide for the whole organization. The whole organization will benefit from reading MOVE because your transformation must be planned and fueled from the beginning by engaging everyone in the process.

      CEOs, general managers, leaders of nonprofits, and any manager at any level aspiring to move their business forward will benefit from the ideas, lessons, and real-world examples in MOVE. And your whole team will also benefit from understanding what their role is in implementing the business strategy – because you can't get there without them. They actually hold the cards. So invite them in from the beginning.

      Where my prior book RISE was targeted at individual effectiveness and success, and how to create value and satisfaction in one's career, MOVE is targeted at organizational effectiveness and success: how to implement strategy, how to create business value, and how to develop focused, motivated, high-performing teams in one's business.

      You and your team could be reading this book because:

      ● You need to scale your business, but you can't seem to make it happen because everyone is so busy. Your organization has trouble prioritizing.

      ● You have been talking about important initiatives for a long time, but you are not accomplishing them. You are having trouble getting traction.

      ● You want to improve how your organization communicates, functions, and executes.

      ● You want to motivate and engage your team in a more powerful way. You want to see more ownership, accountability, and strategic decision making.

      ● You have the nagging sense that your business is not reaching its full potential.

      This Book Is Not Academic

      Everything I talk about in this book is based on real-world experience and examples. If you are looking to learn specific things you can do to MOVE your organization and strategy forward decisively, this is the book for you.

      PART 1

      M = THE MIDDLE


      Latin proverb: Virtue is in the middle.

      It's easy to get excited at the beginning and define long-term goals at the end. It's the “Middle” that's the problem! It's hard to keep an organization focused on doing something new and difficult for a long time. Since real transformation takes time, you need a strategy to maintain execution and momentum through the Middle.

      CHAPTER 1



      Before we begin, let's talk about the very first moments of your new strategy. The beginning is great. You are clear, focused, ambitious, ready – and your motivation to move forward seems like the most natural and obvious thing in the world. This new initiative is seriously important to your company and your career. Everyone is on board. You are very committed.

      But at this point – at the beginning – it's important to realize that your new strategy is fragile. It hasn't taken hold yet. Think of the launch of your new strategy like your first week of a gym membership: Will you really go to the gym every week and transform your life? Or will you go back to your old habits, and get busy with all the other stuff in your life after the initial inspiration wears off?

      What you are facing is the long and vast abyss of the “Middle.” The Middle is where the transformation will happen – or not. One of the undeniable realities of the Middle is that it's the long part – and the simple, human fact is that:

      It's really hard for anyone, not to mention a whole organization, to stay focused and motivated on doing new and difficult things for a long time.

      This is the challenge your business transformation is facing. How will you and your team keep the focus and motivation to do the new, hard work every day, for the next 12–24 months, when it's just so much easier to…well…not to?

      As the leader of a transformation, you are committed and probably feeling substantial pressure to drive this transformation. You may have been

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