Results. Smart Jamie

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Results - Smart Jamie

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style="font-size:15px;">      Look around you… How many of the things that you can see have been created by human beings? Each one of these objects exists because someone, somewhere had a realization; a ‘lightbulb moment’.Your mobile phone (for instance) exists as the result of countless realizations, insights and discoveries. They may have started with Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone in the 1870s, but numerous other people's realizations and results have combined to bring you the device you now use. Think aboutit:

      • The designer who envisioned the model you own

      • The people who created the apps that run on it

      • The musician who composed the ringtone you hear

      • etc

      Every one of these ‘links in the chain’ represents a cascade of insights and realizations that have given rise to results.

Realization is a natural function of your mind

      You've had countless realizations and insights over the years; ‘hits’ of fresh new thinking that have aligned your embodied understanding of life more closely with reality. If you'd like a simple metaphor for this, look at the FedEx logo. There are two images, hiding in plain sight, contained within the logo: A white spoon (poetically concealed in the word ‘Fed’) and a white arrow (hidden in the word ‘Ex’). These two images have always been part of the ‘reality’ of the logo. You may have looked at them hundreds or even thousands of times. You may not have noticed them until now, but they've always been there. The mechanism that takes you from ‘looking’ to ‘seeing’ is realization; a hit of fresh new perception that arrives from beyond your existing model of reality. And once you've seen them, you'll never be able to un-see them. Your realization will have brought your understanding more closely into alignment with reality. Every time you see the FedEx logo from now on, you're going to be reminded of your built-in capacity for realization, of the principles we're exploring in this book, and your innate ability to get results.

       Figure 1.1: The FedEx logo

You possess superpowers

      Your innate capacity for realization is one of a number of ‘superpowers’ you possess; the deep drivers you benefited from as you learned to walk. Take a moment to imagine you're looking out at the world through the eyes of a toddler…

      • Your innate capacity for direction shows you a purpose and possibility that inspire and motivate you.

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