Win the Game of Googleopoly. Bradley Sean V.

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Win the Game of Googleopoly - Bradley Sean V.

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. Bradley

      Win the Game of Googleopoly





      Cover design and image: Wiley

      Copyright © 2015 by Sean V. Bradley Inc. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

      Bradley, Sean V.

      Win the game of Googleopoly: unlocking the secret strategy of search engines / Sean V. Bradley.

      pages cm

      Includes index.

      ISBN 978-1-119-00258-1 (hardback); ISBN 978-1-119-00279-6(ebk); ISBN 978-1-119-00257-4(ebk)

      1. Search engines. 2. Electronic information resource searching. 3. Electronic commerce. 4. Telemarketing. I. Title.

      ZA4230.B73 2015



      Every day I thank God for the gifts that he has blessed me with, and none are more special and incredible than my amazing and loving family. I dedicate this book to them; all of their love and support motivate me to do the absolute best in everything I do.

      Without them in my life, none of this is worthwhile.

      ● My incredible wife Karina Bradley, who spent many hours late night brainstorming with me on this book!

      ● My daughters, Tianna Chanel Mick and Kalina Sarah Bradley.

      ● My sons, Sean V. Bradley II “The Sequel” and Xander K. Bradley.

      ● My Uncle Joey and Aunt Chickie, who are more like a mother and father to me.

      ● My mother, Anna Rodriguez; her hard life and suffering was not in vain. I am who I am in part because of her.

      ● My AWESOME “In-Laws” Robert Uriarte and Nilda Ortiz. They have welcomed me into their lives as their own son.

      And a VERY special dedication to two very important people who are no longer with us:

      ● In loving memory of my grandmother, Sarah Grimaldi; she was the most incredible person in my life and loved me so much.

      ● In loving memory of Karry Moore. He was a good friend and great business partner. It was from him I first learned about Video SEO, and he set me on my course to write this book.


      Writing this book has been a major accomplishment in my career and in my life. It is a milestone – one that I will always cherish. It is a little surreal to think of where I came from and then see where I am now in life. I am humbled and feel blessed for the opportunities that I have had. I have realized my goal of being a published author of a major publishing house – an accomplishment I could not have achieved without numerous amazing friends and experts of the highest level in digital marketing, SEO, video, social media, and so on, helping me by brainstorming, debating, synergizing, and providing good old inspiration!

      I want to first thank JD Rucker, President of Dealer Authority. I live in New Jersey and JD lives in California. We spent many nights on GoToMeeting brainstorming ideas, theories, and details. You, my friend, are brilliant and awesome. Thank you so much for being a part of this book.

      Thank you Tim Martell, President of Wikimotive. Tim, your intense passion for perfection and subject matter expertise inspired me to dig deep and exceed readers' expectations with this book. Your SEO philosophy and social media knowledge were much appreciated. Thank you so much for brainstorming with me and helping me with this book.

      I even went international by connecting with Michael Cirillo, President of FlexDealer in BC, Canada. Thank you so much for your help and wisdom with this book. You were instrumental with your fundamental knowledge of Google's algorithms and advanced website design in relation to onsite SEO. And thank you for the hook-up with Rand Fishkin, Co-Founder of MOZ.

      My man, Christian Jorn, CEO of Remora: Thank you so much, Christian, for all of your help and expertise on advanced SEO strategy as well as mobile SEO. You were truly awesome to brainstorm with, and I truly appreciate your help on this project. This is just the beginning!

      Thank you so much, Eric Miltsch, for your help on this book. Your progressive understanding of where Google is now and where it's going in the future is amazing. You get Google!

      Special thanks to my friend, AJ LeBlanc, Managing Partner of Car-Mercial. What can I say? We've come a long way! Thank you so much for inspiring me to write this book. The “Googleopoly” phrase came from you, and I turned a great thought into a great book! Also, thanks for allowing me to be a part of pioneering the entire video search engine optimization phenomenon in the automotive sales industry, years

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