Google Analytics Integrations. Waisberg Daniel

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Google Analytics Integrations - Waisberg Daniel

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happening right now on your website or app. This is very useful for website debugging, since you can make changes in the code and find out how they are affecting the data in real time.

      ● Tag Assistant (Chrome extension): This extension allows you to check your Google Analytics tag (and other Google tags) while browsing the website. It is a handy tool to check and troubleshoot implementations quickly. Download it from the Chrome Store at

      ● Google Analytics Debugger (Chrome Extension): This extension provides more detailed and technical data (as compared to the extension) about what is being sent from a page to Google Analytics. Download it from the Chrome Store at

      Setting Up the Google Analytics Interface

      In this section you will learn some of the most important settings to help you create a clean Google Analytics account with a good level of data accuracy. For a comprehensive and detailed explanation of all possible tool settings, visit

Setting Up Goals

Goals are the soul of a Google Analytics account; no analysis will provide valuable insights if you do not measure your goals. Goals can be measured in multiple ways: an ecommerce transaction (see previous section), a thank-you page for a newsletter subscription, a session that lasted a certain time, a visit with a certain number of pages viewed, and others. In order to help website owners set up goals, Google Analytics provides a series of templates, as shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 Google Analytics goals templates

      However, if you decide to create a custom goal based on your own needs, you can choose among four goal types:

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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