The Lean Book of Lean. Earley John

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The Lean Book of Lean - Earley John

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how F1 wheel changes have steadily reduced from 20+ seconds to fewer than 5 over the years, with a distinct lack of three-wheeled missiles coming out of the pit lane. So, proof positive the standard ways of working and innovation do work very well together.

Organise your people around outcomes you want

      Companies over the decades (centuries?) have been organised by departments of people focusing on the same activities: finance; marketing; production; sales; quality; planning, etc. In turn, these departments have usually been sub-divided into groups of people all doing the same thing. The reasons for this are many, including skills development, economies of scale, “centres of excellence” and a myriad of other reasons, but one stands out for me: it's easier to manage a group of people if they all have similar skills and are doing similar work. This also makes it easier to “manage talent” and create career paths and promotion opportunities. So, it seems that the majority of companies are organised for the benefit of the people and managers in them, rather than what they are supposed to be delivering to the customer. In addition, this type of organisation creates a lot of barriers and “handoffs” between these departments, resulting in inevitable delay as your value moves through its process towards the customer, and a lot of finger pointing and bickering when things don't go quite according to plan.

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      From Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.



From Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

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