Nonprofit Fundraising 101. Heyman Darian Rodriguez

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Nonprofit Fundraising 101 - Heyman Darian Rodriguez

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to identify new opportunities. Ideally, this information should be stored in your CRM or database (see Chapter 6), but you should export it into a spreadsheet to visualize the full list and better prioritize and discuss it with your team.

       Assign a lead fundraiser to each prospect , so you know who is accountable and can provide updates during regular reviews. Create separate tabs for each type of prospect, especially foundations, companies, and individual donors. Add to the list regularly and review it frequently with your team to measure progress and identify fundraising opportunities. As detailed in Chapter 5, it’s helpful to implement a ranking system, even a simple one, to help you prioritize prospects and determine where to focus your efforts. How connected to your cause and organization are they, and what’s their giving capacity? Focus first on people in your inner circle, such as your board and close connections. Then think beyond the usual suspects, like the wealthy donors in your town known for their philanthropy. Try to identify people off of the radar who are connected to your cause, and devise a strategy for your most important prospects.

       6. Keep It Alive

      Once you’ve spent precious time and resources creating a solid fundraising plan that secures board approval, the worst that can happen is for it to sit on a shelf. Your plan must be a living document that guides your activities, and it must be updated or at least reviewed annually. At each review, involve the board, key staff, and volunteers and evaluate whether you are on point or falling behind. This will allow you to hold people accountable, make strategic decisions, and shift tactics as needed. It will also enable you to recognize and celebrate your successes, something too few of us fundraisers take the time to do! Use your objectives to create key performance indicators and include them in your organizational dashboard, as outlined in Chapter 7, so that evaluation of your fundraising efforts is integrated into the evaluation of your overall organizational health.


      Muhammad Ali once said, “The fight is won or lost before I even get in the ring.” To succeed in fundraising you need to know where you’re going and how you’ll get there. How much money are you trying to raise? and Who are you going to raise it from? You need to be strategic and think long-term, but also clarify the interim steps required for you to succeed. Prosperity for your cause typically doesn’t come quickly; it comes from hard work, a well-conceived strategy, diligent execution, and the investment of time and resources. You need to identify your revenue sources, your resources, and your prospects before you get started to ensure a more mindful approach. Be crystal clear on both your strategies and tactics, and hold yourself and your team accountable to concrete deadlines. Engage key leadership, like your board, and volunteers in your efforts, and revisit your strategy and progress regularly with everyone involved. Create the systems to measure progress, learn from shortcomings, and celebrate successes. When done right, a fundraising plan will do all of this for you; it’s simply a matter of creating it thoughtfully, keeping it alive, and holding yourself to it.

Do’s and Don’ts


      .. include as many key staff, board members, and volunteers as possible in your fundraising planning process.

      .. review your prospect list in advance to ensure your goals are realistic and achievable.

      .. build a diversified fundraising plan that includes goals and objectives, plus tactics that are assigned to an owner with a deadline for each.

      .. review your tactics in the fundraising plan monthly.


      .. create a fundraising plan without the input of your communications and marketing team, or one that lacks a budget to ensure implementation.

      .. assume that all staff payroll, benefits, rent, and utilities are overhead or administrative expenses.

      .. believe you have a fundraising plan in place if you fail to take the time to document it in writing.

      .. create a fundraising plan without integrating your strategic plan into it.

About the Expert

      Andrea McManus is president of The Development Group and a recognized leader in the nonprofit sector. With more than 29 years of experience in fund development, communications, media, public relations, and marketing, McManus has particular expertise in environments where major changes, restructuring, or transition require innovation, leadership, creativity, and an entrepreneurial attitude.

Resource Review

      The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) (

      AFP is a great resource for fundraisers. They have regional chapters all over the world that produce quality events, as well as a large international conference, and a storytelling conference. You can also find helpful resources on their website.

      Future Fundraising Now (

      Jeff Brooks is a regular contributor to Fundraising Success Magazine, and his blog is full of great posts and resources. Check out his podcast, “Fundraising Is Beautiful.”

      Ahern Donor Communications (

      Tom Ahern’s blog is a great source for case studies, sample critiques of fundraising materials, and links to useful resources.

      The Fundraising Authority (

      Find helpful resources including articles, webinars, books, and podcasts. Check out their “Beginner’s Guide to Fundraising” and the article, “How to Write a Successful Fundraising Plan.”

      Joyaux, Simone P. Strategic Fund Development: Building Profitable Relationships That Last (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

      This book focuses on long-term strategic fundraising, rather than the typical transactional approach that fails to nurture your most important donor relationships.

      Network for Good’s Fundraising 123 blog (

      Find a variety of posts and resources on all things fundraising, including the “Fundraising Planning Worksheet: A Tool for Creating Your Annual Fundraising Plan” by Mimi Ho and Priscilla Hung.

      Nonprofit Quarterly (

      A print and online publication that provides articles on a variety of nonprofit topics. Check out their webinars, and sign up for their daily digest.

      M+R Lab (

      A free collection of articles and advice from a group of experienced nonprofit consultants; includes case studies and covers a wide variety of topics, including reports on industry benchmarks.

      The Agitator (

      A great online blog from industry experts Tom Belford and Roger Craver that provides information and advice on nonprofit fundraising and marketing strategies.

      Idealist (

      A very robust

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