The Discover Your True North Fieldbook. Bill George

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The Discover Your True North Fieldbook - Bill George

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1.2: Learning About Your Leadership

      Reviewing your path of life, call to mind those times when you had the opportunity to lead. These can be formal positions of responsibility or simply experiences when you had the privilege of stepping up and influencing others. Choose a leadership experience you are proudest of, one in which you feel you were at your best. In this exercise, put yourself back in that time and describe it as if it were happening to you right now.

      Summarize your proudest leadership experience, starting with the general situation.

      What was the context or setting?





      What triggered your leadership? What caused you to step up and lead?





      What was the outcome? What changed in the people, team, or in the organization as a result?





      How did you feel…

      Before stepping up to lead?



      When you first stepped up to lead?



      When facing the challenges of the situation?



      After the results were in?



      What insights did you just gain about your leadership as you told this story?

      1. ____________________________________________________________________

      2. ____________________________________________________________________

      3. ____________________________________________________________________

      Telling your story is an important part of authentic leadership development. Writing your story down gives you a point of reference and helps you gain perspective on yourself.

      Now let's probe more deeply into this experience when you were at your best so that you can gain even greater insight.

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