The Respectful Leader. Meyer Walter G.

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The Respectful Leader - Meyer Walter G.

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e Respectful Leader

      Additional Praise for The Respectful Leader

      “The Respectful Leader teaches you more, in 90 minutes, about respectful, conscious leadership and its powerful impact on business success than you might ever learn in a lifetime.”

Kevin Rafferty,The Conscious Leaders Coach, author, Wake Up,Get Real, Be Happy—Becoming Your Authentic Self

      “Few business leaders appreciate that respect is the foundation of any high-performing organization. With respectful leadership, all of the other leadership tools and techniques are effective; without it, they all break down. Gregg Ward is the guru of respect and he nails it in this powerful, engaging, and useful fable.”

John N. Kohut,Chief Operating Officer, Orison

      “Ward skillfully summarizes the importance of strong interpersonal relations – so often underappreciated – in the workplace. His story makes it crystal clear how taking the time to improve your skills at respect affects not only the bottom line, but also your staff’s loyalty, commitment, and enthusiasm.”

Eric Cornwell, M.D.,Physician, HR, Satisfaction and Diversity,The Kaiser Permanente Medical Group

      “A powerful and impactful read! Best business fable I’ve read since Death by Meeting. With practical and easily remembered rules of the respectful road, Gregg Ward provides all the information you need to create an environment of respect, trust, teamwork, and high performance, both in your business and for your family.”

Joseph C. Adan,Public Sector Department Head,Captain, U.S. Navy (Ret.)

      “The Respectful Leader is a refreshing antidote to what’s wrong in today’s rude, rushed, and me-first workplace, and a practical guide for those who want to create a civil and courteous culture.”

Christopher Witt,author, Real Leaders Don’t Do PowerPoint

      “This intriguing story clearly illuminates one of the biggest challenges in today’s workplace – the overwhelming lack of respect by people at all levels, and particularly by leaders. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Being respectful is simple – if you reach back and remember the lessons your parents taught you about how to treat other people, then you’re halfway there. Ward’s book provides a useful framework and easy-to-follow guidelines that will take you the rest of the way. The Respectful Leader will allow you to change your culture, change your company, and even change yourself.”

Milton N. Green, Jr.,Director of People & Culture, Renovate America

      “The Respectful Leader offers great, practical insights and techniques on how to build a respectful – and successful – organization.”

Christopher Aaron,Director, Comcast Corporation

      “Ward is right on target with The Respectful Leader. Finally, an easy-to-read and incredibly useful book on the real power of respect and respectful leadership.”

Phil Dixon,Founder and CEO, Academy of Brain-Based Leadership

      “The Respectful Leader is a clever and practical book; a must-read for anyone who is a leader as well as anyone who trains or coaches leaders. The examples that Ward uses for building respect within your company will hit home for anyone who reads this compelling book.”

Sally Daniel,President and CEO, The Sally DanielTraining Group, Inc.

      “Respectful leadership is a business imperative for building a trust-based, collaborative, and effective organization. This book is extremely useful for leaders who want to set an overall tone of respect, as well as to mentor and coach their staff. A great read.”

Robert J. Makar,Partner (ret.), Booz Allen Hamilton

      “Extraordinarily valuable lessons in this book! They sure don’t teach you this stuff in business school. The Respectful Leader is compelling and practical, while also being a quick, engaging, and easy read.”

Mark Schall,Business and Executive Coach

      “This story provides a compelling, ‘real-world’ example of the business challenges that can result from having little or no respect in your workplace. Fortunately, Ward provides practical, easy-to-follow advice on how to turn things around. A must-read for every leader!

Catherine Mattice,author, BACK OFF! Your Kick-Ass Guide to Ending Bullying at Work

      “The greatest leaders make respectful leadership look easy – a skill often mastered through experience. This book offers valuable leadership lessons in an easy-to-read parable and provides simple methods for influencing others without intimidation. Grimace as the new CEO makes all of the classic leadership mistakes you’ll never want to go through and cheer when he transforms into the respectful leader.”

Matthew Rivaldi,Business Faculty, San Diego State University The RESPECTFUL LEADERSeven Ways to Influence Without IntimidationA Business FableGREGG WARD With WALTER G. MEYER

      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Image: © Marc Dufresne/iStockphoto

      Copyright © 2016 by John Wiley and Sons. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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