Wireshark for Security Professionals. Parker Jeff T.

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Wireshark for Security Professionals - Parker Jeff T.

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divided. Details are structured into subtrees along the lines of the data frame's headers. You can collapse/expand a subtree by clicking the arrow sign next to the relevant section. The arrow is pointing to the right if the subtree is collapsed. Once you click on the arrow to expand that subtree, you'll see the arrow points down (refer to Figure 1-3). And, of course, you'll always have the option to expand or collapse all subtrees by right-clicking anywhere in the Packet Details pane to launch its pop-up menu.

      In Figures 1-2 and 1-3, packet number 7 is selected. Whatever packet is selected in the Packet List pane is the packet presented in the panes below it. In this case, it's packet number 7 showing within the Packet Details pane.


      Packets are usually numbered based on the time they are received, although this isn't guaranteed. The packet capture (pcap) library determines how to order the packets.

      If you double-click this packet, a separate window appears, to open the packet details. This is useful when you want to visually compare two different packets quickly. The Packet Details area in Figure 1-3 shows various rows of information that can be expanded or collapsed.

       Capturing Enough Detail

      The first row contains metadata regarding the packet, such as the number of the packet, when it was captured, on what interface it was captured, and the number of bytes captured versus the number of bytes that were on the wire. That last part might sound a little strange. Wouldn't you always capture all the bytes that go across the wire? Not necessarily. Some network capture tools allow you to capture only a subset of the bytes that are actually transmitted across the wire. This is useful if you only want to get an idea of the type of packets that are going across the wire but not what actual data those packets have, which can greatly reduce the size of the packet capture. The downside, of course, is that you get only a limited amount of information. If disk space is not an issue, feel free to capture it all. Just be mindful that you are capturing and storing all traffic traversing that network cable, which can quickly become a significant amount.

      There are ways to limit the size of the capture. For example, instead of truncated packet data, capture only specific packet types and not all traffic. If someone wants to send you a capture, or if you want to see specific traffic, you can have Wireshark capture only the traffic you want, saving space. Everything is done using the right filters – and that section is coming soon enough!

      Packet Bytes Pane

      What follows the Packet Details pane is the Packet Bytes pane. This pane is at the bottom of the screen and wins the award for least intuitive. At first glance, it simply looks like gibberish. Bear with me for a couple of paragraphs; it will all make sense soon.

       Offsets, Hex, and ASCII

      You can see the Packet Bytes pane is divided into three columns. The first, left-most column simply counts incrementally: 0000, 0010, 0020, and so on. That's the offset (in hexadecimal) of the selected packet. Here, offset simply means the number of bits off from the beginning – again, counting in hexadecimal (where 0x0010 = 16 in decimal). The middle column shows information, in hexadecimal, at that offset. The right-hand column shows the same information, but in ASCII. For example, the total amount of information from the very beginning (offset 0000) to offset 0010 is 16 bytes. The middle column shows each of the 16 bytes in hex. The right-hand column shows each of the 16 bytes in ASCII characters. When a hexadecimal value doesn't translate to a printable ASCII character, only a “.” (period), is shown. So the Packet Bytes pane is actually the raw packet data as seen by Wireshark. By default, it is displayed in hex bytes.

      Right-clicking the pane gives you the option to convert the hex bytes into bits, which is the purest representation of the data, though often this might not be as intuitive as the hex representation. Another neat feature is that any row you highlight within the Packet Details pane causes the corresponding data within the Packet Bytes pane to be highlighted. This can be helpful when troubleshooting Wireshark's dissection, as it allows you to see exactly which packet bytes the dissector is looking at.


      When you start your first packet capture, a lot will probably be going on in the Packet List pane. The packets move across the screen too fast to make sense of anything meaningful. Fortunately, this is where filters can help. Filters are the best way to quickly drill down to the information that matters most during your analysis sessions. The filtering engine in Wireshark allows you to narrow down the packets in the packet list so that communication flows or certain activity by network devices becomes immediately apparent.

      Wireshark supports two kinds of filters: display filters and capture filters. Display filter are concerned only with what you see in the packet list; capture filters operate on the capture and drop packets that do not match the rules supplied. Note that the syntax of the two types of filters is not the same.

      Capture filters use a low-level syntax called the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), whereas display filters use a logic syntax you will recognize from most popular programming languages. Three other packet-capturing tools – TShark, Dumpcap, and tcpdump – also use BPF for capture filtering, as it's quick and efficient. TShark and Dumpcap are both command-line packet-capturing tools and provide analysis capabilities, the former being the command-line counterpart to Wireshark. TShark, covered more deeply with example output, is introduced in Chapter 4. The third, tcpdump, is strictly a packet-capturing tool.

      Generally, you use capture filters when you want to limit the amount of network data that goes into processing and is getting saved; you use display filters to drill down into only the packets you want to analyze once the data has been processed.

      Capture Filters

      There are times when capturing network traffic that you can limit the traffic you want beforehand; at other times you will have to because the capture files will grow too large too fast if you don't start filtering. Wireshark allows you to filter traffic in the capture phase. This is somewhat similar to the display filters, which you will read about later in this chapter, but there are fewer fields that can be used to filter on, and the syntax is different. It's most important to understand that a capture filter screens packets before they are captured. A display filter, however, screens what saved packets are displayed. Therefore, a restrictive capture filter means your capture file will be small (and thus a smaller number of displayed packets, too). But using no capture filter means capturing every packet, and thus a large capture file, on which display filters can be used to narrow the list of packets shown.

      While it makes sense for Wireshark to capture everything by default, it does actually use default capture filters in some scenarios. If you are using Wireshark on a remote session, such as through Remote Desktop or through SSH, then capturing every packet would include many packets relaying the session traffic. Upon startup, Wireshark checks to see whether a remote session is in use. If so, a capture filter to filter out remote session traffic is in use by default.

      The building blocks of a capture filter are the protocol, direction, and type. For example, tcp dst port 22 captures only TCP packets with a destination port of 22. The possible types are:

      • host

      • port

      • net

      • portrange

      Direction can be set using src or dst. As you suspect, src is for capturing from a specified source

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