The lovers. Novel. Julia Dobrovolskaya

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The lovers. Novel - Julia Dobrovolskaya

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perched on the nose of one, while one of the clean-shaven guys was wearing skin-tight, white, completely white, pants. Jeans were only starting to become fashionable and were a rarity, accessible only to the “golden youth,” who found money who knows where for foreign clothes and expensive restaurants. White jeans were exceedingly exotic.

      “We hadn’t finished our conversation,” said Konstantin Konstantinovich when Dina looked away from the stage and began to extinguish her cigarette in the ashtray.

      She glanced in surprise at her companion.

      “Have you said everything that you wanted to say about my person?”

      “Yes, everything,” Dina replied.

      “Let me summarize. I am an idiot.”

      “Stop, that’s not what I wanted to say.” Dina tried to interrupt Konstantin Konstantinovich.

      “Wait, wait, wait!” he waved at her. “I am an idiot, but, luckily, not a complete idiot. I’m a womanizer. An incurable womanizer, it seems. On the other hand, I appear to have some rudiments of intellect and a good sense of humor. This is what surprised you the most.” He looked at Dina with a smile.

      Dina lowered her eyes to her plate and inspected the green pea stuck on her fork: when and why did she do that?

      “Why are you silent now? That’s exactly what you said to me.”

      She looked at Konstantin Konstantinovich and said firmly, “All right. That’s exactly what I said.”

      “Well, then,” he laughed. “Does that mean that I have grown a little in your eyes?”

      “I suppose.”

      “Excellent! From this moment on, I will do everything in my power to if not score more points, at least avoid losing the ones I’ve gained.” He picked up his glass. “Hmmm?”

      Dina raised her glass in silence.

      “Well, then,” repeated her teacher. “Now it is my turn to express my surprise. May I?”

      “Please,” replied Dina.

      “Can I be honest?”

      “As much as is possible for you.”

      Konstantin Konstantinovich chuckled at these words and continued, “I understood that you were clever over the three years that I have been teaching your group. I only began to realize that you are beautiful, today, at the exam.”

      “You’re joking,” Dina interrupted.

      Konstantin Konstantinovich shook his head in disagreement. “And I am further persuaded with every passing minute.” His voice changed and started to vibrate slightly with emotion.

      “Don’t,” Dina spoke up in the short pause. “I’m far from Rimma Yakovleva and those other beauties.”

      Konstantin Konstantinovich got himself under control and continued, “You have correctly pointed out about the beauties. A ‘beauty’ and a beautiful woman are two different things. Didn’t you know?”

      Dina started examining her nails again, now trying to get her flustered emotions under control.

      “Indeed, you weren’t one of those beauties, at least, according to my classification. I saw in you a bookworm, a bluestocking, and a future career woman.”

      Dina looked up at him with interest.

      “Today, as you might have noticed, I realized that you have very attractive legs.” He smiled. “But when you put me in my place with just a look, it made me study your more closely.” Now Konstantin Konstantinovich’s emotions were reflected in how much his eyes shone. He took a drag of his cigarette. “And now,” he exhaled. “I can’t stop being surprised.”

      “And what surprises you?”

      “Your extraordinary life position. It’s the first time I’ve heard that it is easier to live by being sincere and natural than being contrived… sneaky… Or by flirting.”

      “What’s so complicated about that?”

      “Well… A person always wants something from others. So they have to adjust… play along… sometimes change themselves, or in better cases, bend to the rules.”

      “Not everyone wants something from other people,” Dina said with her usual confidence.

      “Do you think so? You don’t need anything from anyone else?”

      “No, I don’t.”

      “Hmmm,” Konstantin Konstantinovich said thoughtfully. “Well, perhaps at your current age and position, you need less than what will soon become the absolute necessity.”

      “What do you mean?” she asked incredulously.

      “Right now, you are a student. A smart one. You earn your position as a top student and your family’s pride using your brains, persistence and drive. But time will pass, and you will fall in love…” He stopped suddenly. “Love will come to you…” He stopped again. “Or are you in love already?”

      Dina dropped her gaze to the candle flame and said, “Please continue with your thought.”

      Konstantin Konstantinovich continued. “A person falls in love with another person and starts to demand reciprocal feelings from them. This becomes a performance… a game. Sometimes mediocre, and sometimes simply vile. I suppose you cannot even imagine what love or infatuation can turn into.”

      He spoke in agitation, and Dina suddenly remembered the scene between her mom and Uncle Tolya, although she didn’t know what this had to do with what her teacher was telling her.

      “Then comes your career. It is an even dirtier beast. If you stay yourself, ‘natural and direct’ as you call it, you won’t get anywhere. At best, you will stay in the lowest position until you retire. If your directness will get in the way, they will fire you in a flash.” He took a long drag of his cigarette, then breathed out the smoke and continued much more calmly, with a slight smirk, “So, young lady, perhaps you should reconsider your principles before it is too late.”

      Dina took a deep breath and said, keeping her voice even. “I’m already in love,” she added after a short pause, “with you.” She was silent for a second, but before her companion could say anything, she added, “But I don’t intend to demand anything from you. Do you understand?” She looked directly at Konstantin Konstantinovich.

      “Is that so?” The clearly embarrassed Konstantin Konstantinovich tried to maintain a playful tone.

      But he was taken aback, discouraged, and didn’t know what to do with this confession.

      The hot food arrived very conveniently at this moment, and Konstantin Konstantinovich started to eagerly help the waiter, who was surprised by such keenness.

      Dina was also glad for the reprieve, so she turned to the stage and looked at the musicians and then at the area in front of the stage, where a few

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