Власть над миром. История идеи. Марк Мазовер
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Guinot B. History of the Bureau Internationale de l’Heure, Polar Motion: Historical and Scientifc Problems, ASP Conference Series, vol. 208 (2000), 175.
Faries J. The Rise of Internationalism (New York, 1915), 16 [published version of the 1913 dissertation]. The Otlet comment in: The Union of World Associations: A World Center’ [1914], published in: Boyd Rayward W., ed. International Organisation and the Dissemination of Knowledge: Selected Essays of Paul Otlet (Amsterdam, 1990), 112–129; data from Wallace M., Singer J. D. Intergovernmental Organization in the Global System, 1815–1914: A Quantitative Description, International Organisation, 24:2 (Spring, 1970), 239–287.
Zylberman P. Making Food Safety an Issue: Internationalized Food Politics and French Public Health from the 1870s to the Present, Medical history [Jan. 2004], 48: 1–28; Bates S. One World in Penology, Journal of Criminal law and Criminology (March-April 1948), 38:6, 565–575; Luzatti L. The International Institute of Agriculture, North American Review, 182: 594 (May 1906), 651–659.
Моя благодарность Бойду Рейуорду, декану отделения Отле, за его помощь с Отле.
Tapia and Taieb. Conferences, 17.
Figures in: Alter P. The Royal Society and the International Association of Academies, 1897–1919, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 34:2 (March 1980), 241–264; Tapia C., Taieb J. Conferences et Congres internationaux de 1815 a 1913, Relations internationals, 5 (1976), 11–35.
Hein C. The Capital of Europe: Architecture and Urban Planning for the European Union (London, 2004), ch. 2.
См. Notes for M. Durand, Prefect of Police [21 Dec. 1915] and The Organisation of the Society of Nations [1916] in: Boyd Rayward W., ed. International Organisation and the Dissemination of Knowledge: Selected Essays of Paul Otlet (Amsterdam, 1990), 130–147.
The Belgian Appeal to the World [1931] in ibid., 211–212.
Crease R. P. World in the Balance: the Historic Quest for an Absolute System of Measurement (New York, 2011), 128–136, 156–162.
Minelli E. World Health Organisation: the mandate of a specialized agency of the United Nations, at http://www.gfmer.ch/TMCAM/WHO_Minelli/Index.htm
Doel R., Hoffmann D., Krementsov N. National States and International Science: A Comparative History of International Science Congresses in Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia and Cold War United States’, Osiris, 20 (2005), 49–76.
Donald Harlow, http://donh.best.vwh.net/Esperanto/EBook/chap07.html
Hogben L., Bodmer F. The Loom of Language (London, 1944), ch. 12; Okrent A. In the Land of Invented Languages (New York, 2010), 107–109.
Моя благодарность за терпение в дискуссиях на эту тему моей коллеге Деборе Коэн, чья книга по данному вопросу сейчас готовится к выходу. По вопросам метеорологии см.: Edwards P. A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data and the Politics of Global Warming (MIT Press, 2010).