PHP Programming for Beginners. Key Programming Concepts. How to use PHP with MySQL and Oracle databases (MySqli, PDO). Sergey D Skudaev

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PHP Programming for Beginners. Key Programming Concepts. How to use PHP with MySQL and Oracle databases (MySqli, PDO) - Sergey D Skudaev

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style="font-size:15px;">      Hello, John!

      Hello, James!

      Hello, George!

      Hello, Maria!

      Hello, Peter!

      Hello, James!

      If and else statement

      The if… else statement is used to execute different pieces of code under different conditions.

      It has the following construction:

      If (conditions) {

      Do this.

      } elseif (different condition) {

      Do that.

      } else {

      Do something else.


      Let us create a function that will print a message depending on temperature.

      function weather ($F) {

      if ($F> 78)

      $message=“It is too hot!”;

      elseif ($F <65)

      $message=“It is too cold!”


      $message=“Today is nice outside!”;

      Return $message.”<br />”;


      Let us call the function

      echo weather (80);

      Output: will be “It is too hot!”;

      echo weather (60);

      Output: will be “It is too cold!”;

      echo weather (70);

      Output: will be =“Today is nice outside!”;

      Switch statement

      The switch statement has the following syntax:

      switch (variable) {

      case label1:

      code to be executed if variable =label1;


      case label2:

      code to be executed if variable =label2;



      code to be executed if variable is not equal any label;


      A Switch Example:


      Switch ($temperature_C) {

      Case: 0

      $message=“Water freezing point.”;


      Case: 100

      $message=“Water boiling point!”:



      $message=“Neither freezing nor boiling point.”;


      If we pass in our switch statement variable with the value of 100 we will get Output: “Water boiling point!”

      If we pass 0 we will get Output: =“Water freezing point.”

      Otherwise, we will get Output: “Neither freezing nor boiling point.”


      List is a language construction. It is used to assign a list of variables in one operation.

      In the line below, I assign array $names from the array example above to a list of variables.

      list ($name1, $name2, $name3, $name4, $name5, $name6) = $names;

      print ($name5); will print John because it is the 5th name in the array.

      Multidimensional Arrays

      An example of a two-dimensional array is plane seats. A plane has rows identified by numbers and a few seats in a row identified by letters A, B, C, D, E, and F.

      Let us imagine that we have 7 rows with 6 seats in each of the rows. Define an array of seats in a row as $s. Then in two for loops we can create an array of all seats.

      $s=array (“A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”);

      for ($i=0; $i <7; $i++) {

      $row = $i+1;

      for ($j=0; $j <6; $j++) {

      $seats [$i] [$j] =$row.$s [$j];

      print ($seats [$i] [$j]);

      if (($j % 5 ==0) && ($j> 0))

      print (”<br>”);



      In an inner J loop, we assign a seat value to the two-dimensional array.

      $row = $i +1 because $i starts with 0 and the row starts with 1.

      Then we concatenate a row number with a seat letter in $s array.

      We insert a line break <br> after every 6 seats.

      For that we check if modulo of 5 equals 0. This occurs when $j=5. Since $j starts with 0 we have 6 seats in a row before we insert a break.

      Additionally, we check if $j is greater than 0 because 0 modulo 5 gives 0 and creates an extra break we do not want to have.









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