The Flying Machine Boys in the Wilds. Frank Walton
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“Yes, it’s a small world,” replied Mellen. “Now tell me this,” he went on, “have you any idea as to what Mr. Havens refers in his two rather mysterious messages?”
“Not the slightest!” was the reply.
“I wish we knew where to find Havens at this time,” mused Mellen.
“I don’t think it will be possible to reach him until he wires again,” Ben answered, “because, unless I am greatly mistaken, he is somewhere between New Orleans and this point in his airship, the Ann.”
“I gathered as much from his messages to Bixby,” replied Mellen. “You see,” the manager went on, “I got in touch with Havens to-night through the despatches he sent to Bixby yesterday, I say ‘yesterday’ because it is now ‘to-morrow’,” he added with a smile.
“Then you knew we were here?” asked Ben. “That is,” he corrected himself, “you knew Bixby was expecting us?”
“When Bixby left you at the hotel,” Mellen laughed, “he came direct to the telegraph office, so you see I knew all about it before I burglarized your room.”
“Bixby strikes me as being a very straightforward kind of a man,” Ben suggested. “I rather like his appearance.”
“He’s all right!” replied Mellen.
“And now,” Ben continued, “I’d like to have you remain here a short time until I can call the other boys and get a general expression of opinion.”
“Of course you’ll wait for Mr. Havens?” suggested Mellen.
“Of course,” answered Ben. “However,” he continued, “I’d like to have the other members of the party talk this matter over with you. To tell the truth, I’m all at sea over this suggestion of trouble.”
“I shall be pleased to meet the other members of your party,” replied Mellen. “I have already heard something of them through my correspondence with Mr. Havens.”
Ben drew on his clothes and hurried to Glenn’s room. The boy was awake and opened the door at the first light knock. Ben merely told him to go to the room where Mr. Mellen had been left and passed on to the apartment which had been taken by Jimmie and Carl.
He knocked softly on the door several times but received no answer. Believing that the boys were sound asleep he tried the door, and to his great surprise found that it was unlocked.
As the reader will understand, he found the room unoccupied. The bed had not been disturbed except that some of the upper blankets were missing.
He hastened back to his own room, where he found Glenn and Mellen engaged in conversation. Both looked very blank when informed of the disappearance of Jimmie and Carl.
“What do you make of it?” asked Mellen.
“I don’t know what to make of it!” replied Glenn.
“I think I can explain it!” Ben cried, walking nervously up and down the room. “Don’t you remember, Glenn,” he went on, “that Jimmie and Carl suggested the advisability of going back to the old camp after moonrise and getting the valuable tents, arms and provisions we left there?”
“Sure I remember that!” answered Glenn. “But do you really think they had the nerve to try a scheme like that?”
“I haven’t the least doubt of it!” declared Ben.
“It’s just one of their tricks,” agreed Glenn.
“They must be rather lively young fellows!” suggested Mellen.
“They certainly are!” answered Ben. “And now the question is this,” he continued, “what ought we to do?”
“I’m afraid they’ll get into trouble,” Glenn suggested.
“It was a foolhardy thing to do!” Mellen declared. “The idea of their going back into the heart of that savage tribe is certainly preposterous! I’m afraid they’re already in trouble.”
“Perhaps we ought to get the Bertha and take a trip out there!” suggested Glenn. “They may be in need of assistance.”
“That’s just my idea!” Ben agreed.
“It seems to me that the suggested course is the correct one to pursue,” Mellen said.
“Perhaps we can get to the field before they leave for the valley,” Ben interposed. “They spoke of going after the moon came up, and that was only a short time ago.”
“Well,” said Mellen, “the quicker we act the more certain we shall be of success. You boys get downstairs, if you can, without attracting much attention, and I’ll go out and get a carriage.”
“Will you go with us to the field?” asked Ben.
“I should be glad to,” was the reply.
When the boys reached the corner of the next cross street, in ten minutes’ time, they found Mellen waiting for them with a high-power automobile. He was already in the seat with the chauffeur.
“I captured a machine belonging to a friend of mine,” he said, with a smile, “and so we shall be able to make quick time.”
As soon as the party came within sight of the field they saw that something unusual was taking place there, for people were massing from different parts of the plain to a common center, and people standing in the highway, evidently about to seek their homes, turned and ran back.
“Can you see the flying machines?” asked Ben.
“I can see one of them!” answered Mellen in the front seat. “And it seems to be mounting into the air!”
“I guess the little rascals have got off in spite of us!” declared Ben. “Perhaps we’d better hold up a minute and follow the direction it takes. It may not head for the valley.”
“It’s heading for the valley, all right!” Glenn exclaimed.
“Yes, and there’s something going on in the field below,” Mellen declared. “There are people running about, evidently in great excitement, and the second machine is being pushed forward.”
“Do you think the little rascals have taken a machine apiece?” demanded Ben. “There’s no knowing what they will do!”
“No, I don’t,” replied Glenn. “They’d be sure to stick together.”
“Then we’d better hustle up and find who’s taking out the second machine!” exclaimed Ben. “This does look like trouble, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, it may be all right,” smiled Mellen. “The boys may have taken a machine apiece.”
When the party reached the field the second flying machine was some distance away. The driver, however, seemed to be wavering about in the air as if uncertain of his control of the levers. Once or twice in an uncertain current of air the Bertha came near dropping to the ground. In time, however, he gained better control.