Bible Studies: Essays on Phallic Worship and Other Curious Rites and Customs. Wheeler Joseph Mazzini

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Bible Studies: Essays on Phallic Worship and Other Curious Rites and Customs - Wheeler Joseph Mazzini

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The Contemporary Review for June 1888, says (p. 804) "when Lord Dalhousie passed an Act intended to repress obscenity (in India), a special clause in it exempted all temples and religious emblems from its operation."


See Gougenot des Mousseaux's curious work Dieu et les Dieux, Paris, 1854. When the Luxor monument was erected in Rome, Pope Sixtus V. deliberately exorcised the devils out of possession of it.


"Apology for Smectymnus," Works, p.84.


So Baaljadah [1 Chron. xiv. 7] is Eliada [2 Sam. v. 161.] In 1 Chron. xii. 6, we have the curious combination, Baaljah, i.e. Baal is Jah, as the name of one of David's heroes.


The "Baal" was afterwards taken out of all such names of places, and instead of Baal Peor, Baal Meon, Baal Tamar, Baal Shalisha, etc., we find Beth Peor, Beth Meon, Beth Tamar, etc.


Verse vii. says, "he brake down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the grove." A reference to the Revised Version shows that it was "in the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings [or tents] for the Asherah." See also Ezek. xvi. 16.


Asher was the tutelary god of Assyria. His emblem was the winged circle.


Symposiacs, bk. iv., queat. 6, p. 310, vol. iii., Plutarch's Morals, 1870.


Leviticus, p. 364.


That even more shameful practices were once common is evident from the narratives in Genesis xix. and Judges xix.


Religion of Israel chap. ix., p. 71.


Larousse, in his Grande Dictionnaire Universelle, says: "Le phallos hébraique fut pedant neuf cent ans le rival souvent victorieux de Jéhovah."


Encyclopaedia Britannica, article "Circumcision."


What Tacitus says is, "They do not eat with strangers or make marriages with them, and this nation, otherwise most prone to debauchery, abstains from all strange women. They have introduced circumcision in order to distinguish themselves thereby."

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