Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth. Николай Конюхов

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Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth - Николай Конюхов

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is no longer possible to work with the same intensity. A person who lived physiologically tolerate at high cosmic energies, is then included in the zone of its optimal values for themselves. But this is one side of the issue. Another is that with the growth of cosmic energies, GDP growth. And at the fall of GDP, persons who seized power structures, less willing to go apart with their income. Persons with low income do not have the capacity to defend their interests, their share in GDP is more rich and wealthy.

      For people is critical a certain density of cosmic energy, the cosmic ether. This applies both to differences between countries, and differences between people within a given country. Every country, every people has its optimal zone of cosmic ether density for development. So, humanity has the possibility of changing at the density of cosmic energies varying in a wide range.

      This finding has caused delight: both at the highest cosmic energies, or at their sharp drop down, mankind is doomed to survive. Our survival is guaranteed by people and peoples with different abilities to energetically consume energy of the cosmic ether.

      At the fall of density of the cosmic ether, countries in the low-pressure zone of the cosmic ether are in better position. Their growth rates are beginning to rise, and the developed countries’ rate of growth begins to fall. Thus, the pace of development of the USA in space periods of low cosmic energy becomes a failure.

      We can set what peoples are more prone to consume more intense the cosmic ether by comparing the GDP growth over a long period of time with the speed of rotation of Earth or other signs of change in the cosmic ether density. Naturally, such a comparison is justified for countries with relatively the same technological structure, the level of social division of labor.

      Various economic indicators of even the same country are in different ways connected with the Earth's rotational velocity.

      On the graph presented, World Economic Outlook data reflects the summary measure of the US economy. This is the GDP growth rate, the interest rate and the dollar’s real effective exchange rate (REER). This financial indicator immediately changes after the adoption of relevant decisions by regulators. It does not require the time shift, or at least to scale of days, weeks, months. REER is a generalized indicator of the effectiveness of the US economy relative to other countries. If US share the GDP of other countries – it is a delayed indicator of the effectiveness of the US economy relative to other countries, then REER is current. Prior to 2010 – 2011 years, dollar relatively to other currencies has grown with the growth of cosmic ether density, that is, with an increase in the length of Earth days. We know what mental changes in people correspond to it. These are creativity, activity, resonances with cosmic energies, and others. This is a sign of a special role in the economy of the resonators. But the inverse dependence began in 2011. Why?

      To go to this level of analysis, suggesting an answer to the most difficult problems of our society, we need the requisite knowledge of the physiology and psychology of people.

      So, let’s refer to the results of these studies.

      Chapter 3. Changes in electroencephalogram, psycho-physiological, and physiological characteristics of people as a sequence of influences of non-electromagnetic cosmic energies

      First of all, we need to understand how at the physiological, psycho-physiological level people are different, who are more and less active depending on the rise or fall of cosmic energies. It requires knowledge at the level of higher nervous activity physiology, at the level of the brain mechanisms.

      3.1 Methodology basics

      For a long time away from electromagnetic interference, employees of the Russian holding company have been surveyed, civil servants of sufficiently high status, and others. One of the essential elements of the survey was the removal of the EEG in a relaxation of the person with opened and closed eyes.

      These same individuals were examined by test procedures, biographical method, collected data on many expert estimates, also there were other sources of information. Since for most it was a question of career growth, promotion to a higher position, these individuals were responsible for the examination.

      We simplify all, that the main idea is clear, and secondary facts do not overshadow the main thing.

      Below is a diagram of the electrodes superimposing the person's head.

      Electrodes diversion on the left side of the head have odd indices, and on the righteven.

      There are 8 pickup points on the diagram for simplification:

      F – frontal EEG pickup point (F3, F4);

      C – central EEG pickup point (C3, C4);

      P – supraoccipital, parietal EEG pickup point (P3, P4);

      O – occipital EEG pickup point (O1, O2)

      The main conclusions were made on eight frequencies of discharge points: F3, F4, C3, C4, P3, P4, O1, O2. This is due to the fact that our consciousness is more difficult to analyze nine factors simultaneously. Selected 8 points are sufficient to obtain reliable integer information.

      Points A1 and A2 are related to ears. There was also and diversion from the forehead, the measurement of ECG (electrocardiogram) and GSR (galvanic skin response). Back in the 60’s, G. Lacy et al. (Lacey et all, 1962) have found that the growth rate of the GSR is associated with an increase in heart rate. Emotional survey atmosphere evoked positive emotions. Therefore, the growth rate of the GSR we interpreted as an increase in heart rate. As has been evidenced by periodic revalidations.

      An earlier study (N. Konyukhov, 2015, 2016a, 2016b) has found that EEG changes by 20-30 percent depending on the position of Earth in orbit. EEG changes significantly depending on the location of planets and Moon.

      At this point, an EEG reaction could be both in frequency and in change of the frequency at different points of eavesdropping. Particularly important is the ratio of activity of right and left hemispheres of brain, its frontal and occipital parts. Therefore, in addition to the frequency values of each point and their removal also this ratio has been measuring. It is reflected in the asymmetry coefficient. Thus, the frequency at the point F2 has been divided by the frequency at F1. Then, we have an index of brain asymmetry at point F, and so on.

      For the analysis, it is convenient to use various indexes of asymmetry, which represent relationships between the various frequencies of the EEG point removal rate (Fig .:).

      There can be as much indexes as number of possible frequency ratios measured at different points of measurement. It is complicated. We can look at the chart that gives computer. Then understanding is simplified.

      We can apply this scheme to the scheme of the subject's head to make it more clear what parts of brain are more active at in relation to all patients.

      This is survey results for V. Ivanov. The value of multi-colored circles in the graph represents the frequency of the EEG at the time of a subject performing certain tasks. Location of circles reflects the shift of brain frequencies to the right – or left, to the

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