Economic crisis: Cosmos and people. Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов
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FRS acted in this situation as the greatest therapist. It made an unexpected decision to change rates and to buy back shares with shorter maturities that were reconciled in astronomical terms. Authority of Bernanke and his team acted magically. They did along with the actual economic effect which they brought to the market and psychotherapy. This is not the ultimate cause of the crisis but it was less destructive than in 1929. In 1929, such a therapist, according to the Americans themselves, declared himself President Roosevelt. In the third millennium it was the FRS, which was the most trustful source. Although the money was injected into the economy, the real economy was not reached. It's a fact. Therefore it is impossible to ignore the mitigating crisis factor of low solar activity.
Of course, the causes of the crisis are firstly associated with the violation of financial and economic proportions. They are also connected with the acceleration of socio-economic problems in the society.
In 2007, shortly before the beginning of the active phase of the global financial crisis, the volume of the CDS market exceeded $ 60 trillion. The total amount of dollars of derivatives by that time reached approximately 1200 trillion dollars, which is about 20 times more than the world's Gross Domestic Product. Just like in the crisis of 1929, but on a larger scale. According to many experts, it was the collapse in the financial derivatives market has had caused the global financial crisis. Despite the fact that the CDS market share of all derivatives was less than 5%, the role of that tool in the preparation of the 2008 crisis was great.
"This market [CDS] is not regulated, and the holders of the contracts are in absolute ignorance about their protected counterparts. This is the sword of Damocles that is ready to fall as soon as the bankruptcy starts" – wrote George Soros in April 2008. Almost all the banks on Wall Street were both huge assets and liabilities that were regulated by the instruments of CDS, but some banks ("JP Morgan", "AIG", "Lehman Brothers" and others) had such commitments on the order (orders) that exceeded expectations. Everything was on the verge of collapse. But it was a collapse mechanism and it caused wider.
Reasons were connected with the people who had made such imbalances. Their minds refused to understand the truth at the time of slow cumulative increase of those problems. Graphically it looks like icicles falling under the force of the wind that caused the avalanche, which carried away the village. You can talk about the reason of this phenomenon at the level of reasoning that the piece of ice has to blow out the other side. You can talk about the need to avalanche the events. But it is possible to speculate on the scale of climate change that is happening due to the action of cosmic factors. The village was built in the period when the weather was different. It must endure.
Speaking about the reasons of economic crisis, we often argue at the level where it is necessary to send a particular piece of ice or that bag of money. And yet … However, the causes of these events are bigger. Village should move the social structure of society and it must be changed.
If we analyze the reasons for the level of snowflakes and icicles, even the efforts of the best mathematicians with best goals in this world will not give answers to some questions about what to do, what to change, how to avoid crises in the future. This phenomenon is well known: it is impossible to rationally describe probabilistic system inside the system. For this purpose it is necessary to go to a higher system. Unpromising attempt to set the direction of the river flow through the study of the motion of water molecules is on the river and backwaters, but you should take the vortex pools into consideration. Without it is not the method. Problem can be solved simply: look from the outside or go to the river and feel the slightest fluctuations in water and its temperature.
Knowledge is inside us. And "soft power" is the force of gravitational magnetic fields through which a hand is easily swept. It may feel those who follow these forces as they float. But for this you get those "soft force" in response. There is a reason to believe that one must have a special soul, and everything should pass through it. Sometimes we try to learn direction of the river in the laboratory with a powerful mathematical and other software, but we make the studies of water having this water in the pot. The same goes with the economy. We often learn a complex stochastic processes, but not the true reasons for their occurrence.
Proposed methodology to address and overcome the crisis can be compared to the procedure to prevent avalanches. The necessary equipment is set on top of the mountains, which is possible with people gathering around the threatening avalanches, trying to get rid of them by using the air and heat gun. They blow away the snow from the tops. If air pressure does not help, then we have to make the snow melt.
Essence: the pinnacle of power in the system of socio-economic processes does not allow people who are above the objective to look at things with a higher truth because they put the private gain ahead. Do not let those who do not feel "soft power" judge about anything because definitely they can not be guided by what they judge about. And if you hit, you should move. You must expel the non-competent people from the talking activists and replace them with worthy professionals. Only resonators must have power and rule the enterprises and collectives.
Any economic crisis is a sad consequence of the actions of people seeking to get any advantages over others for personal well-being and satisfaction. Such actions bring imbalance to the economic system, which tolerates it to a certain level, and then "resets" or breaks. Crisis in the economy and social explosions is not wanted. But it had become a necessity when the newly-built economic system becomes unreasonable or imbalanced. Crises bring us into harmony with the universe, if we fall out of it. They allow us to survive even if we are in "lawlessness." But we have to survive through hardships, loss, poverty, strife, confrontation and blood.
The acute phase of the crisis years of 2009 was largely overcome. But the things we will be developing in the future depend on whether there was a change in the psycho-economic elite in society, whether people have changed, whether they taught at least something from this crisis. If the psycho of people does not change in the right direction, if the leadership does not come to subjects, the crisis will be just postponed for a while, it is not overcome. We must realize this and become a little wiser. We need to adjust our thoughts and social structure. If you do not do it, the crisis persists and once again we will step on a rake. A complication of the social and economic organization requires more smart people to manage, it requires great minds, but the main thing here is the soul.
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