Macmillan's Reading Books. Book V. Unknown

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Macmillan's Reading Books. Book V - Unknown

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ever-living lamps depend in rows.

          Full in the passage of each spacious gate

          The sage historians in white garments wait:

          Graved o'er their seats, the form of Time was found,

          His scythe reversed, and both his pinions bound.

          Within stood heroes, who through loud alarms

          In bloody fields pursued renown in arms.

          High on a throne, with trophies charged, I viewed

          The youth that all things but himself subdued;

          His feet on sceptres and tiaras trode,

          And his horned head belied the Libyan god.

          There Caesar, graced with both Minervas, shone;

          Caesar, the world's great master, and his own;

          Unmoved, superior still in every state,

          And scarce detested in his country's fate.

          But chief were those, who not for empire fought,

          But with their toils their people's safety bought:

          High o'er the rest Epaminondas stood:

          Timoleon, glorious in his brother's blood:

          Bold Scipio, saviour of the Roman state,

          Great in his triumphs, in retirement great;

          And wise Aurelius, in whose well-taught mind

          With boundless power unbounded virtue joined,

          His own strict judge, and patron of mankind.

              Much-suffering heroes next their honours claim,

          Those of less noisy and less guilty fame,

          Fair Virtue's silent train: supreme of these

          Here ever shines the godlike Socrates;

          He whom ungrateful Athens could expel,

          At all times just but when he signed the shell:

          Here his abode the martyred Phocion claims,

          With Agis, not the last of Spartan names:

          Unconquered Cato shows the wound he tore,

          And Brutus his ill Genius meets no more.

              But in the centre of the hallowed choir,

          Six pompous columns o'er the rest aspire;

          Around the shrine itself of Fame they stand,

          Hold the chief honours, and the Fane command.

          High on the first the mighty Homer shone;

          Eternal adamant composed his throne;

          Father of verse! in holy fillets drest,

          His silver beard waved gently o'er his breast:

          Though blind, a boldness in his looks appears;

          In years he seemed, but not impaired by years.

          The wars of Troy were round the pillar seen:

          Here fierce Tydides wounds the Cyprian Queen;

          Here Hector glorious from Patroclus' fall,

          Here dragged in triumph round the Trojan wall.

          Motion and life did every part inspire,

          Bold was the work, and proved the master's fire.

          A strong expression most he seemed t' affect,

          And here and there disclosed a brave neglect.

              A golden column next in rank appeared,

          On which a shrine of purest gold was reared;

          Finished the whole, and laboured every part,

          With patient touches of unwearied art;

          The Mantuan there in sober triumph sate,

          Composed his posture, and his look sedate:

          On Homer still he fixed a reverent eye,

          Great without pride, in modest majesty,

          In living sculpture on the sides were spread

          The Latian wars, and haughty Turnus dead:

          Eliza stretched upon the funeral pyre,

          Aeneas bending with his aged sire:

          Troy flamed in burning gold, and o'er the throne

          Arms and the Man in golden ciphers shone.

              Four swans sustain a car of silver bright,

          With heads advanced, and pinions stretched for flight,

          Here, like some furious prophet, Pindar rode,

          And seemed to labour with the inspiring God.

          Across the harp a careless hand he flings,

          And boldly sinks into the sounding strings.

          The figured games of Greece the column grace,

          Neptune and Jove survey the rapid race.

          The youths hang o'er their chariots as they run;

          The fiery steeds seem starting from the stone:

          The champions in distorted postures threat;

          And all appeared irregularly great.

              Here happy Horace tuned th' Ausonian lyre

          To sweeter sounds, and tempered Pindar's fire;

          Pleased with Alcaeus' manly rage t' infuse

          The softer spirit of the Sapphic Muse.

          The polished pillar different sculptures grace;

          A work outlasting monumental brass.

          Here smiling Loves and Bacchanals appear,

          The Julian star, and great Augustus here:

          The Doves, that round the infant Poet spread

          Myrtles and bays, hang hov'ring o'er his head.

              Here, in a shrine that cast a dazzling light,

          Sate, fixed in thought, the mighty Stagyrite:

          His sacred head a radiant zodiac crowned,

          And various animals his sides surround:

          His piercing eyes, erect, appear to view

          Superior worlds, and look all Nature through.

              With equal rays immortal Tully shone;

          The Roman rostra decked the Consul's throne:

          Gathering his flowing robe, he seemed to stand

          In act to speak, and graceful stretched his hand.

          Behind, Rome's Genius waits with civic crowns,

          And the great Father of his country owns.

              These massy columns in a circle rise,


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