Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates / Серебряные коньки. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Мэри Мейпс Додж

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Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates / Серебряные коньки. Книга для чтения на английском языке - Мэри Мейпс Додж Classical literature (Каро)

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was the matter with the old doctor? A brightness like sunlight beamed from his face. His eyes were kind and moist; the hand that had lately clutched his cane, as if preparing to strike, was laid gently upon Hans’s shoulder.

      “Put up your money, boy, I do not want it. We will see your father. It’s hopeless, I fear. How long did you say?”

      “Ten years, mynheer,” sobbed Hans, radiant with sudden hope.

      “Ah! a bad case, but I shall see him. Let me think. Today I start for Leyden, to return in a week, then you may expect me. Where is it?”

      “A mile south of Broek, mynheer, near the canal. It is only a poor, broken-down hut. Any of the children thereabout can point it out to your honor,” added Hans with a heavy sigh. “They are all half afraid of the place; they call it the idiot’s cottage.”

      “That will do[74],” said the doctor, hurrying on with a bright backward nod at Hans. “I shall be there. A hopeless case,” he muttered to himself, “but the boy pleases me. His eye is like my poor Laurens’s. Confound it, shall I never forget that young scoundrel!” And, scowling more darkly than ever, the doctor pursued his silent way.

      Again Hans was skating toward Amsterdam on the squeaking wooden runners; again his fingers tingled against the money in his pocket; again the boyish whistle rose unconsciously to his lips.

      Shall I hurry home, he was thinking, to tell the good news, or shall I get the wafles and the new skates first? Whew! I think I’ll go on!

      And so Hans bought the skates.

      Introducing Jacob Poot and His Cousin

      Hans and Gretel had a fine frolic early on that Saint Nicholas’s Eve. There was a bright moon, and their mother, though she believed herself to be without any hope of her husband’s improvement, had been made so happy at the prospect of the meester’s visit, that she yielded to the children’s entreaties for an hour’s skating before bedtime.

      Hans was delighted with his new skates and, in his eagerness to show Gretel how perfectly they “worked,” did many things upon the ice that caused the little maid to clasp her hands in solemn admiration. They were not alone, though they seemed quite unheeded by the various groups assembled upon the canal.

      The two Van Holps and Carl Schummel were there, testing their fleetness to the utmost[75]. Out of four trials Peter van Holp had won three times. Consequently Carl, never very amiable, was in anything but a good humor[76]. He had relieved himself by taunting young Schimmelpenninck, who, being smaller than the others, kept meekly near them without feeling exactly like one of the party, but now a new thought seized Carl, or rather he seized the new thought and made an onset upon his friends.

      “I say, boys, let’s put a stop to those young ragpickers from the idiot’s cottage joining the race. Hilda must be crazy to think of it. Katrinka Flack and Rychie Korbes are furious at the very idea of racing with the girl; and for my part, I don’t blame them. As for the boy, if we’ve a spark of manhood in us, we will scorn the very idea of – ”

      “Certainly we will!” interposed Peter van Holp, purposely mistaking Carl’s meaning. “Who doubts it? No fellow with a spark of manhood in him would refuse to let in two good skaters just because they were poor!”

      Carl wheeled about savagely. “Not so fast, master! And I’d thank you not to put words in other people’s mouths[77]. You’d best not try it again.”

      “Ha, ha!” laughed little Voostenwalbert Schimmelpenninck, delighted at the prospect of a fight, and sure that, if it should come to blows[78], his favorite Peter could beat a dozen excitable fellows like Carl.

      Something in Peter’s eye made Carl glad to turn to a weaker offender. He wheeled furiously upon Voost.

      “What are you shrieking about, you little weasel? You skinny herring you, you little monkey with a long name for a tail!”

      Half a dozen bystanders and byskaters set up an applauding shout at this brave witticism; and Carl, feeling that he had fairly vanquished his foes, was restored to partial good humor. He, however, prudently resolved to defer plotting against Hans and Gretel until some time when Peter should not be present.

      Just then, his friend, Jacob Poot, was seen approaching. They could not distinguish his features at first, but as he was the stoutest boy in the neighborhood, there could be no mistaking his form.

      “Hello! Here comes Fatty!” exclaimed Carl. “And there’s someone with him, a slender fellow, a stranger.”

      “Ha! ha! That’s like good bacon,” cried Ludwig. “A streak of lean and a streak of fat.”

      “That’s Jacob’s English cousin,” put in Master Voost, delighted at being able to give the information. “That’s his English cousin, and, oh, he’s got such a funny little name – Ben Dobbs. He’s going to stay with him until after the grand race.”

      All this time the boys had been spinning, turning, rolling, and doing other feats upon their skates, in a quiet way, as they talked, but now they stood still, bracing themselves against the frosty air as Jacob Poot and his friend drew near.

      “This is my cousin, boys,” said Jacob, rather out of breath. “Benjamin Dobbs. He’s a John Bull[79] and he’s going to be in the race.”

      All crowded, boy-fashion, about the newcomers. Benjamin soon made up his mind that the Hollanders, notwithstanding their queer gibberish, were a fine set of fellows.

      If the truth must be told, Jacob had announced his cousin as Penchamin Dopps, and called him a Shon Pull, but as I translate every word of the conversation of our young friends, it is no more than fair to mend their little attempts at English. Master Dobbs felt at first decidedly awkward among his cousin’s friends. Though most of them had studied English and French, they were shy about attempting to speak either, and he made very funny blunders when he tried to converse in Dutch. He had learned that vrouw meant wife; and ja, yes; and spoorweg, railway; kanaals, canals; stoomboot, steamboat; ophaalbruggen, drawbridges; buiten plasten, country seats; mynheer, mister; tweegevegt, duel or “two fights”; koper, copper; zadel, saddle; but he could not make a sentence out of these, nor use the long list of phrases he had learned in his “Dutch dialogues.” The topics of the latter were fine, but were never alluded to by the boys. Like the poor fellow who had learned in Ollendorf to ask in faultless German, “Have you seen my grandmother’s red cow?” and, when he reached Germany, discovered that he had no occasion to inquire after that interesting animal, Ben found that his book-Dutch did not avail him as much as he had hoped. He acquired a hearty contempt for Jan van Gorp, a Hollander who wrote a book in Latin to prove that Adam and Eve spoke Dutch, and he smiled a knowing smile when his uncle Poot assured him that Dutch “had great likeness mit Zinglish but it vash much petter languish, much petter.”

      However, the fun of skating glides over all barriers of speech. Through this, Ben soon felt that he knew the boys well, and when Jacob (with a sprinkling of French and English for Ben’s benefit) told of a grand project they had planned, his cousin could now and then put in a ja, or a nod, in quite a familiar way.

      The project WAS a grand one, and there was to be a fine opportunity

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That will do – (разг.) Хватит; достаточно


to the utmost – (разг.) изо всех сил


was in anything but a good humor – (разг.) был в плохом настроении


not to put words in other people’s mouths – (разг.) не надо говорить за других


if it should come to blows – (разг.) если дело дойдет до драки


a John Bull – Джон Буль, шутливое прозвище англичан, получившее широкое распространение; впервые употреблено в сатирическом памфлете Дж. Арбетнота (1667– 1735) «Тяжба без конца, или История Джона Буля»