World. From death to life. Andrey Kolyasnikov

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World. From death to life - Andrey Kolyasnikov

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and narrow eyes. Next to her is a guy with dark skin, brown hair, blue eyes and a big nose with a hump. They were sitting on the right side of Go Yang. – Kira Mom and Gena Mezik.

      And finally, Sura Lobbe and Vik Tima. – Tanned white couple sat to the left of leader.

      Sura was a strong woman with a broad bone. Blue eyes, brown hair, height medium. Her husband was a little above average growth, blonde, with expressive grey eyes. In appearance he was about fifty years old – at the beginning of middle age.

      – Yes, – he turned to, who quit the table, musicians, men. One was a little older, he Set, with dark skin, green eyes, slim and not that tall, the other, was already over a hundred years, but the body he was sturdy, stocky and of medium height, broad-shouldered, green eyes, white skin, slightly tanned. He instilled some great power in himself. – I forgot about you. The younger one, Sam Acer, also works in the gardens. And senior your future partner and teacher, as we think: hunter Luka Mia. That’s all. Now you know everyone.

      – As, us you have already sent to the Islands?! – Heard Zef Seth, behind the familiar female voice which was once driving him into a frenzy.

      – Sorry, – hesitated Go. – something with my memory today. Our last couple, perimeter guards Alec Shane and Mora Dor. Finally, our perimeter security programmer…

      Zef Seth turned around and saw a black couple in front of him. She is a slender, short brunette, with wavy lush hair and brown eyes. His eyes were brown, too. Growth Alec was a tall, strongly built, twice as wide as the Zef Seth (although the body was athletically Zef folded). Big fists, and a skin with a bluish tinge. Head shaved bald. She was no more than forty, he is 50—55. And, of course, she:

      – Liya Yume? – Zef was not just surprised, he was dumbfounded.

      – What’s he doing here? – Whether Liya Yume was furious. – Do you know who that is?! Zef Seth himself. How did you get here, you’re a truth – seeker, a servant of the Creators and the law?!

      Leah exuded a fire of hatred, splashing it on a new member of Society. To the scandal broke out, intervened Go Yang:

      – Hush, hush Liya – not he same you sent here. It happens that the Defense fall into the Abyss. Take me, or Luca, again Alec – aren’t we from the same party. – But Liya was unwavering. – He banished you to this continent? He’s the one you… – Go interrupted himself in mid-sentence, realizing that might say too much. – It’s my fault I asked for a new prisoner. We have one hunter, and the other twenty-fifth sectors are complete.

      – I’m not doing my job? – Intervened in the conversation Luka Mia. – And what about the nineteenth sector – there are only eleven people.

      – No, my friend – meat in abundance always, hides, fur. – Go was embarrassed. – Look, we’re not so young, and on the nineteenth: there are some swamps and dead-end production of copper.

      Liya Yume sat down on the chair next to leader. She lowered her head and clasped her arms. Her voice was heard through the tears:

      – Why him? How? You couldn’t get here – it’s just not possible.

      I’m still here. – Zef Sath down next to her, and wanted to put a hand on her shoulder, but decided not to. – And that’s not gonna change. You know how I feel about you.

      – Explain to me: how?

      – Really, – supported Gena Mezik, Liya. – What did he get? – The question was addressed to Go Yang – he talked to the guards and should know the details.

      – Our captain of Defense Zef Seth beat Ger Afin. – With full satisfaction on his face, Go said.

      – Beat?! – Zef’s face shone. – No, I punched him in the face a couple of times.

      The music died down, the game of chess faded into the background. Mora clapped big eyelashes on Zef, she, exciting all question attributed, to the head of the Community:

      – That’s impossible. We at the genetic level can not even, without their knowledge, to touch the Creators. Liya tried to blow up The center of Geya Eternity. I’m in the playback program contributed new data on confessions and the denial of leadership. They were all sent for recycling – twenty Junior – and me with Alec Shane sent into the Abyss.

      Liya wiped her tears away and turned to Zef. Her face was as beautiful as it was three years ago:

      – Captain? – She remembered the words Go. – When did you become Captain?

      Zef bashfully lowered his head:

      – When I took you. Sorry! It was only then that I began to think about everything you said: that the Creators were nothing more than humans; that they were just like us; that we were all just genetic robots serving them… when I wanted to question the head of my party, he told me that I had no right to even breathe next to the Creators. Then he began to insult… – Zef paused, as if remembering something. – I’ll go up to my room and not spoil your evening. Sorry. Will you pick me up tomorrow? – He turned to Luka.

      – Certainly. – Answer Luka. – Stay with us. You, above all, made his choice, and the rest can still be corrected.

      But Zef Seth had heard nothing.

      The whole evening Zef is physically practiced, not letting in my room nobody and Tato came to him four times.

      Chapter 3. “Gods”

      After arriving at the space station, the Gods were distributed among the cabins. It was all done in style, like privileged persons. Getting on the second tier – in the residential complex – as if you get Into the center of Eternity Geya, where only the Creators lived and their protection, there was also a peace Council. Corridors with laminated walls of red oak, and with gold stucco in the corners and cornices. Unusual doors to the cabins were the color of the walls, opening to the side with his hands, turning a small round handle, at the level of the belt.

      The walls of the cabin was gray. Furniture, walnut. A Bureau, covered with green cloth, stood against the wall with a large round window that was decorated with beautiful green bindweed (unfortunately Zef, he did was artificial). On the right side of cabins was a big soft bed, on which lay a white form. Such clothes were worn residents by Geya, people who have not reached adulthood. From clothing Junior that featured gold stripes and the absence of chevrons, or any insignia. Form was a rag, Zef Seth already had the experience to wear such cloth, as a prisoner of the Abyss – it was not an exosuit for the citizens and Ministers are Geya.

      On the suit, lay two bracelets.

      – Copper… – throat Zef pleasure even dry.

      The bracelets were the color of pure copper – it was a favorite color got Set. Copper on Geya mined rare – in its purity, revealed harmful substances, and it is rapidly oxidized, turning into dust so it was coated with a special solution polishes and only used on bracelets of leaders of Defense, and was mined in the Abyss. Zef, the color of pure copper gold, resembled the glow of the sun. These bracelets were the purpose of his service.

      Only the locks snap into place on hands, a bracelet merged with the skin,

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