Россия и современный мир №4 / 2016. Юрий Игрицкий
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1. Барсукова С. Теневая экономика: Специфика фаз в условиях раздатка // Вопросы экономики. – М., 2012. – № 12. – С. 133–145.
2. Кордонский С.Г. Сословная структура постсоветской России. – М.: Ин-т Фонда «Общественное мнение», 2008. – 216 с.
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4. Паппэ Я.Ш. «Олигархи»: Экономическая хроника, 1992–2000. – М.: ГУ-ВШЭ, 2000. – 232 с.
5. Сатаров Г.А. Тепло душевных отношений: Кое-что о коррупции // Общественные науки и современность. – М., 2002. – № 6. – С. 18–27.
6. Сатаров Г.А. Установка респондентов и коррупция // Общественные науки и современность. – М., 2008. – № 5. – С. 48–58.
7. Трансформация российской судебной власти: Опыт комплексного анализа / Горбуз А.К., Краснов М.А., Мишина Е.А., Сатаров Г.А. – СПб.: Норма, 2010. – 480 с.
8. Afanas’ev M. The quality of the state – Russia’s chief problem // Russian politics and law. – N.Y., 2009. – Vol. 47, N 4. – P. 58–72.
9. Barsukova S. Corruption: Academic debates and Russian reality // Russian politics and law. – N.Y., 2009. – Vol. 47, N 4. – P. 8–27.
10. Barsukova S. Das nationale projekt «Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft» 2006–2007 // Russland-analysen. – Bremen; Berlin, 2009. – N 178. – S. 21–24.
11. Barsukova S. The government and bandits: Similarity and difference in theory and in Russian practice // Law enforcement executive forum. – Chicago, 2012. – Vol 12, N 2. – P. 129–136.
12. Barsukova S., Radaev V. Informal economy in Russia: A brief overview // Economic sociology: The European electronic newsletter. – Harvard, 2012. – Vol. 13, N 2. – P. 4–12. – Mode of access: http://econsoc.mpifg.de/archive/econ_soc_13-2.pdf
13. Barsukova S., Zvyagintsev V. Mechanism of «political investment», or how and why business participates in elections and funds party life // Social sciences: A quarterly journal of the Russian academy of sciences. – Minneapolis, 2006. – Vol. 4, N 37. – P. 76–88.
14. Block F. The role of the state in the economy // The handbook of economic sociology / N. Smelser, R. Swedberg (eds.). – Princeton: Princeton univ. press, 1994. – P. 691–710.
15. Firestone T. Criminal corporate raiding in Russia // International law. – Harvard, 2008. – Vol. 42, N 4. – P. 1207–1230.
16. Firestone T. Armed injustice: Abuse of the law and complex crime in post-soviet Russia // Denver journal of international law and policy. – Denver, 2010. – Vol. 38, N 4. – P. 555–580.
17. Gans-Morse J. Threats to property rights in Russia: From private coercion to state aggression // Post-Soviet affairs. – Abington, 2012. – Vol. 28, N 3. – P. 263–295.
18. Gelman V. The iceberg of political finance // The contemporary Russian politics: A reader / Ed. by Archie Brown. – Oxford: Oxford univ. press, 2002. – P. 187–194.
19. Kosals L. Police in Russia: Reform or business restructuring? // Russian analytical digest. – Zürich, 2010. – N 84. – P. 2–5.
20. Ledeneva A. A critique of the global corruption «paradigm» postcommunism from within: Social justice, mobilization and hegemony / Ed. Jan Kubik and Amy Linch. – N.Y.: New York univ. press, 2013. – P. 297–332.
21. Mironov M., Zhuravskaya E. Corruption in procurement and shadow campaign financing: Evidence from Russia, October 2011. [online] Available as SSRN. – Mode of access: http://ssrn. com/abstract=1946806
22. Neopatrimonialism in Africa and beyond / Ed. by D. Bach and M. Gazibo. – N.Y.; L.: Routledge, 2012. – 265 p.
23. Olimpieva I. Background corruption in small and medium-size business. A «weapon of the weak»? // Russian politics and law. – N.Y., 2009. – Vol. 47, N 4. – P. 28–42.
24. Radaev V. Corruption and administrative barriers for Russian business // Political corruption in transition: A sceptic's handbook / Kotkin S., Sajó A. (eds). – Budapest; N.Y.: Central European univ. press, 2002. – P. 287–311.
25. Scott J.C. The analysis of corruption in developing nations // Comparative studies in societies and history. – Cambridge, 1969. – Vol. 11, N 3. – P. 315–341.