The American Missionary. Volume 43, No. 06, June, 1889. Various

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The American Missionary. Volume 43, No. 06, June, 1889 - Various

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University had ever had. Number of students in the Department of Music, 110; a gain of twenty over last year. Special students in Theology, 9; a gain of six over the previous year. There has been a gain of eight in the College Department, two in the Normal, and four in the College Preparatory.

      Mr. Coffin graduated from Fisk University in 1885, and has held important positions as a teacher ever since graduating. He has also bought about $250 worth of books on one of the special courses of study established by the Illinois Wesleyan University, and so successfully complied with the requirements of the course that the result mentioned in the letter below has been reached.


      Dear Sir.—Mr. A.O. Coffin has just been here for his final examination for his Ph.D., and desires me to report to you his performance.

      This last work closes a series of about six examinations upon some thirty papers, requiring from three to five hours' writing on each. The examination held here was oral, before a committee of three of our faculty, and lasted nearly three hours. Mr. Coffin was probed on all sides with everything that had a bearing on his course (Biology), both as to technical and general matters, and slipped but twice in the whole ordeal. Our professors report to me that his previous written work was of the same high character. Of the forty or fifty men who have taken this degree here, within the past fifteen years (all on examination), Mr. Coffin easily stands among the half dozen who have most distinguished themselves. We were much pleased with the gentlemanliness and strength of character he displayed, and no doubt have Fisk University to thank in large measure therefor. Very Truly Yours,



      Spelling by different authorities: Edgeucation, fraze, teadgeous, roughf, icecikles, natcheural, quallyfide, muskeline, femeline and nutur gender.

      Definitions: "A word is a sound that consists from the loungs." "A participle is a form of a verb partaking of the nature of an adjective or a noun and expressing action or human being as flying and sleep."

      A sentence reported in class of small boys: "By the time your brother get home, you'll be done et." (Translation, You'll be through eating.)

      An example of a sentence containing an infinitive used as subject: "To be in the way is bad habits."

      At a meeting held at Hampton last "Indian Emancipation Day," one of the Indian boys in his speech said:

      "Whenever we do anything white man don't like, he call us 'Injun,' whenever we do anything Injun don't like, he call us 'white man.'" He also expressed his conviction that "Injun boy great deal smarter than white boy, 'cause folks expect that Injun will learn as much in three years as white boy does in nine or ten years."

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