The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916. Various
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Charity is the father of sacrifice.
There is no wealth without children. It is the duty of children to wait on elders, not elders on children.
You condemn on hearsay evidence alone, your sins increase.
Men despise what they do not understand.
If thou seeketh to obtain by force what our Lord did not give thee, thou wilt not get it.
Danger of Beauty
He who marries a beauty, marries trouble.
Danger of Poverty
Beg help and you will meet with refusals; ask for alms and you will meet with misers.
Danger of Wealth
It is better to be poor and live long than rich and die young.
A man's disposition is like a mark in a stone, no one can efface it.
Doing Good
If one does good, God will interpret it to him for good.
Duty to One's Self
Do not repair another man's fence until you have seen to your own.
You cannot kill game by looking at it.
Evil Doer
The evil doer is ever anxious.
We begin by being foolish and we become wise by experience.
Familiarity induces contempt, but distance secures respect.
Faults are like a hill, you stand on your own and you talk about those of other people.
Faults of the Rich
If thou art poor, do not make a rich man thy friend.
If thou goest to a foreign country, do not alight at a rich man's house.
Favor of the Great
To love the king is not bad, but a king who loves you is better.
After a foolish action comes remorse.
A person prepared beforehand is better than after reflection.
The day on which one starts is not the time to commence one's preparation.
He who forgives ends the quarrel.
There are three friends in this world–courage, sense, and insight.
Hold a true friend with both of your hands.
Thou knowest the past but not the future. As to what is future, even a bird with a long neck can not see it, but God only.
Gossip is unbecoming an elder.
A matter dealt with gently is sure to prosper, but a matter dealt with violently causes vexation.
There is no medicine for hate.
It is the heart that carries one to heaven.
He is a heathen who bears malice.
Hope is the pillar of the world.
Lack of knowledge is darker than night.
An ignorant man is always a slave.
Whoever works without knowledge works uselessly.
Since thou hast no benefactor in this world, thy having one in the next world will be all the more pleasant.
He who injures another brings injury upon himself.
Laziness lends assistance to fatigue.
A lazy man looks for light employment.
One does not love another if one does not accept anything from him.
If you love the children of others, you will love your own even better.
If one knows thee not or a blind man scolds thee, do not become angry.
Him whose mother is no more, distress carries off.
Necessity of Effort
The sieve never sifts meal by itself.
Old Age
There are no charms or medicine against old age.
The dawn does not come twice to wake a man.
At the bottom of patience there is heaven.
Patience is the best of qualities; he who possesses it possesses all things.