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“Editorial Notes,” Railway Carmens Journal 25, no. 1 (January 1920): 366. Accessed in HathiTrust, https://goo.gl/yebJmi.
Sir R. Murray Hyslop, J. P., “Some Present Features of the Temperance Crusade” (address, Fourth International Congregational Council, Boston, MA, June 29-July 6, 1920), 166. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/7knZd9. Barry Popik located this citation, which is noted on his webpage, “All That Is Necessary for the Triumph of Evil Is That Good Men Do Nothing,” The Big Apple, November 7, 2009, http://www.barrypopik.com /index.php/new_york_city/entry/all_that_is_necessary_for_the_triumph_of_evil_is_that_good_men_do_nothing/.
“Labor,” Business Digest and Investment Weekly 26, no. 5 (July 30, 1920): 75. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/vwW2VX.
“Redhill Brotherhood,” Surrey Mirror and County Post (Surrey, UK), August 29, 1924, 5. Accessed in British Newspaper Archive.
Harry N. Stull, “District Affairs: Indifference Fosters Gangsterism,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), January 22, 1950, B8. Accessed in ProQuest; Fred R. Shapiro, The Yale Book of Quotations (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006), 143. Verified in hard copy.
O. C. Fisher, “Yes, He’s a ‘Party Hack,’ Believes O. C. Fisher,” Rotarian, November 1955, 9. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/ekPKRL.
“Address by President Kennedy to the Canadian Parliament [Extracts], May 17, 1961,” Documents on Disarmament 1961, Publication 5 (Washington, DC: United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1962), 149. Accessed in HathiTrust, https://goo.gl /SdalYj.
“Men, Women, and Affairs,” Springfield Republican (Springfield, MA), December 4, 1892, 4. Accessed in GenealogyBank.
“Miss Sanborn’s Lecture,” Riverside Daily Press (Riverside, CA), April 21, 1893, 4. Accessed in GenealogyBank.
“The Anecdotal Side of Edison,” Ladies’ Home Journal, April 1898, 8. Accessed in ProQuest American Periodicals.
Ralph Keyes, The Quote Verifier: Who Said What, Where, and When (New York: St. Martin’s, 2006), 77, 292. Verified in hard copy.
Current Topics, Youth’s Companion 72, no. 16 (April 21, 1898): 194. Accessed in ProQuest American Periodicals.
“Peace Has Its Victories: An Interesting Address to High School Boys, Delivered by Mr. J. K. Orr,” Savannah Tribune (Savannah, GA), May 21, 1898, 4. Accessed in GenealogyBank.
Brevities, Helena Independent (Helena, MT), June 19, 1898, 2. Accessed in GenealogyBank.
Doing One’s Best, Idaho Daily Statesman (Boise, ID), May 6, 1901, 4. Accessed in GenealogyBank. Top researcher Barry Popik located this citation.
“Thomas Alva Edison,” Scientific American, December 27, 1902, 463. Accessed in ProQuest American Periodicals.
Jonas Howard, “Tomas A. Edison as He Is Today,” Chicago Tribune, November 6, 1904, E2. Accessed in ProQuest.
[Advertisement for shirts, Harry Weiss], Repository (Canton, OH), November 12, 1907, 2. Accessed in GenealogyBank.
Frank Lewis Dyer and Tomas Commerford Martin, Edison: His Life and Inventions, vol. 2 (New York: Harper, 1910), 607. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/R6zYtZ.
M. A. [Martin André] Rosanoff, “Edison in His Laboratory,” Harper’s 165 (September 1932): 406. Verified in microfilm.
Courtney Subramanian, “Forever 21 Is Now Selling a Shirt with an Ayn Rand Quote on It,” Time, October 10, 2013, http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/10/10/forever- 21-cashes – in-on-ayn-rands-objectivist-philisophy/.
Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, reprint of 1943 Bobbs-Merrill edition (New York: Penguin, 1971), 23. Verified in scans.
Janet Lowe, Welch: An American Icon (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2001), 81. Verified in hard copy.
Beverly L. Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans, Love It, Dont Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2003), 398, https://goo.gl/biAIXa.
Kevin Kruse, “Top 100 Inspirational Quotes,” Forbes, May 28, 2013, http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2013/05/28/inspirational-quotes/3/.
Russell Brand, Booky Wook 2: This Time It’s Personal (London: HarperCollins, 2010), 1.
“Franz Kafka > Quotes > Quotable Quote,” Goodreads, accessed November 8, 2013, https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/201816-don-t-bend-don-t-water-it-down-don-t-try-to-make.
Anne Rice, foreword to The Metamorphosis, In the Penal Colony, and Other Stories, by Franz Kafka (New York: Schocken, 1995), 1–3. Great thanks to the helpful librarian at the Beaufort County Library in Beaufort, South Carolina, who accessed the 1995 citation.