Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible. Unknown

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Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible - Unknown

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Esdr 5:46 And so dwelt the priests and the Levites and the people in Jerusalem, and in the country, the singers also and the porters; and all Israel in their villages.

      1 Esdr 5:47 But when the seventh month was at hand, and when the children of Israel were every man in his own place, they came all together with one consent into the open place of the first gate which is toward the east.

      1 Esdr 5:48 Then stood up Jesus the son of Josedec, and his brethren the priests and Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, and his brethren, and made ready the altar of the God of Israel,

      1 Esdr 5:49 To offer burnt sacrifices upon it, according as it is expressly commanded in the book of Moses the man of God.

      1 Esdr 5:50 And there were gathered unto them out of the other nations of the land, and they erected the altar upon his own place, because all the nations of the land were at enmity with them, and oppressed them; and they offered sacrifices according to the time, and burnt offerings to the Lord both morning and evening.

      1 Esdr 5:51 Also they held the feast of tabernacles, as it is commanded in the law, and offered sacrifices daily, as was meet:

      1 Esdr 5:52 And after that, the continual oblations, and the sacrifice of the sabbaths, and of the new moons, and of all holy feasts.

      1 Esdr 5:53 And all they that had made any vow to God began to offer sacrifices to God from the first day of the seventh month, although the temple of the Lord was not yet built.

      1 Esdr 5:54 And they gave unto the masons and carpenters money, meat, and drink, with cheerfulness.

      1 Esdr 5:55 Unto them of Zidon also and Tyre they gave carrs, that they should bring cedar trees from Libanus, which should be brought by floats to the haven of Joppa, according as it was commanded them by Cyrus king of the Persians.

      1 Esdr 5:56 And in the second year and second month after his coming to the temple of God at Jerusalem began Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, and Jesus the son of Josedec, and their brethren, and the priests, and the Levites, and all they that were come unto Jerusalem out of the captivity:

      1 Esdr 5:57 And they laid the foundation of the house of God in the first day of the second month, in the second year after they were come to Jewry and Jerusalem.

      1 Esdr 5:58 And they appointed the Levites from twenty years old over the works of the Lord. Then stood up Jesus, and his sons and brethren, and Cadmiel his brother, and the sons of Madiabun, with the sons of Joda the son of Eliadun, with their sons and brethren, all Levites, with one accord setters forward of the business, labouring to advance the works in the house of God. So the workmen built the temple of the Lord.

      1 Esdr 5:59 And the priests stood arrayed in their vestments with musical instruments and trumpets; and the Levites the sons of Asaph had cymbals,

      1 Esdr 5:60

      Singing songs of thanksgiving, and praising the Lord, according as David the king of Israel had ordained.

      1 Esdr 5:61 And they sung with loud voices songs to the praise of the Lord, because his mercy and glory is for ever in all Israel.

      1 Esdr 5:62 And all the people sounded trumpets, and shouted with a loud voice, singing songs of thanksgiving unto the Lord for the rearing up of the house of the Lord.

      1 Esdr 5:63 Also of the priests and Levites, and of the chief of their families, the ancients who had seen the former house came to the building of this with weeping and great crying.

      1 Esdr 5:64 But many with trumpets and joy shouted with loud voice,

      1 Esdr 5:65 Insomuch that the trumpets might not be heard for the weeping of the people: yet the multitude sounded marvellously, so that it was heard afar off.

      1 Esdr 5:66 Wherefore when the enemies of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin heard it, they came to know what that noise of trumpets should mean.

      1 Esdr 5:67 And they perceived that they that were of the captivity did build the temple unto the Lord God of Israel.

      1 Esdr 5:68 So they went to Zorobabel and Jesus, and to the chief of the families, and said unto them, We will build together with you.

      1 Esdr 5:69 For we likewise, as ye, do obey your Lord, and do sacrifice unto him from the days of Azbazareth the king of the Assyrians, who brought us hither.

      1 Esdr 5:70 Then Zorobabel and Jesus and the chief of the families of Israel said unto them, It is not for us and you to build together an house unto the Lord our God.

      1 Esdr 5:71 We ourselves alone will build unto the Lord of Israel, according as Cyrus the king of the Persians hath commanded us.

      1 Esdr 5:72 But the heathen of the land lying heavy upon the inhabitants of Judea, and holding them strait, hindered their building;

      1 Esdr 5:73 And by their secret plots, and popular persuasions and commotions, they hindered the finishing of the building all the time that king Cyrus lived: so they were hindered from building for the space of two years, until the reign of Darius.

      1 Esdr 6:1 Now in the second year of the reign of Darius Aggeus and Zacharias the son of Addo, the prophets, prophesied unto the Jews in Jewry and Jerusalem in the name of the Lord God of Israel, which was upon them.

      1 Esdr 6:2 Then stood up Zorobabel the son of Salatiel, and Jesus the son of Josedec, and began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, the prophets of the Lord being with them, and helping them.

      1 Esdr 6:3 At the same time came unto them Sisinnes the governor of Syria and Phenice, with Sathrabuzanes and his companions, and said unto them,

      1 Esdr 6:4 By whose appointment do ye build this house and this roof, and perform all the other things? and who are the workmen that perform these things?

      1 Esdr 6:5

      Nevertheless the elders of the Jews obtained favour, because the Lord had visited the captivity;

      1 Esdr 6:6 And they were not hindered from building, until such time as signification was given unto Darius concerning them, and an answer received.

      1 Esdr 6:7

      The copy of the letters which Sisinnes, governor of Syria and Phenice, and Sathrabuzanes, with their companions, rulers in Syria and Phenice, wrote and sent unto Darius; To king Darius, greeting:

      1 Esdr 6:8 Let all things be known unto our lord the king, that being come into the country of Judea, and entered into the city of Jerusalem we found in the city of Jerusalem the ancients of the Jews that were of the captivity

      1 Esdr 6:9 Building an house unto the Lord, great and new, of hewn and costly stones, and the timber already laid upon the walls.

      1 Esdr 6:10 And those works are done with great speed, and the work goeth on prosperously in their hands, and with all glory and diligence is it made.

      1 Esdr 6:11 Then asked we these elders, saying, By whose commandment build ye this house, and lay the foundations of these works?

      1 Esdr 6:12 Therefore to the intent that we might give knowledge unto thee by writing, we demanded of them who were the chief doers, and we required of them the names in writing of their principal men.

      1 Esdr 6:13 So they gave us this answer, We are the servants of the Lord which made heaven and earth.

      1 Esdr 6:14

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