Эпидемия стерильности. Новый подход к пониманию аллергических и аутоиммунных заболеваний. Мойзес Веласкес-Манофф

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Эпидемия стерильности. Новый подход к пониманию аллергических и аутоиммунных заболеваний - Мойзес Веласкес-Манофф

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      E. P. Hoberg. “Phylogeny of Taenia: Species Definitions and Origins of Human Parasites”. Parasitology International 55 Suppl. (2006).


      David L. Reed et al. “Pair of Lice Lost or Parasites Regained: The Evolutionary History of Anthropoid Primate Lice”. BMC Biology 5 (2007).


      Nicholas Wade. “In Lice, Clues to Human Origin and Attire”. The New York Times, March 8, 2007.


      Robin A. Weiss. “Apes, Lice and Prehistory”. Journal of Biology 8, № 2 (2009).


      David Reich et al. “Genetic History of an Archaic Hominin Group from Denisova Cave in Siberia”. Nature 468, № 7327 (2010).


      David L. Reed et al. “Genetic Analysis of Lice Supports Direct Contact between Modern and Archaic Humans”. PLoS Biology 2, № 11 (2004).


      Odile Loreille, Françoise Bouchet. “Evolution of Ascariasis in Humans and Pigs: A Multi-disciplinary Approach”. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 98, Suppl. 1 (2003).


      Увлекательное описание жизни в эпоху позднего палеолита: Brigitte M. Holt. “Hunters of the Ice Age: The Biology of Upper Paleolithic People”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Suppl. 47 (2008).


      Erik Trinkaus, Hong Shang. “Anatomical Evidence for the Antiquity of Human Footwear: Tianyuan and Sunghir”. Journal of Archaeological Science 35, № 7 (2008).


      Mary C. Stiner. “Carnivory, Coevolution, and the Geographic Spread of the Genus Homo”. Journal of Archaeological Research 10, № 1 (2002).


      Murray P. Cox et al. “Autosomal Resequence Data Reveal Late Stone Age Signals of Population Expansion in Sub-Saharan African Foraging and Farming Populations”. PLoS ONE 4, № 7 (2009).


      Luisa Pereira et al. “Population Expansion in the North African Late Pleistocene Signalled by Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup U6”. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, № 1 (2010).


      Yali Xue et al. “Spread of an Inactive Form of Caspase-12 in Humans Is Due to Recent Positive Selection”. American Journal of Human Genetics 78, № 4 (2006). M. Saleh et al. “Differential Modulation of Endotoxin Responsiveness by Human Caspase-12 Polymorphisms”. Nature 429, № 6987 (2004).


      Dennis C. Ko et al. “A Genome-wide In Vitro Bacterial-Infection Screen Reveals Human Variation in the Host Response Associated with Inflammatory Disease”. American Journal of Human Genetics 85, № 2 (2009).


      Хорошую хронику одомашнивания животных можно найти в: M. A. Zeder. “Domestication and Early Agriculture in the Mediterranean Basin: Origins, Diffusion, and Impact”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, № 33 (2008). Brian L. Peasnall et al. “Hallan Çemi, Pig Husbandry, and Post-Pleistocene Adaptations Along the Taurus-Zagros Arc (Turkey)”, Paeléorient 24, № 1 (1998). G. Larson et al. “Patterns of East Asian Pig Domestication, Migration, and Turnover Revealed by Modern and Ancient DNA”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, № 17 (2010). Y. P. Liu et al. “Multiple Maternal Origins of Chickens: Out of the Asian Jungles”. Molecular Phylogenetic Evolution 38, № 1 (2006). A. K. Outram et al. “The Earliest Horse Harnessing and Milking”. Science 323, № 5919 (2009).


      Carlos A. Driscoll, David W. Macdonald, and Stephen J. Obrien. “From Wild Animals to Domestic Pets, an Evolutionary View of Domestication”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106, Suppl. 1 (2009).


      Shahina Farid. “Çatalhöyük 2009 Archive Report” (catalhoyuk.com).


      Israel Hershkovitz et al. “Detection and Molecular Characterization of 9,000-Year-Old Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from a Neolithic Settlement in the Eastern Mediterranean”. PLoS ONE 3, № 10 (2008).


      Vered Eshed et al. “Paleopathology and the Origin of Agriculture in the Levant,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 143, № 1 (2010).


      George J. Armelagos. “The Paleolithic Diseasescape, the Hygiene Hypothesis, and the Second Epidemiological Transition” // Rook, The Hygiene Hypothesis.


      См.: Crawford. Deadly Companions, 65.


      Пиктограммы с изображением болезней, напоминающих оспу, датируются 3730–1555 годами до н. э. Мумии с оспой появились в период с 1570 по 1085 год до н. э. См.: Crawford. Deadly Companions, 107.


      J. N. Hays. Epidemics and Pandemics: Their Impacts on Human History. Santa Barbara: ABC–CLIO, 2005.


      Nikola Koepke, Joerg Baten. “The Biological Standard of Living in Europe during the Last Two Millennia”. European Review of Economic History 9 (2005).


      См.: Crawford. Deadly Companions, 84, 86.


      Джаред Даймонд. Ружья, микробы и сталь. История человеческих сообществ. М.:

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