Charade: Impetuous / Outrageous. Lori Foster

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Charade: Impetuous / Outrageous - Lori Foster

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God, what she did to him.

      Gazing at her from his position on his knees, he had to call upon all his restraint to keep from rushing her. He wasn’t himself. Feelings he hadn’t known existed washed over him in hot, insistent waves.

      The small jacket hung from her shoulders, serving more as ornamentation than covering since her breasts were freed. The shadowy room only enhanced her curves and made the moment more intimate. He could see the darkness of her nipples, her navel, the soft feminine curls between her thighs. He lightly brushed his fingers over her, finding her wet and hot. He delved deeper, stroking her, his breaths coming fast and low.

      She gasped, and her hand clasped his wrist.

      He turned his palm so he was holding hers, then took her other hand also, pinning her arms gently to her sides. He leaned forward, and this time it was his tongue that stroked her. She reacted immediately, pulling away, staring at him in appalled fascination.

      Again, he felt that possessiveness, that need to protect her.

      Tyler came slowly to his feet, his face flushed, his chest rising and falling quickly. He kept his tone gentle and quiet. “What’s wrong?”

      Her voice emerged as a dry croak. “It’ can’t.”

      Since he now understood her innocence, Tyler didn’t press her. But he wanted her to realize the depth of her own allure. “I understand, but honey, I want to kiss you there. I want to kiss you everywhere.” He held her eyes, refusing to let her look away, then added in a husky whisper, “You taste like a woman should, very sweet and sexy.”

      She shivered, then pressed her right hand over his chest, near where his heart was thundering. He covered her hand with his own, then began unbuttoning his shirt. He felt her nails as she flexed her fingers into his flesh. He’d never had a woman watch him with such intent curiosity. His body reacted to her interest, tightening and swelling. His gaze never left her face.

      He removed his trousers quickly, hearing her low, fast breathing. He found a condom in his wallet, then tossed his pants aside. He laid the protection on the table.

      When he turned to her again, he saw her uncertainty, and pulled her close, relishing the feel of her naked skin. Kissing her throat and shoulder, his hands curved around her body, his fingers splayed warm and firm on her sensitive belly.

      He was patient and gently persuasive, but he was also very aroused. Deliberately, he nestled his fullness against her buttocks. He needed her to know the effect she had on him.

      He kissed her for a few moments, and when he finally slid his fingers down her belly and into the soft curls between her legs, she didn’t draw away. His fingers delved deeper, and she moaned.

      His heart thundered at the small sound. “That’s it. Relax, sweetheart.” He slid a finger inside her, and she quivered, letting out a short cry. “You’re wet,” he said, softly stroking her, bringing his other hand up to hold a heavy breast, idly plying the nipple with his thumb. She leaned back on him, gasping, and he smiled.

      She clutched at his hard thighs, her fingers biting deep into his muscles. Her legs stiffened, and soft, hungry sounds escaped her throat.

      Close to losing what was left of his control, Tyler lifted her into his arms and carried her quickly to the narrow couch. He laid her down, coming over her and pulling her close.

      She moaned as his mouth closed over her nipple, then moaned again when he smoothed his hand over her soft belly and into her feminine curls. His fingers stroked, dipped, plucked lightly, making her squirm. He lowered his mouth to her nipple and toyed with it, teasing her with his tongue and teeth.

      Her climax took him by surprise. It gripped her body, forcing her to arch wildly, her eyes closed, her mouth open as she gasped and gave low, throaty moans. Enthralled, Tyler watched her, feeling her pleasure and her loss of control. Seeing her shock.

      And when the rushing sensations would have ended, Tyler bent to taste her, crushing down on her with renewed urgency, his hand holding her face still for his kiss. She was crying, unable to help herself, and he kissed her jaw, undone by her soft, breathy sighs.

      “It’s all right now. Shh.”

      She shook her head. With tears clogging her throat and reflecting in her voice, she whispered brokenly, “I’ve never...”

      “Shh. I know.” His mouth skimmed hers, his eyes alight with satisfaction and possession.

      He couldn’t wait any longer.

      Lifting slightly away from her, he reached for the condom and slid it on. She didn’t watch him, but he didn’t think it was embarrassment now, so much as repletion. Her breasts, heaving still, showed soft and white, reflecting the scant light. Her belly still quivered. But there was a small, awed smile on her lips, a look of wonder that filled him.

      Thunder clapped loudly outside, and the storm picked up tempo, mirroring his explosive emotions.

      He began kissing her again, light, biting kisses that made her smile and open her eyes. His muscles were taut, straining for release. She laid her palm to his cheek.

      He sat back to look at her, running his fingers through her hair. It was then he realized she was wearing a wig. The hair was too coarse, too dense to be real. The fact that she had taken such pains to conceal herself only added to her intrigue. His mystery woman.

      She pulled him closer in silent demand.

      He reached down and parted her with his fingers, then gently pushed inside. His groan was long and ragged. Gasping, she twisted against him, her arms tightening, her hips lifting to his. He pressed her knees wider, giving himself more access to her body, then clenched his jaw as he sank deeper. “There we go. All the way.”

      She shuddered as her body adjusted to his length and thickness. It was pure fantasy, he thought, wishing he could stay like this forever. She squirmed beneath him in delicious sensation.

      Tyler shuddered, pressing his hips to hers to still her movements, trying to maintain his barely leashed control, but it was too late. He reared up, his arms stiffened on either side of her, his eyes hot and probing, holding her gaze. Then he began to move.

      The friction was exquisite, and she lifted her hips toward him, taking more, her legs wrapping around him. His gaze dropped to her breasts, to her tightened nipples. He was enthralled, watching her full breasts sway as each of his thrusts rocked her body.

      He threw his head back, biting off a groan. His jaw was tense, his words a growled whisper. “I don’t believe this!”

      He felt her tighten around him, felt the pulsing of her climax. He groaned heavily, and his body went rigid as he climaxed. Then he stilled.

      His weight was now fully upon her and his heartbeat rocked his body with its uneven cadence. He stroked her idly, without thought, without even knowing what he was doing. She smelled so good, and he felt so good.

      She stirred beneath him, and he obligingly raised himself to his elbows. Her mask was askew, and he smiled at the picture she made, tousled innocence, sensual lure. He didn’t want the night to end.

      “Do you have to go anytime soon?”

      That surprised her.


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