Amber Green Takes Manhattan. Rosie Nixon

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Amber Green Takes Manhattan - Rosie  Nixon

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original enough,’ he said. ‘Apparently, we “must try harder”.’ He drew more quote marks in the air with his fingers. ‘What do they want? Windows that chat you up as you walk past?’

      ‘Actually, there could be an idea in that,’ I muttered, unhelpfully.

      As I was leaving work that evening, he pulled me aside. ‘As you can tell it was a heavy day, wasn’t the right time to ask about your sabbatical. I’ll try later in the week, when, hopefully, we’re flavour of the month again. Okay, babe?’

      ‘Okay, thank you, I really appreciate it.’

      ‘What are you two gossiping about?’ Shauna asked, bounding over to stick her nosy beak in.

      ‘Shop windows, what do you think?’ I shot back.

      ‘Come with ideas tomorrow,’ Joseph added, before giving me a wink.

      ‘So I think the wink was an indication that it’s basically going to be fine,’ I reported to Rob when he arrived at mine later that evening. We were staying over with each other almost every night at the moment and it was great. I’m having regular sex! I’m eating something other than hummus and pitta bread for dinner most nights! I’m watching the news with someone to explain the repercussions of Brexit!

      ‘But what will you do if it’s not?’ he asked, confronting the big question that so far I’d been refusing to acknowledge. And he had a point; it could very well go out of my favour if Jeff remained in a foul mood all week.

      ‘I guess I’ll quit,’ I replied after a beat.

      Rob sucked his cheeks in and sighed heavily. ‘Blimey, that’s pressure,’ he said.

      ‘Yes, it is, but I’m sure I’d get another job when we got back.’

      ‘That’s a lot of pressure on me, I mean – I make you lose your job just to come with me to New York for three months.’

      ‘Yes, but I’m not your sheep, Rob, I’ve made the decision too. It’s me that’s taking the risk. Or are you trying to say something else? Are you sure you want me to come to New York with you?’

      The words hung in the air between us for a second too long.


      ‘Of course I do, we’ve been through this before – I’d love nothing more. I just want you to be certain too.’

      ‘I am! I’d give up my job tomorrow if I had to – opportunities like this don’t come along often and I know I’ll regret it for the rest of my life if I don’t come with you. I want to spend as much time with you as I can. Why, are you having second thoughts?’

      He took my head into his hands and looked at me, telling me with his eyes that I should shut up.

      ‘I love you Amber,’ he said finally, ‘risk taker, adventurer and woman I can’t wait to get to know even more in New York.’

      My heart leapt.

      Oh. My. God. He said it. He said he loves me. And the way he said it made me feel like I was the only person in the world.

      ‘I’m pretty sure I love you too,’ I whispered.

      The corners of his mouth turned up and the movement continued until there was a huge grin spread right across his face, lighting up his whole being.

      ‘Pretty sure?’ he said, ‘Have I still got some convincing to do?’

      I blushed.

      ‘Well, I’m pretty sure I know how to start,’ he continued.

      We melted into one another, lips on lips, hands all over one another, his strong body guiding me to the bedroom. Just a few short words, a few seconds in time, and we were on the next level. We are a couple in love.

      This time when we made love it felt different, it was more intense than ever before. I couldn’t help it but afterwards, tears streamed down my cheeks. I don’t think he noticed in the darkness, because he rolled over and was soon lightly snoring, one warm arm flopped over my body. I cried because in that instant it was like I was letting go of all those years as a singleton, all the times I weathered whatever life threw at me on my own, getting on with things, relying on no one but myself. Don’t get me wrong, I was fine with it during that time – but it wasn’t always easy, doing everything alone. Now I had a reason to give myself completely to somebody else, to this gorgeous man, because he loved me and wanted us to be a team.

      I must have been radiating something the next morning, because the man in Pret à Manger gave me a free latte and no sooner had I arrived at work than Joseph pulled me aside to say he’d been in early to chat with Jeff, and Jeff had approved my sabbatical.

      ‘Told him if we didn’t let you go, we’d lose you anyway. You’re lucky, Amber. And with some of that luck I hope you’ll befriend Tom Ford while you’re out there and set him up with me,’ he said, smiling. ‘Just promise you’ll come back, or that will be the end of sabbaticals, forever. I’m not joking.’

      I looked him in the eye. ‘I promise Joseph, thank you so much. I cannot tell you how much this means to me. And I swear I will carry around your photo so I’m prepared when I meet Tom. And I will.’

      ‘Thanks, babe.’ He winked his trademark wink. ‘Let me handle Shauna and the rest of the team. When are you planning to go?’

      ‘We want to fly in a couple of weeks.’ I took a deep breath. Saying it out loud was exhilarating, but also terrifying. ‘We’re looking into flights. I’ll let you know the second we book.’

      ‘You lucky cow.’ He beamed. ‘I love New York. Now, what are your ideas for the windows, now I’ve told Jeff how irreplaceable you are?’

      ‘Well…’ I pulled him aside.

      In between packing up the flat, sorting out travel arrangements and discussing what Rob was going to do with Pinky, I spent the rest of the week putting in extra hours at work and doing all the things I wouldn’t be able to do in New York, like buying Greggs’ ‘three for five pounds’ milk-chocolate cookies and eating them all in one go and getting on a Routemaster bus using the back door and watching Oxford Street whizz past the window on my way home from work. London suddenly had a romantic quality that I was going to miss so much.

      Things were moving apace for Rob and on Wednesday evening, over a Thai takeaway at his, he gave me the good news that his work were going to cover the rent for a studio apartment in New York.

      ‘Now I’ve just got to work on Ben looking after Pinky,’ he said.

      ‘Good luck with that,’ I said, giggling. ‘Gay Pinky and bachelor Ben? Can’t see it happening, somehow. What about your mum?’ He gave me a look. ‘Of course, stupid idea.’

      ‘Your parents?’ he suggested, lifting a brow.

      ‘No way. They hate pets.’

      ‘It’s either Ben or a pig sanctuary then,’ he sighed.


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