Lovers and Newcomers. Rosie Thomas

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Lovers and Newcomers - Rosie  Thomas

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took a folded white handkerchief out of his pocket and did the job for himself.

      ‘It’s all right. No permanent damage,’ he said, sounding pompous in his own ears.

      ‘Really? You’d better let me buy you another drink, though, since the last one went in your shoe.’

      Colin sat upright and looked at her. She was no more than eighteen, with a pretty, monkeyish face. Her open top showed the upper tendrils of a tattoo extending above her right breast. She smiled suddenly at him, and Colin smiled back.

      ‘Just a half,’ he said.

      ‘Right. What was it?’

      ‘That one,’ he pointed. The dog watched with its ears pricked as she bought two halves and carried them back to the table.

      ‘There you go. Can I join you? Just split with my bloke, haven’t I? Mind you, that’s no great loss. He’s a disaster. This is Rafferty, by the way.’ The dog’s tongue fell out of its mouth. ‘And I’m Jessie.’

      ‘Colin,’ Colin said. ‘Sorry about the boyfriend.’

      ‘Uh, well. There’s not a lot of choice round here, that’s the thing. It’s make the best of what there is or DIY, if you get me.’

      Colin laughed.

      ‘So, you on holiday?’

      ‘Not exactly,’ Colin said.

      Jessie took a packet of Golden Virginia and some Rizlas out of her pocket and began to construct a roll-up. ‘It’s all right,’ she pre-empted the barman’s protest. ‘There’s no law against making a fag, is there? I’m not going to smoke it in here.’

      She turned her attention back to Colin. ‘So?’

      ‘I have a friend, some friends, who live near here. I’m just visiting. For a few days, maybe longer.’

      ‘Where’s that, then?’

      ‘Mead House. Do you know it?’

      Jessie turned down the corners of her expressive mouth and wagged her head from side to side.


      ‘Is it?’

      ‘Yeah, it’s posh for this part of the world.’ She gave a quick cough of laughter, and at the same time checked out Colin’s shoes and watch. ‘Dead posh. You should see the places that aren’t. Open your eyes a bit, that would.’

      ‘Do you live in, uh, Meddlett?’

      ‘Yup. Born and bred. And Damon.’


      ‘Him.’ She jerked her head to the door.

      ‘Why was he trying to take your dog?’

      ‘He did belong to both of us. Me and Damon’re living together, right? Rented a place off this bloke who was going abroad, and we got the dog as well, the same time, from a dogs’ home. Made us seem like a family. But the bottom line is he’s mine. Raff knows it, Damon knows it. He was trying it on, just now, that’s all.’

      Jessie raised her chin, but Colin could see that she was on the verge of tears. Rafferty pulled himself forward almost to throttling point in order to rest his jaw on the corner of her knee. He rolled his eyes upwards and Jessie stroked his head.

      ‘Can’t stay with us, Raff, can he? He’ll have to find himself somewhere else to live. Fucking loser,’ she muttered.

      ‘What do you do, Jessie? Have you got a job?’

      She sniffed. ‘Yeah. Course. I’m not one of those scroungers. I’ve been on the casual all summer, since I left sixth-form college. Cleaning. You know, holiday lets and that. End of the season, now, though. I could go on the agricultural, but that’s mostly for the foreigners. Have to think about uni, won’t I, next year? Now me and Damon are finished.’

      ‘That sounds to me like a good idea.’

      He was becoming quite the embodiment of pomposity, Colin thought. He glanced at his watch. Somehow it was now twenty minutes to nine. They had finished their drinks while they were talking.

      ‘Yeah, I gotta go too,’ Jessie said at once. She stood up abruptly and detached Rafferty’s lead. ‘Night all,’ she called loudly to the other customers. Four pairs of eyes watched them as they filed out.

      In the car park, Colin took a deep breath and gave thanks for the fact that he hadn’t tried to buy them both another drink. It was a long time since he had consumed even two pints of beer.

      ‘Nice talking to you,’ Jessie muttered.

      He noticed that there was a full moon behind the tall trees that lined the car park wall, a pale disc floating behind branches and stirring up memories.

      ‘Can I give you a lift anywhere?’

      Jessie was grinning as she considered him. ‘We-ell. Don’t suppose you’re going to jump on me, are you?’

      ‘No.’ Not you, or anyone else.

      ‘All right. It’s the same way you’re going, anyway.’

      Jessie sat beside him with the dog pressed between her knees. They drove in silence, down an empty road turned pewter by the moonlight.

      ‘Just in here,’ she said abruptly, after a mile. The car nosed into a break in the hedgerow barred by a lopsided gate.

      ‘Know your way from here, do you? It’s another mile, then stone gateposts on the right.’

      ‘Yes. I’ve been there before.’

      ‘See you around, Col.’

      The dog bounded out, followed by the girl. Jessie vaulted the gate, the dog squeezed between the lower bars, and they both vanished into the darkness.

      When he turned the corner in the drive, Mead was a blazing patchwork of light that dimmed the moon. Colin sat for a few minutes and stared at the yellow windows, watching as figures passed back and forth inside. It had turned cold under the crackling stars and he shivered.

      Miranda was standing outside the dining-room door as he slipped into the house. She wore her hair in a neat silvery bob but now there were strands sticking out all over her head, and she had the look of just having recovered from laughing very hard.

      ‘Here you are at last,’ she exclaimed to him. ‘Thank goodness. Why’s your phone turned off? We were about to send out a search party.’

      ‘I guessed you might,’ Colin said.

      She kissed him, her mouth rubbing against his, her hands cupping his face.

      ‘Darling, you’re freezing. Come on, come and get warm. Have you eaten? Amos wanted us all to play Sardines. For a moment it looked as though we might have to, but things

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