The Good Terrorist. Doris Lessing
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‘He was trying out Militant for the same reason I was. I was shocked by what I saw going on at work, jobs for pals, as I said…’ Again the brief, social smile, like a frozen apology. ‘We decided at once Militant was not for us. We joined Greenpeace.’
‘Well, of course,’ said Alice, hopefully, ‘but if you are Trotskyists…’ With a bit of luck Mary would say Yes, she counted herself with the Trots, and then of course this house would be impossible…But she heard, ‘We’re not anything at the moment, only Greenpeace. We thought of joining the Labour Party, but we need something more…’
‘Dynamic,’ said Alice, choosing a flatteringly forceful but not ideological word. ‘I think perhaps the CCU would suit you. Anyway, come and see the house.’ She got up, so did Mary – it was like the termination of an interview. Alice had decided that she really did like Mary. She would do. But what of Reggie? Thoughts of Reggie accompanied the two women as they went rapidly around the upper floors. Alice flung open doors on empty rooms, and heard how Mary sighed and longed, and was not at all surprised to hear her say, as they came down the stairs again, ‘Actually, Reggie is in the pub down the road.’
Alice laughed, a robust girl’s laugh, and Mary chimed in, after a pause, with a breathless little tinkle.
‘The thing is,’ said Alice, ‘we have to discuss it. All of us. A group decision, you know.’
‘If we come back in half an hour?’
‘Longer than that,’ said Alice, and added, because of Mary’s beseeching eyes, ‘I’ll do my best.’
She went into the kitchen, where they sat in a fug of comfort (created by her), and sat down, and she put the situation to them.
Because of all that food and chat and good nature and togetherness, there was an explosion of laughter. Literally, they fell about. But there was a theatrical quality to it that Alice did not much like.
Silence at last, and Pat said, ‘Alice, are you saying that if we don’t let them come here, we won’t get this house?’
Alice did not reply at once. At last she said, ‘She wouldn’t do anything spiteful on purpose, I am sure of that. But if she was coming here to live, she’d be careful about what she said. It’s human nature,’ said Alice, feebly, using a phrase which of course was simply beyond the pale.
‘What could she say that would make such a difference?’ Pat persisted.
‘If she said, they are a bunch of Reds, Bob Hood would soon find a reason to have us kicked out. She doesn’t care, because she’s one herself.’
‘That girl is a revolutionary?’ asked Bert, laughing.
‘She’s a Trotskyist. Of a sort. Or she was one.’
‘Then how can they come and live here, Alice?’ said Bert, firm but kind.
‘I don’t think she’s anything much, at the moment. Ideologically. And anyway,’ Alice persisted, courageously, knowing what this argument of hers had cost her in the past, earning her all kinds of accusations, ‘in a sense, aren’t we? After all, we don’t say that Trotsky never existed! We give him full credit for his achievements. We say that it was Lenin who was the real workers’ Leader, and then the comrades there took a wrong turning with Stalin. If saying that Trotsky was a good comrade and he took the wrong turning makes you a Trot, then I don’t see why we aren’t? Anyway, I don’t seem to remember we actually defined our line on Trotsky. Not in the CCU, anyway.’
‘Oh Alice,’ said Jasper, with the finality of superiority, ‘ideology is simply not your line.’
‘Well,’ said Pat, having exchanged efficient looks with Bert, ‘I for one don’t think this is the moment to define our attitude to Comrade Trotsky. There is something in what Alice says. That’s not the point. My point is that this business of having a nice clean house and a roof over our heads is beginning to define us. It is what we do.’
‘It’s taken four days,’ said Alice, ‘four days,’ and she was appealing for justice.
‘Yes, but now it looks as if we are going to have two new people here just to keep the house.’
Jim said, ‘Why don’t we ask them to join the CCU? I’m going to join.’
‘Well, why not?’ said Bert, after a considerable pause. Alice saw him and Jasper exchange a long thoughtful look. She knew they were thinking that perhaps they should go next door to ask someone, who? for advice. Or instruction.
She said, ‘We must decide tonight. The meeting is tomorrow.’ And now she did have her look. Her voice told her so; and told the others, who turned to see how she sat swelling and suffering there.
Bert and Jasper still sat gazing at each other in an abstracted way. What they were doing, in fact, was playing back in their minds what had been said by someone next door, and wondering how to fit this situation into it.
Bert said, ‘I don’t see why we shouldn’t ask them to join. We keep saying we want to recruit. It sounds to me as if these two might be ripe. With a bit of political education…’ And on these words he and Jasper got up, as one, and went out, Jasper remarking, ‘We’ll be back in a minute.’
Pat said, ‘And I’m off. I’m off to visit someone.’
‘But don’t you want to meet Mary and Reggie?’
Pat shrugged, smiled and left. Alice was reminded – as, she was sure, Pat had intended – that Pat did not really care, was going to leave anyway.
Remained Alice and Jim and Philip.
Soon in came Mary, with a man of whom Alice found herself thinking, at first glance, Well, of course! – meaning that he and Mary were a pair. Not in looks, for he was a tall, knobbly-looking man, with very white skin, small black eyes under strong black brows, and dense, very fine black hair. He would be bald early. Where he matched with Mary was in an air of measure, of common sense ordered by what was due. Due, that is, to their surroundings, their fellows, to society. Alice was looking, and she knew it, at respectability. It was not that she did not value this type of good sense; but it was not the kind of sense that would be appropriate here, in this household. It was with an infinite feeling of tolerance she allowed that other people had need of these struts and supports. She was thinking, Good God, they were born to be two nice little bourgeois in a nice little house. They’ll be worrying about their pensions next.
Seeing them together, she felt, simply, that a mistake was being made. They should not be here. Alone with Mary, she liked her. Seeing her with her mate Reggie, Alice felt alienated, with the beginnings of a strong hostility.
‘Sit down,’ she smiled. And she put the saucepan on the stove and switched on the electricity. A pity, a gas stove would be so much better. Well, they would find one on a skip, or even get a reconditioned one for ten pounds or so.
She turned to see Reggie examining Jim, and thought, With a bit of luck he’s colour-prejudiced, and won’t want to be here. But no